
Ever wondered how celebrities stay in shape?

Did you realise I’ve written close to 300 blog posts in the past few years? Rather than having to sort your way through all of them I thought I’d share with you two of the more popular posts I’ve written, both on how to achieve a celebrity body!

Those Legs Are AMAZING: And Here’s How To Achieve Them

Have you ever seen a more perfectly sculpted pair of legs? Carrie Underwood (of American Idol fame) has the sort of definition and tone that most women only dream about. And she’s clearly worked hard to get them – so we can hardly blame her for showing them off, can we?

Don’t imagine for a second that owning a pair of pins like this is out of your reach. A few minutes on Google will tell you that Carrie was 2 sizes heavier than this when competing in Idol and has only recently displayed such a lean physique. Of course we can assume she already had the groundwork in place – muscle like that doesn’t come from body fat loss alone. Want to start laying the steps for your own incredibly defined legs? Here’s what you need to do:

How To Dramatically Sculpt Your Legs In 4 Easy Steps

1. Choose compound exercises that work all your major leg muscles in one hit. Weight machines are for people who want to take the easy route and create some major postural dysfunction to boot. Not only that, they build poorly balanced, chunky muscles. So not what you’re after! Exercises like squats, lunges, side-ways lunges, dead-lifts, 1-leg dead-lifts or squats, and stability ball work like lying leg curls (pictured below) are absolutely the best way to define your legs.

To achieve the bonus effect of some powerful fat burning while working with weights, perform 4 or 5 types of the above exercises back to back, for about 8-12 reps each, with no rest between exercises. Rest for 30 seconds after completing the circuit. Repeat this 3-4 times. Aim for at least 2 sessions like this each week (assuming you will also be working your core and upper body at some stage during the week). READ MORE

Want Jennifer Aniston’s Lean Physique? Here’s How

Love her or hate her (or her hair), there’s no denying Jennifer Aniston has a hot body wanted, albeit in different ways no doubt, by girls and guys alike.

Of course it doesn’t take long to research how she got in such great shape, but what you really want to know is how can you translate that into sculpting and toning your body into a lean work of art.

Let’s take a look at what Ms Aniston does and how that can benefit you:

How Jennifer Aniston Eats

Jennifer’s a long-time fan of the Zone diet (40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein) and one of its most famous success stories. So should you jump on the Barry Sears bandwagon?

In my experience the Zone diet is one of the lesser of many diet evils out there in the big bad world of Internet health-care. Compared with conventional health wisdown (food pyramids and typical magazine advice), the Zone at least has decently indicated your requirement for significant proteins and fats.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the years it’s that one-size-fits-all does not work. And when in doubt, cut back on carbs. Before you label me ‘crazy Atkins label’. (I’ve never followed Atkins specific advice although the way I eat is pretty similar), consider this. If you lived in nature, as you’re designed to, you wouldn’t have access to all year round carbohydrates such as grains, fruits, and even most vegetables.

If you’re thinking maybe this could explain why eating vast quantities of the stuff month in-month out could be screwing with your health and your metabolism, you’d be right. I’ve written previously on seasonal eating but what you really need to do to be in great shape is eat right for your unique metabolic type. I’ve used Metabolic Typing with literally hundreds of clients, and have had phenomenal results across the board. This is because everybody’s different. Jen’s been lucky enough to hit on the right diet for her, but who’se to say it’ll work for you. Find out more about Metabolic Typing here.  READ MORE


One response to “Ever wondered how celebrities stay in shape?”

  1. Mandy says:

    Nice post which A few minutes on Google will tell you that Carrie was 2 sizes heavier than this when competing in Idol and has only recently displayed such a lean physique. Of course we can assume she already had the groundwork in place muscle like that doesn’t come from body fat loss alone. Thanks a lot for posting this article.