
17-Minute Lounge Room Workout! Kids Optional!

{Daily Workout Asskickery, December 21, 2015}

Loungeroom workout1  Loungeroom workout2  Loungeroom workout3

I am a total fitness junkie; I admit it. I HATE the feeling of not moving my body for a day. I feel grotty and gross. Also I tend to start eating crap if I’m sitting around on my ass all day. So for me a DAILY workout is non-negotiable, but honestly it’s also super EASY to do since I don’t make it a ‘rule’ that I HAVE to go to the gym or anything.

Today I used my time out to myself (when kids were being looked after) to have a massage and do some journaling, so I had to get creative when I got back home and wanted to MOVE.

I do these sort of workouts with the kids often; they love it and are total guns at doing their squats, lunges, push ups etc! Nathan my 2yo can even do pull-ups lol.

Here is today’s workout; you can do this style ANYWHERE!

  • 4 rounds of Tabata’s (I wrote about this the other day, 1 Tabata takes 4 minutes and consists of 8 reps that are 20 seconds of HARD FUCKING WORK each followed by 10 seconds pause)
  • 30 seconds rest between each Tabata
  • First 3 rounds were all body work and cardio
  • Final round was all abs stuff

Now for this I seriously just do whatever pops into my mind as I’m going. Sometimes even just chasing the kids. I just do my 20 seconds ON then 10 seconds off. These workouts FLY by.

I was TOTALLY not into it when I started but by the end we were all sweaty and laughing. Result-based action …. 🙂

Here are some examples of exercises I used today:

  • Bodyweight squats
  • Walking lunges
  • Jumping squats
  • Push-ups
  • Clapping push ups
  • Step ups
  • Box jumps (on couch)
  • Chasing kids
  • Star jumps
  • Running on spots
  • Tricep push ups
  • Sit ups
  • Jacknifes
  • Brace (with kids on back!!)

Like I said, I just did whatever popped into my head as I went. Plenty of repeats!

Go train! ANYWHERE … anytime! Never kid yourself you can’t workout, and commit to the RESULTS you desire, for life.