Entrepreneurship, Purpose, Success/Success Mindset


What it’s all supposed to be about really, this whole quest we’re on, indeed – I believe! – you’re whole raison d’etre, is to find the thing you are not only wildly passionately deeply crazy in love with NOW, but know you will be for life.

The thing you will live for, breathe for, give your all for, until you ultimately die for it.

If you’ve been lucky enough to find that thing already, if right now you KNOW as I speak what it is, you already in fact feel the rise of your heart beating just from thinking about it, being reminded of it, KNOWING it, I hope you know how damn fortunate you are. I commend you, also, for being conscious enough to have RECOGNISED it, also, when it first came to you.

So many don’t.

So many won’t.

So many think that the dreams and the excitement and the feel of THRILL we get when we know are relics of childhood or the years before we Became Responsible Adults, and that it’s irresponsible to act on those feelings or even to give them any mind. There’s too much to be done, after all!

Well, personally I’d rather be an irresponsible adult for life as far as the rules of normal society go, if it means I can follow my heart, follow my heart, follow the THRILL.

Wouldn’t you?

The thing is … I KNOW you would. I know you hear me, you feel me, you ARE me and I am you and our hearts beat in unison to the tune of CREATION and FREEDOM and doing what others WON’T in order to live as they CAN’T, and going where the wild things are which is to say going OH – !

So deep within our own hearts, our own souls, our very cells, in order to let out –

What always had to come out.

I know that you, as me, understand that the entire reason we are HERE is to turn our insides out, and fuck everything else around us.

So I guess my question is –

When exactly do you think you might like to give it a go, this whole follow your flow and do what you were born to do thing?

We’ve ESTABLISHED how rare it is to even KNOW, and you DO know, don’t you?

What is it? The thing which you love so passionately, which takes you away, which when you step INTO it you just know –


This is what I’m meant to be doing.

This is why flesh and bones become something.

This is the entire fucking reason I was BORN, and for the rest of my days I WILL DO THIS.

Say it. Say it aloud, your thing. SCREAM it aloud, right now, I dare you!

And then:

Become very sober and very still and VERY fucking honest and stare deep into the depths of the most SCAREDY-CAT part of your soul, and ask:


I can tell you –

From experience –

That if you don’t do it?

It won’t go away gorgeous.

It will NOT go away! What, you think that if you just keep pushing your truth down and getting on with the job of being whatever the fuck it is you imagine you need to be instead that your passion, your desire, your truth, will FADE?

Well –

Only if you die along the way.

Of course you’re as good as dead anyway, if you’re not going to live anyway!

If you in any way don’t agree with that right now, if you think I don’t get it, or first this, or what about that, or it’s not that simple, or that those other things that you give your life for instead MATTER, then okay-


Thank you for showing yourself as not one of us.

It’s fine.

I’m not here to speak to those who COULD have, who WOULD have, who just HAD to, first.

I’m here to speak to the ones who are crazy bold daring HONEST enough to know:

Nothing else matters.

Do what I came here to do.

Jump off the fucking CLIFF and just –

Just –


Let my heart beat.


With the truth.

GIVE my life, fully.

For the truth.

LIVE my life, only –

For this.

For this.

For this.

There are few of us who ARE indeed crazy enough bold enough daring enough or perhaps it’s just that we MUST enough. I just don’t have the patience … I don’t have it in me … perhaps I’m too SELFISH … to not live the life I was born for.

I tried.

It didn’t take!

The desire didn’t fade. In fact, it ate me alive. And the further I strayed?

The more everything just –

Became God forsaken fucking HORRIBLE.

I tried to eat drink escape busy my way out of knowing that what the real problem was, why I couldn’t breathe at times, why I continually hurt myself each day, why I just couldn’t seem to feel WORTHY enough ever, was all just a choice and it was a choice that I was making to live the wrong LIFE.

So, I walked away.

I RAN the fuck away.

I did it in a MOMENT an INSTANT a single tick of the clock and just because I knew that if I didn’t leave it ALL behind I’d become ever more –


And I look at you –

And I wonder?

For how much longer? Will you allow yourself to live like that, be captured like that, stay TRAPPED like that?

For how much longer would you like, my dear, to continue to SUFFOCATE AND TORTURE YOUR OWN SOUL?

Maybe –

You’re not really like me at all.

Maybe –

You just say you’re an artist, and you’re born for it, and you’ll live for it and then die for it and you KNOW you ARE it.

Maybe –

You’re actually like them.

Because really?

The thing which you love enough to live for, the thing which you’ll live for until you’ll die for, well, you can say it’s your message your truth your art and that you were BORN for it, but REALLY –

The evidence is simple.

The proof is all AROUND.

Your future is being written, now.

And it’s here.

And it’s here.

And it’s everywhere you LOOK.

In your day.

In the way.

You give –

Of your time.

Your energy.

Your soul.

Your life.

Guess what?! This is the life you’re choosing. No, it’s NOT the one you talk of, dream of, wish for, and know in your heart you could HAVE.

It’s this one.

Right now.

It’s the one you LIVE for.

Your mission –

In life –

Should you choose to accept it –

Is to find the thing you can fall in love with and live for forever.

If you already found it and you’re not now giving your ALL for it, then odds are?

You’re actually one of THEM.