The Best Way to Handle Crazy Ass Stressful Situations! {Podcast 73}
Some people feel that this is the most ANNOYING thing I can do – but it is the BEST stress reliever… in business when something falls through, when your reputation feels threatened, in travel when you think you’re going to miss a flight, when stuff happens in your personal life (your kids break something), or just in general, when shit happens, I say to myself:
“It is what it is. I can’t do anything about it.”
And it drives my husband CRAZY.
A week ago, my husband and kids were supposed to leave Bali – but they didn’t. They missed the flight because of the ginormous ash cloud. And all I could think was “it is what it is.”
There’s no point me losing stressing over “what if.” “What if we miss the flight?” “What if the flight gets cancelled again?”
In business, when I start to feel “what ifs,” coming – I say to myself “it is what it is.”
In ANY entrepreneur’s toolbox, it’s a CRITICAL tool to have in your toolbox. See sometimes, shit just happens regardless. And if you can accept whatever happens – it is what it is – and if you’ve done everything in your control, then just surrender.
Surrender and move on.
I speak to a lot who hyperventilate through their entire life: “what happens if this happens, what happens if someone says this?”
Just SURRENDER. It is what it is. Sometimes shit happens that’s beyond our control.
A lot of this comes down to recognizing the difference between knowing where you should spend your time, versus situations that are out of your control, versus situations where you just need to MAKE A DECISION.
If you can’t make decisions quickly and swiftly, you shouldn’t be in business.
- Move quickly, with focus
- Surrender, and let it all flow
- It is what it is
- You have the power to choose who are
- Think about the latest thing you’ve gone “what if” about. Did that what if come true? Or was it just your mind creating a fear? What decision could you have made instead of convincing yourself “what if”?
- Now, think about something you have to make a decision on today. Make the decision. Move on.