The stuff you dream of is NEVER going to go away okay?
The real stuff, the stuff that maybe at times you tell yourself is just a fantasy, you couldn’t really do that, business couldn’t be that, you don’t deserve that.
The stuff that underpins all of the busywork you spend your time DOING.
The stuff that fills every pocket of your soul and every beat of your every cell, the stuff that just won’t freakin’ stop ASKING you when.
When are you going to stop being so scared, and go for it?
When are you going to get over your excuses, and take action?
When are you going to realise you already have permission, and there’s nothing left for you to do or prove or know or understand in order for you to move forward on this?
Can I ask you a question?
What is it your heart actually wants?
What really MATTERS to you?
What do you know that you know that you know you are called to do?
Okay, that was 3 questions 🙂 but kinda one and the same.
Go quiet now, for a moment. Let the busyness of Facebook, your inbox, the world around you fade –
Who are you, really?
And what are you called to do?
I know you can answer this. I know that maybe you think you need more clarity or understanding or that it sounds too vague or whatever else your doubtful mind is throwing at you, but really all of that is bullshit. Your DEFAULT is to assume you’re not good enough, you don’t have what it takes, you couldn’t even if you tried, it’s not time, and besides, look at that, today is Do Anything But Follow My Dreams Day!
Well here’s the thing gorgeous –
You can keep on fucking around if you want.
Telling yourself that the lies inside your head are real.
But you know they’re not.
And no matter how much you might on the surface scoff at your own dreams, make fun of yourself for thinking that way, mock the absurdness of your mind in even CONSIDERING that your true message might be your message (oh, you don’t think I’ve seen you do this; heard you rubbish yourself in your mind? I’ve heard it!), but the TRUTH is that you know the stuff you’re CALLED to do is for real.
It’s not going to go away.
It’s what you were born for.
So you really might as well get over ALL the reasons not to, because for as long as you go looking for them you’ll find them, and just start pressing play.
How do you do this, how do you create what you want, live as you dream of, receive everything you set your mind to, even the MATERIAL stuff?
You focus, to the best of your ability, fully, on what you want.
You choose what you want, to the best of your ability, from the heart.
You choose to be disciplined enough to CONTINUE to focus on what your heart wants and is called for, even when fear and OMFG what if is trying to sway you.
You stop worrying about what you need to fucking DO and focus instead on the outcome and on just taking that next step.
That’s all you have to do, you know, to have everything you ever want:
Focus on the outcome.
Take the obvious step towards it.
Not a series of steps.
Not a plan.
Not a list of things you need to DO.
Just a simple, obvious, action, based on keeping your end goal in mind and moving towards it.
Is there really another way?
Would you even WANT there to be?
Here is what else you need to realise though, if you want to live your calling and your dreams:
It’s okay to fail.
You need to RELEASE the fear of it not working.
It didn’t work, so what? Just means you didn’t focus properly.
Try again.
If you’re operating out of fear of things not WORKING you’ll be so caught up in what you need to DO in order to do it right and guarantee the outcome (ha!) that you will NOT in fact be focused on that outcome and you won’t be taking the true aligned and natural action to get there.
Look, you can believe in living life according to a series of task-lists and proven strategies if you like.
You do enough of the right things, the things that the Successful People tell you to do (and who the fuck knows whether THEY really have what they want!) and maybe one day you get the reward or rewards.
It’s the push shit up a hill approach to living your dreams.
I don’t really care for it, myself.
I’ve found, that everything powerful that is GOOD that I’ve created, the intrinsic joy and satisfaction and flow but also the big money wins, big material wins, everything, EVERYTHING powerful I’ve created or received that is good has happened when I simply decided what I want –
Decided I would have it –
Focused on having it, with a certain but also relaxed focus; not worrying about what I needed to do and what if I failed, just knowing that one way or the other I’d have it –
And then really only worried about what to do in the HERE AND NOW to get it, and didn’t even remember to THINK about all of the supposed things I should do AFTER the here and now.
You can only ever really be HERE now anyway, you know?
So, from where you are now, and who you are right now, what do you really want?
Close your eyes.
Be still.
Think big picture if you like, or if that’s too confronting and you can’t answer honestly, then start with today, with this moment.
What do you actually want?
What is important to you?
What would be really fucking cool?
Why don’t you ask for something to do with how you want to feel and how you want to own your calling, but let’s make it even more fun and also ask for something tangible you want to receive or create today.
What would be really awesome, today, to have or know or see or embody?
Write it down.
Decide it’s yours.
Keep your mind focused on getting it.
Take any obvious next action towards it.
But for the love of God don’t worry about what you have to do to make it happen.
Magic like this isn’t for everyone of course.
If you can’t consider it, can’t even choose to TRY and believe, then you’ll be better off with your endless –
Endless –
Happier and more successful? Doubtful.
But at least you’ll feel safe.
The choice of how to live and also how to create and receive is yours.
But here is the reality:
It’s really fucking hard, nay impossible actually, to live into your calling and create truly from what’s within, if your entire focus is on what you need to do to get there or survive.
Stop getting so caught up in the ways of the world.
The magic is already in you.
Be true to you.