

You came to live with fire, to breathe from passion, to create from deepest lit-up truth, to pour forth wisdom from across the ages, and to be a VESSEL

of hope.

The parts of you which are weakened, now weary, you’re dragging exhaustedly along, God wants you to know he is taking them, releasing them, freeing them,

and you.

Your time of overthinking is over, your time of analysis is done, and your need to second guess yourself eternally – it’s complete.

The spirit you were given and which you now get to claim, RECLAIM, and then claim again, is one of boldness, of certainty, of overflowing power, and one which undeniably reflects a heart on fire as only a heart filled with God, with truth, with light, can be.

I know you’ve been running for so long it seems hard to believe there could ever be an end. And I know you’ve been working for so little it’s hard to see at times, when the real payoff will be.

The success you’ve created so far, and what you’ve built, are nothing to be ashamed of. Yet,
it was never meant to be JUST
‘on your terms’
and certainly not
‘in your own strength’.

God is telling you that it’s time for a new way, a new wind, an awakening, a pouring out, and that is where it begins,

is you.

Your surrender.
Your submission.
Your decision,
to trust.

To trust in what he has shown you already,
and what he surely will,
the further you fall
to him.

And at this point, with the road already so greatly traveled behind you and yet so far still to go, there is no reason BUT to fully hand it over.

Do you want to play out another year fighting against what you know it’s meant to be?

Or could you be willing to throw your hands up and admit –

it’s time.

Have your way, God.
Show me.
Tell me.
I will listen.
And obey.

In the end, it always has been and always will be this:

you know the greatness you’re destined for, and who you’re here to be, along with every part of what you desire, fulfilled, is on the other side of the fact that you finally said YES,

and then you lived it.

Today God wants to urge you –

fall into him.


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