Let’s face it, most of what you give you time and energy to online – and offline too, ’cause it’s largely driven by what you see and who you think you have to be online – is shit you don’t actually care about, and which is luring you into a trap in which you waste your life.
As opposed to, you give them energy and attention and bits of your life because somebody on the INTERNET; usually the Internet as a collective, said – ‘you can’t not’, ‘you must’, ‘this is how to do it right’, ‘be like us’, ‘see, like this’, and so baa-baa-baaing your way along you followed them, and your head said ‘oh, okay then, I’ll try, no, I can go better than that – I’ll give my LIFE to follow your rules!’, and meanwhile to your soul, you said –
‘Not yet’.
The thing is, you don’t even notice it while it’s happening, do you?
It creeps up on you …
It’s insidious …
You’re the proverbial frog being boiled in water, as little by little you adjust, you filter, you lower your standards around your own integrity, moral compass, truth, and you make sure (even though you’d swear this is not you!), to fit in.
And then you find yourself wondering why you feel so BLEUGH so much of the time, more than what should really be sanctioned!
Well, I’ll tell ya – !
It’s because you took your eye off of the damn ball, and the ball is WHAT LIGHTS YOU UP BUT FOR REAL THOUGH?
What lights a fire, a spark, a buzzy little fizzy feeling of OOOH, THAT’S interesting, THAT’S fun, THAT’S a bit naughty?!
And no I don’t mean naughty like, get your clothes off on the Internet.
THAT is the exact sort of shit I mean by gradually becoming one of them, and following the rules!
ANYBODY can do that, and the rule nowadays is basically that everybody SHOULD, or, watch out – you’re not being authentic! Here is how I be authentic, show my ass on the Internet. Give me a break. #eyeroll #soobvious #please
Yeah I am fully aware I’ve taken this path as well … I didn’t say I am immune to these things!! I’m also not saying don’t DO these things, do whatever you want for you and what is right and what sets you on fire with SOUL truth, and the urgency which can only be born of purpose, but let me ask you –
Is it that?
Is it what you’ve created yourself into being, as you watch how the big-time influencers and your favourite ‘authentic and soul-led’ sisters do it, and then you meld, and mold, and carve yourself to fit their vibe? Without even realising it?! Oh, ‘I’m so edgy, I’m following the way paved by ALL the top leaders and shit!’ Get sexy, get a bit naked, shave or die or tatt up extra parts of yourself than what soul would actually do just to show you’re a rebel, pose just so, now write ‘really authentic and vulnerable shit’ to demonstrate how soulful you are, ideally through in a bit of wild / primal / I am woman hear me roar stuff, and for good measure talk about some sort of sexual deviation. Obvs talk about being an activator, and that sort of shit. Crystals on point, #duh.
Don’t you see how OBVIOUS this template is?
They say jump, you say ‘how high?!’.
I’m not judging you, and I’m also not saying I haven’t done this shit! It’s HUMAN NATURE to do this, so don’t feel bad … but maybe wake UP, ’cause no girl –
That’s not actually how you stand out.
That’s NOT what edgy means, it’s SO damn obvious that it really is boring as fuck.
It’s BORING to be open-minded, EVERYBODY is.
It’s BORING to prove show the world how extra or cool you are, how sexual and free and liberated you are, EVERYBODY is.
If you are these things then BE these things, by all means, but my question to you is –
Is this who you are at your core, really?
I don’t think so.
At least not FULLY.
And maybe not at all.
I think –
You’ve given in.
You’ve slipped down the slope which the world will always provide for you.
You’ve become … (UGH, the thing you despise most!) … ONE OF THEM.
Just, one of a different and less obvious; more tricky, pack.
You know what’d actually be fucking edgy, unique, interesting to see on the Internet these days?
Somebody who is closed-minded, knows their damn values and morals, upholds them even though it means they’re NOT cool in this distorted spiritual world, and truly only does the work for the work’s sake.
That’d be fucking edgy.
Question is –
D’ya dare?
And as for how to know what’s the real you?
– would you be posting or becoming that if nobody was watching.
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