

You get to a certain point, somewhere along the journey of business, and life, and becoming, who you were always meant to be, where you realise something that in actual fact?

Is the answer to everything.

For so many years you looked, you wandered, you scoured the ends of the earth, you went as close as you could to the heavens and damn near to the bowels of Hades, you were on the JOURNEY, and happy to be, needed to be, and the whole way through there was always this idea that somewhere,

some day,

in some way,

you will find THE answer, THE missing link, THE ‘one thing’ you’ve just not been seeing that is going to help you to finally unlock EVERYTHING, everything, all of it, so exciting, can’t wait!

By definition, of course, when one is on a journey of learning, and seeking, and growth, one stops to consider things that may get to be taken on board. Adopted, if you will, into the pre-existing way of being.

Yes – I’ll take that belief. Two please, in fact. With an upgrade – extra large!
Yes – I WILL start implementing that behaviour. It makes sense.
Yes – I will drop my errant ways in this or that area over there.
Yes – I will join the tribe of free thinkers and leaders and sometime anarchists who think that way, who have opted out of the normal way of doing life, who have a mentality which is exciting, freeing, new!

And so on, and so it goes –

Ever moving forward.
Ever figuring things out, learning something new.
Ever making slight deviations here, or there, as something shows itself to be worthy of your attention, your time, a piece of your life, OR –

as it shows itself to be some kind of ‘aha’ which, in that moment, you realise YOU HAD TO KNOW, and it has filled a hole.

It’s a never-ending journey, isn’t it? Filling the hole. So often you think that you found ‘it’, that thing which had been missing, that you needed to know, that would fill your cup, and fill you UP, and oh – my! Look! How shiny! How outrageous! How shocking! How important! How new!


Finally my business makes sense … finally I ‘get’ where I’ve been going wrong with money … finally my life has COMPLETEDNESS.



and if you’ve been on this journey for a while, as I have, and as I think you have too, you’ll understand what I mean when I say –


No, that wasn’t the thing.
Yes, once again you were carried away by an idea of having found the solution, the answer, the missing piece of the puzzle, and for a few moments, finally –

You felt free.



Could breathe, and at the same time felt the beat of your heart full, and loud, and clear. PURPOSE, had reawoken you, and with it came new energy, new motivation, new focus. How could you not want more of that?! Thank God that you’d had this revelation!

Can I tell you something you already know?

I’m going to either way 

None of it is the thing.
None of what you EVER find outside of you is the answer you’ve been looking for.
You’ve worked so hard, you’ve traveled so far, and you’re to be applauded for being willing to seek so valiantly, to test, to explore, to ANSWER THE CALL WITHIN that says hey – this is not completedness right here!

But –

Every single time you thought you’d found the thing, what happened?

Soon enough, it lost its shiny newness. It lost its sparkle. Where it had, for a brief moment or three, met your every longing and need, it now seems … well,

not that.

And eventually, you’ll get to a certain point, somewhere along the journey of business, and life, and becoming, and maybe that point is today, where you realise something that in actual fact?

Is the answer to everything.

Where you become the person who just can’t be shaken and swayed and pulled off path anymore.

Because you finally found that the path, the whole entire time you were looking for it, was already there,

and that the very STATE of feeling uncertain, of seeking, of wanting, more …

was not a signal to go find –

but instead just a state of being which, in contrast to what the world will continue to try and persuade you,

just is.

And that in actual fact, you can already do, and be, and create ALL the things now, which you’ve been telling yourself you’ll be able to do, and be, and create, once you fill that hole, find that missing piece, get clarity.

They sold you a lie when they told you that you have to feel or achieve or find ANYTHING in order to be and do and have EVERYTHING.

It’s possible from where you’re at right now.

But as for the hole you’re looking to fill –

That’s the job of God.

And at some point maybe you wanna stop trying to do His job for Him,

and get on with yours.

The thing you’ve forgotten to remember is, you already have everything you need inside of you. So next time you feel tempted to leap off path at an idea,

a pull,

an excitement,

a nudge,

ask yourself –

Is this me going deeper into what and who I always was, and into where stability and truth can ONLY be found?

Or is it another example of me forgetting I already found my core years ago,

and today I get to choose again to live it.