Did you know that Mark Twain confessed many times he never worked a day in his life?
I didn’t know that until this morning, but it doesn’t surprise me at all. After all, I regularly tell my friends, clients, the world – “I do nothing! Nothing at all! All I do is la-di-dah all over the place each day, following dat flow and doing what I WANT!”
And then I throw my head back and my hair blows gaily in the wind, and I laugh upROARIOUSLY.
Oh, the joy, the delight, the joie de VIVRE of it all!
And then we all link elbows and skip merrily down the plain.
Actually I do nothing. Or at least that’s how it feels…
It’s very normal, I think you’ll find.
Well, think about this –
Can you imagine what life would actually be like if you just STFU and got on with doing what your highest self is telling you to?
I’ll give you a little hint. It has something to do with the fact that your highest self already knows how to –
Make millions of dollars
Getcha famous for being you
Have you be in the BEST shape of your life
Attract in the perfect people, in all areas
Manifest the LITERAL life of your dreams
What’s more, she knows how to achieve all of this and SO much more from FLOW.
Where sure sure, you’re technically ‘doing the work’, even the work that hurts, makes you bleed, sweat, cry! But yet at the same time –
ARE you?
Are you actually doing ANYTHING?
Or are you just being you and who you ARE is the damn person who unleashes the things and does the things and IS the damn thing.
You da damn THANG baby.
Me too 😉
And your higher self, you know that chick, she is cool as FUCK and SO damn hot and she?
She has the code, knows the way, she has SEEN the entire motherfucking blueprint and she’s waiting for you to just say YES –
And then get on with it!
Instead you pause, and you hesitate, and you play all coy, and you worry about whether or not you’re good enough or ready or know how or perhaps it will just be too.damn.hard, and all the while, ALL the while, she’s up there just tappin’ her foot and rolling her eyes and wondering –
Will she EVER actually say yes?
Will she ever say yes to soul?
To truth?
To destiny?
To ME?
And with each decision you FAIL TO MAKE to be the real you, the next level you, the you who you came here to be and you ACTUALLY CAN’T PRETEND YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT ‘CAUSE YA DO –
You’re killing her, aren’t you?
Squeezing the very life force out of your own highest self, telling her “sorry babe. Just can’t do it. Don’t feel like it! Bit self-conscious! Not sure where to start! What if this, what if that?! Bad hair day, y’know?”
And there you go,
Eventually – !
Another ‘born for it’ badass who never actually DID it and so maybe,
Was born for nothing at all.
Except to take up space.
Smile politely.
And do whatever the fuck they SAID to do while all the while her heart her soul her mind her ever cell SCREAMED in pain at the HORROR of it.
A new client in my Elite Inner Circle asked me yesterday if I think that everybody has what it takes, to be disciplined, to do the work, to live their dreams.
“Ye-essss”, I said. “I believe they do, I believe everybody has what it takes, but of course most will never even attempt to live that”
“They allow their excuses to matter more … they let fear or ‘I don’t know how’ or ‘I don’t feel like it’ rule them … they don’t realise it is REALLY just a CHOICE – or perhaps they’re just so numbed, pushed down, contracted, by life, that they can’t even ACCESS the power inside.
Which I suppose in a way means that on the surface of it, no, they don’t ‘have what it takes’, as they’ve allowed their power to be turned off, but really, if they had to –
If they HAD to – !
Like, if their life depended upon it, or the kids lives, they would damn well find a way all of a sudden.
So really –
It’s that they didn’t decide to”.
They lived their whole life allowing their bullshit to be bigger than their dreams which, let’s face it, is the ACCEPTABLE HUMAN WAY in current society.
So ugh.
And I wonder –
Don’t you?
What life would be like for these people if they decided to access the power within, EVEN THOUGH THEY DON’T FEEL LIKE IT OR FEEL READY OR KNOW HOW!
It’s a question worth getting uncomfortable with, for YOU.
The truth of the matter is that your sub-conscious self not only has the damn guidebook to your EVERY dream and desire, to your entire destiny, to everything you feel and see inside of you ’cause guess what you don’t SEE shit and FEEL shit and WANT shit unless it’s YOUR shit which is meant to be and which you are indeed RESPONSIBLE for –
And yep, the guidebook is there, the wisdom is there, the knowledge around ALL of it is there and all you have to do, ALL you have to do –
Is ask.
Make space.
Wait, perhaps.
And then ACT.
Here is what else –
Your highest self not only know the ‘how’, she also knows the exact actual reasons you’ve not yet chosen it, felt ready, allowed it, are perhaps even scared of it!
She knows –
That while you may go on and on to the Internet, your journal, your dog, the moon, that ‘this is your year!’, and ‘now I am REALLY gonna rev shit up!’, that actually?
You haven’t even fucking decided.
Maybe ’cause underneath the surface you feel unsure …
Or you don’t know how …
Or it’s all TOO much …
You’re scared.
It doesn’t feel safe.
It’s a bit risky! This whole pressing play thang.
What’s that? No? You never failed to press play because you were scared of what it would cost you, or if you were really good enough, or if life ITSELF was gonna reject you?
Okay then 😉
Well me, I did. And still do, in certain areas! Or at least, have done so until recently.
Now? Not so much.
Just like I came forth like a bat outta hell some years back now in business, deciding to just GET THE FUCK OVER MYSELF and follow the commands of my soul even though no I did NOT at all FEEL like it –
(Thus unleashing my soul work on the world consistently ever since and along the way building this business to a multi-7-figure ALL purpose led online empire-y sorta thing)
– I’m now shedding layers of bullshit like a motherfucker to
A) go to the NEXT next level in business and with income, fame, UNLEASHING
😎 go to the next next level in my body (WATCH OUT IT’S ON!)
C) call in the MAN. The manly man. The one who is gonna throw me down and BE the damn man, in all the ways.
You know the ways.
I KNOW you know the ways!
Where were we?? I lost my train of thought for a second there, weird … 🙂
She knows the damn way.
She knows the damn why.
And she also knows that ACTUALLY, it’s all just a simple matter of you DIDN’T DECIDE YET.
Yes you may have your reasons for that.
Fears, which are understandable.
Wonderments, about all the how.
It still all comes down to decision.
So, what’chu gonna do then?
You gonna keep on walking around, telling yourself, your journal, the world about all the shit that happened to block or stop you, the people who got in your way, the ‘work’ you still need to do (said with a solemn and sad head tilt) in order to heal, be ready, know how?
Or you gonna get the fuck on with it?
Guns blazing.
NO excuses.
DOING the damn thing?
Nah, that’s the 2D way, the normal person way, the RIDICULOUS way, actually.
Because really?
Why would you do ANY damn thing when you can simply BE the damn thing?
If it’s good enough for Mark Twain,
(and basically ever true genius / artist / messenger before / after / ever)
And it’s good enough for ME,
(which it damn well is!)
Just maybe,
It’s good enough for you.
Note to self:
That’s all.
It’s all it’s ever been, actually, if only you’d have just listened.
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