

Remember when you were young and you knew you’d be an artist, have it all, live your dreams, on your terms? When you never QUESTIONED if you were unstoppable?

This is about how you’re fucking that up, and you it’s time to stop.

The thing you gotta understand with hitting your money goals, is that it was never about the money, actually, and getting it won’t fulfil you.

I know that you know this, but theory is one thing, isn’t it?

Are you LIVING it? Or are you chasing dollars and cents and money ‘safety’ by doing shit that you don’t really wanna do, with and for people you don’t adore, and in a way that doesn’t suit you?

And you’d say to me –

“But Kat! I have to! I have bills to pay and rent to make and I gotta eat, right, and I need to feel SAFE!”

So you give.
Your life.
For the things.
That your life is now MADE of.

And let me ask you –

Are you getting what you want then? DO you feel safe? Do you feel REMOTELY fulfilled?

Of course those are two separate questions, but I know from my own experience at having focused on making money to LIVE and having had my purpose and soul work be the cost of that at the time, that no you DEFINITELY don’t feel fulfilled, firstly.


But as for safety –
Which I agree – !
Is important.

Let’s be honest:

You can fill up every money need or hole you have, and you still.won’t.feel.safe.

Sure, you managed to pay your bills again. You’re staying afloat. You’re PROVIDING.

But what you feel?

Is not REMOTELY fucking safe.
You feel anxious.
And bound.

Can I tell you?

The MONEY is not, was never, will never, be, the thing which you are chasing.


It won’t EVER make you feel safe, secure, taken care of.

And for every SINGLE dollar you chase because you thought you just needed MONEY right now, you’ll feel a little piece of your soul drain away.

And another corner of your heart, break.

As you slowly but surely give in, to the idea that no.

YOU don’t get to do your purpose work.
YOU don’t get to make money that way.
YOU don’t get to be filled up, fulfilled, taken care of, in the way you actually LONG for.

Or even at all.

Because the crazy thing with getting money for MONEY’S sake, is it barely even provides short-term relief, does it? In a practical sense, I guess it does … but you don’t get the FEELINGS you’re chasing …

And all ANY of us are ever chasing, really, is a feeling.

I want to feel –

What? What DO you want to feel, really? If you put aside your FEAR based ‘needs’ and reactions, what is it you ACTUALLY want to feel?

I’m going to say:

Able to breathe.
In flow.
A sense that YES –

All is as it should be.

I can tell you that you can ABSOLUTELY feel that feeling with not a penny to your name.

All by yourself.
Sitting on top of a hill.
And gazing at the stars.

If you KNOW you are giving your life for what matters.

On the contrary, you could sit in the biggest mansion –
With the wealthiest people –
And the fanciest things –
And ALL your money needs taken care of –

And feel oh so lost.
In the breeze.

I’ve MET people like that, haven’t you? And anytime I myself embarked upon a path of BUT I JUST NEED MONEY and so purpose will simply have to WAIT, I started to BECOME one of those people?

Didn’t you?

And I want to tell you:

Please. If you’re being that person now, even in the smallest way, DON’T KID YOURSELF.

EVERY little piece of your life you give for the wrong stuff matters. It’s NEVER ‘just this one time’. This is what your life is now being made UP of.

It’s who you’re becoming.
It’s who you maybe are.

No time for purpose.
Safety first!
With the crazy awful terrible thing being it’s a fucking MYTH and you don’t even get to BE safe or filled up despite so desperately trying to grasp at it!!

Please stop.

And here is what you do instead, quite simply. You decide that you get to be good enough to hold out for the real thing.

You remind yourself that it’s possible, and so you hold out for the real thing.

You tune back in to the fact that ANYTHING you actually DECIDE becomes true, and so you HOLD OUT FOR THE REAL THING.

You give yourself a slap-up-the-face stern what the fuck are you doing TALKING to and you commit to HOLDING OUT FOR THE REAL THING!!!

You will never get to have what you dream of.
If you ACCEPT anything less.

This is what I believe.
This is what I live by.
I DID the whole ‘do what I gotta do for money’ thing. And eventually I realised, all of the above, and from that day forward I decided to HOLD OUT FOR THE REAL THING.

Wanna know something crazy awesome magical?

As soon as I committed to PURPOSE, I found that it was there for me.

All along.

And that everything I’d so desperately been chasing?

Was inside of me.

Wanna know something even MORE crazy awesome magical?

Stepping in to purpose.
Was also, funnily enough, the path to wealth.

I think I knew that all along …

It just took me however long it took me to admit it, and take the leap.

So you can keep waiting, if you want.
Hedging your bets.
Trying to be SAFE.
Letting your childhood dreams and POWER-

Or you can take the fucking leap you ultimately know you’re going to HAVE to, if you want:

The real thing.
