

The other day I had a dream pop into my head which was so random, so out there, so BIG but also just so RANDOM and never been done before, that my first reaction was certain:

“That’s not a thing, Kat!”

“It’s NEVER been done before. It doesn’t exist!”

Fortunately for me I’m not in the habit of listening to my own first reactions unless they’re insanely useful to me, which I did not overly find this one to be! And also, as soon as I thought about it, which took me about 0.01 seconds after first dismissing it, I realised:

Just because something doesn’t exist before doesn’t mean that I can’t be the one to create it!

This is totally a cliche sort of thing which self-development-y and success driven people say, but do you wanna know WHY a cliche is a cliche and said over and over again?

It’s because it’s fucking true.

I can’t tell you the whole story yet, but the dream which popped into my head and which I KNOW is now not going to go the fuck ANYWHERE until I create it, since that is how I’ve CONDITIONED myself to be and how we all can and SHOULD be, is the most OUTLANDISH mixture of reaching two very different success peaks which both in and of themselves would be – are! – INSANELY epic hills to climb, and which definitely definitely DEFINITELY are not normally MIXED.

And as I sat there thinking about it, letting the dream wash over me, my thoughts tried to convince me –

“That doesn’t even make SENSE!”

“It can’t be done!”

“It’s NEVER been done!”

“Who the hell do you think you are!”

Being as how I do like to practise what I preach and all I just lobbed ’em right back at myself:

“So the fuck what?”

“We’ll see about THAT!”

“That’s because I’m going to pave the way for an entire new industry!”

“Somebody who knows that she can create whatever she WANTS!”

Of course the truth is that I don’t simply create whatever I want, and nor do you. We create what we DECIDE to, but the real truth I’m getting at here and how I KNOW that you (and I!) can do ANYTHING?

Well, isn’t it obvious?

Just take a look around!

I created this ENTIRE God damn motherfucker, and myself with it.

And just on a side note, whatever it is YOU have, whoever it is you ARE right now, you created that too!

You’re a CREATOR, baby, you and me both, and whatever we can see in our mind’s eye and DECIDE to bring to life?

Is fucking done.

But here is the point I really want to make to drive this home:

That has NOTHING to do with what has been done before, what you know is possible, what seems within reach. If you think that manifestation and creating your reality is simply about identifying accomplishments already attained by others, ones you like and are drawn to, and then adding yourself to that particular list of winners, you’re seriously limiting yourself!

I mean, that’s FINE … it’s nice and easy to copy and paste somebody else’s dream, or a common dream, over to your own life and make it happen.

Why the fuck not?!

I certainly do it on repeat anytime I want something, and I’ve always just thought it’s OBVIOUS that if somebody ELSE can achieve something, no matter how high and mighty the heights to scale, then so too can I. It’s one reason why I’ve always found that whole thing os seeing other people post their VIFP / luxe lifestyle stuff on social media to be WILDLY appealing, and it’s one reason why I show off MY life and my stuff so much … I think it helps you to create it for you, if you want it!

But doesn’t it just stand to reason that if you can bring to life a goal attained by others, you can bring to life ANYTHING you can set your SIGHTS on?

The magic words are set your SIGHTS on, because if you can’t see something or picture how you’ll look | feel | breathe | act | be when you get there it’s gonna make it damn hard to focus on it and GET it, and this is really what we need to talk about here.

Doesn’t it just stand to reason that everything that was ever achieved BEFORE you, all this stuff you decide to make happen because you’ve seen somebody else do it, was once upon a time just an idea in somebody’s head?!

Of course it stands to fucking reason …!

So if somebody ELSE could dream it, see it, do it, pave the way for the rest of us, be that first explorer who showed it could be DONE so that then the world could BELIEVE in it being achieveable and gradually make it NORMAL to achieve, to the point where eventually something that was once a HUGE thing to create just became how it IS, isn’t it just fucking OBVIOUS that all you need to be able to do –

To choose to do, I should say – !

In order to create something that’s never been done before –

Is to dream that much bigger, bolder, brighter, higher, and with greater conviction!

I think that’s so freaking exciting, honestly, and I also think that it’s a choice as to whether or not we MAKE creating a Brand New Dream something that is automatically harder to achieve.

And the thing is, you totally CAN just model what you wanna do on what OTHERS are doing or have done, if you like. I see people constantly trying to model their business (and even their message, which is another story!) on what I have done, but I keep tryin’ to tell you:

Just because this is how it worked for ME doesn’t mean it’s what YOU need.

You have to find your own path.

You GET to find your own path.

You MUST find your own path!

But also, hasn’t it occurred to anybody but me?

The way I do things, the way I make my money, ALL of this, who the hell ever said that THAT is how to make money online? I have literally done nothing but break all the rules and make up my own shit in order to get here!

NOTHING I follow as far as how I create, market, sell, brand, etc, is what is ‘acceptable practise online!’

But yet we are.

And here you are.

And here my EMPIRE is.

Because I fucking DREAMT it and I decided to KEEP ON DREAMING IT until I SAW it.

And I didn’t see this so clearly until now, so I guess I should just be grateful to myself for being that kind of person, who is crazy enough to never take their eye off a target once locked in, because who the fuck ever said you could do business and life the way I do?


But if I’m crazy then I’m gonna say crazy is awesome and I am ALSO gonna say I think you might be a little crazy too.

There was a time when everybody thought that running the 4-minute mile was IMPOSSIBLE … then it became achievable … eventually it became a standard of NORMAL within that world! That’s true for EVERY industry, every big thing once out of reach!

Some people look at their impossible dreams and dismiss it as fantasy.

I look at my fantasy’s and know that really, like everything I’ve ever done so far and everything that ANYBODY has created ever at ALL, all I have to do is I want it is keep my eye on the prize and refuse to not watch it come to life.

Do you want to know how I know you can do ANYTHING you make up your mind to?

Why, it’s OBVIOUS, isn’t it?

It’s because you already do more.

You want more, you want it all, you want something brand fucking new and completely on your terms?

Just fucking dream it and hold onto it till you see it baby.
