
Can You Face Your Own Reality?

When was the last time you took stock of your life? I mean really subjected yourself to an honest self-appraisal? Made note of the (true) state of your health and fitness? Without excuses, that is. When did you last compare the direction your job choices have taken you over the past year to the direction you intended to go? Give some thought to the state of your personal life and ‘fess up (if only to yourself) as to whether this was the way your life is ‘supposed’ to look.
Sometimes it’s easier to just forget to self-evaluate. Hear no evil, see no evil, so to speak. And who could blame you? You lead a busy life, I’m sure. Work, gym, social events, domestic chores, facebook … who has time to actually get off the wheel now and then and ask themselves the hard questions? Our lives are too go, go, go! We’re important people! There’s no time to stop! No time to think. No time to decide whether or not this go, go, go life you’re leading is actually the one you want. Or whether it truly satisfies you and allows you to live up to your potential.

You know what? I take back my implication that no-one’s going to blame you for not stopping to think. ‘Cause I think that when all is said and done, you’re going to have a hard time looking yourself in the mirror if you know deep down that you missed out on your dreams because you were just too busy.

Last week I returned from a short trip to Germany. I went back to my second home for a good friend’s wedding. As you can imagine, I was kinda having too much fun while away to sit back and reflect.

But you know what? Returning to real life after a break like this is an excellent time to force some honest self-reflection. When I look at my life, I have to say I’m pretty happy overall. And so I should be! I’ve spent the past decade working to create the business and life that I desire. But there are still elements of my business, my home life, definitely my rest life, and even my health and fitness that I’m not satisfied with. Things that I’ve meant to do for so long now I find them listed in ‘goal’ files from years back, yet still continue to earnestly add them to my new lists – without stopping to actually DO something about it rather than repeatedly write it down!

I’m sure I’m not the only one …

Am I?

If you’re feeling brave, or even if you’re not, take a moment to think about the following questions. Just for starters:

1.    When you look at the way you spend most of your time (I’m guessing work), can you honestly say that you: a) truly enjoy and are passionate about what you do, at least most of the time, or: b) can see that it is an investment in building your career/lifestyle to the point where you WILL be truly passion and enjoyment filled? Bit of a mouthful, I know, but simple to answer … so which is it?

2.    When you consider the people who make up your ‘inner circle’, do you truly look forward to seeing them? Can you honestly say that they build you up rather than tear you down? That you get something – anything – positive from being around them? That you consider each close relationship or friendship to be a worthwhile long-term investment? Maybe that sounds harsh? Well maybe that’s too bad – if the people around you aren’t a positive influence, then, really, what’s the point? I don’t mean you need to surround yourself with creative genius, but there’s gotta be something uplifting there! Even if it’s just that their smile makes you happy.

3.    How about your ‘you’ time? How do you spend your free hours? Exercising? Watching TV? Reading? What do you read? What do you watch? Do you get outdoors and try different activities, visit different places? Or are you too tired to bother? Relaxation is important, but doing nothing is not necessarily relaxing. Often, it can make you feel worse! I didn’t say always ☺. And while I’d definitely promote filling some of your time with exercise, spending all your spare time training is not a great idea either – even a healthy activity can become a source of stress and a reason not to get things done in other areas of your life.

You know, it doesn’t have to take going to Europe to force some self-reflection (although that’s certainly a nice way to precede it!) Just in reading through that you’ve most probably answered all those questions in your head. Maybe it would be worth writing your answers down? I’ve found committing this sort of thing to paper can be incredibly powerful, and it can definitely force action.

Stay with me for another few moments. What are some other hard questions you could ask of yourself? Why not give me – and other readers –  a few ideas in the comments section below. Or, if you’re willing to bare all and give yourself a bit of added accountability, why not post a few hard truths about your own direction? It just might force you to do something! If you make up your mind, then there’s no reason why answering these questions can’t be the start of  an overhaul that turns your life around! Don’t let this be just another ‘good idea’ that doesn’t go anywhere. Don’t let another year float away from you. You deserve a life created with intent. Don’t you?
