Imagine if, from this day forward, you came at life with the belief it wants you to win.
No longer would your fears and carefully over-thought out moves rule your every step and damn near breath, but instead you’d wake up each day and charge forward with gusto KNOWING that your back is got.
Rather than spending half of your time turning round and round in endlessly circles, just about everything you think or do contradicting the last thing or in some way showing that you don’t actually BELIEVE, you’d simple make a decision –
Based on exactly what the fuck you felt or were guided to do –
and then you’d stick to it.
Imagine the time saved, the energy, the chunks small and large of your life which are currently being thrown into the wind here there and everywhere as you dilly-dally, second guess, or try to sort of ‘sneak under the rug’ things you’re hoping you’ll get away with if you’re not too overt about it.
What the actual fuck is that anyway?
This whole idea that the only way you can win, and by win I mean live the life you dream of and see inside of you, create everything you desire and believe is meant for you, with business, with money, with you, is if you somehow manage to GET AWAY WITH IT!
Or if you somehow manage to fluke making the right move!
Or if your wishes desires wants and even basic needs are ordained by some kind of life judge who is apparently sitting up there with a gavel, perpetually changing his mind back and forth as to whether you get to keep on swimming –
(but only just!)
– or sink.
^^ this is some next level bullshit you might wanna stamp out of your thinking right now.
Because here is the reality you’re allowing to be created inside of you. And if you think that that in turn is not absolutely dictating your external reality, then maybe you do need someone else to be dictator of your own life!
Your hesitant, overly cautious, ‘do I dare’, ‘can I really’, ‘should I even try’, ‘what if this’, ‘what if that’, ‘please Sir, just a little bit more’ thinking is, day by day, with every moment you give in to it, becoming the LOCKED IN WAY OF YOUR HEART.
The basis of your mind.
The direction of your soul.
Before you know it, if you allow this to go on, you will have literally CODED yourself to be a person who believes that life is either out to get them,
or, at the very best, that life is a game you have to step very very carefully and deliberately in so that you JUST manage to get what you want, and maybe sneak a few extra little treats in here and there along the way, but not too much, just one bonus a year, one cool surprise every two, one breathe of fresh air and possibility and dreams brought to life, uh, well, never really!
Instead, here is what you COULD be choosing:
Life is here to support you.
Not in some kind of laid-back ‘I won’t fuck with you, but you gotta go take care of your own shit’ sort of way.
Life wants you to WIN.
Life literally is not only rooting for you to own your EVERY dream and hearts desire, but wants to carry you along and give you spending money for the ride.
Life is making plans for YOU.
It has everything in place that it knows you will need, just waiting, at every point you’re gonna need it, kinda like how those cool people stand there with snacks and hydration stuff and cool towels alongside a marathon track.
It is making plans to carry you to the HIGHEST heights you dream of, and to help you unlock the GREATEST depths of your soul.
– It is there for you to step into serious wealth
– It has a plan for you for MASSIVE surplus
– It’s got everything in place for you to get your truest soul work out into the world in the HUGEST way, the ‘you-est’ way
– It has your dream relationship sorted
– And more treats and special surprises and cool AF opportunities along the way than you could shake a stick at!
And all that YOU have to do, is, well, believe!
Yes. I will do the work.
I will go all in at being me.
I will unapologetically own and claim the greatest down to the smallest things I see and feel inside of me.
I will NOT fuck with fear, I will tell it ‘thank you, but no thank you’, we’ve taken your viewpoints to the board and actually your services are not wanted right now, or ever again, so there’s the door, now leave’.
I will persistently wake up, connect in to God and soul as to where my focus gets to do today.
I will be the person today who I dream of one day being.
And I will do the things now that that badass bitch would already be doing!
But I will do this all, no longer with an underlying mindset that if I somehow hack this shit just right then I will GET AWAY WITH UNPARALLELED SUCCESS, but instead I will move forward with a certain belief that LIFE ITSELF IS MY BIGGEST CHEERLEADER AND ALSO ALLY, literally seeing in advance what needs to be moved in place for me, opened up for me, made available for me so that I get to where I’m going FASTER, and then taking care of it!
If you want to continue on with a mindset that your success depends upon you effectively tricking or manipulating or getting away with or fighting your own battles or working against the laws of nature, by all means –
Go do that.
You’ll be one of those people who makes posts about how you got there in spite of how hard life is, and how much shit it threw at you, and how hard it is to rise.
But maybe,
just maybe,
you want to be one of those people who always believed she was born for more.
And who also knew that life itself not only held that place at the top for her,
but also sent the Platinum Fucking VIP Express, with a full smiling expert staff, and every possible goodie and gadget on board to help her get there.
Life wants you to win baby.
Stop holding on so damn tight to the idea that you can possibly screw this shit up.
And surrender to the knowledge that all you have to do is trust in the yes.
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