
How to Follow Your Dreams Even When It Seems Pointless

Sometimes it is very wearying, following your dreams.

You have those days when you wake up and the very idea of pushing to further yourself along the road less travelled seems … exhausting.

And you wonder why you’re even bothering.

Why push so hard to be different, when it would be so much easier to capitulate; to be like everyone else.

Why get up early, spend time working to create your dream business and life when perhaps you will never get there anyway, when sometimes you’re not even sure where it is you want to go.

Why keep expecting more, looking for more, asking for more, when it’s just so damn hard?

And you ask yourself whether you’re the only one who feels this way, because everywhere you look you see either people who don’t care and don’t try, or else those who are already living their dream and seem to be doing so effortlessly; not floundering around and taking 2 steps back for every 1 step forward like you are.

Can I tell you a secret?

You’re not the only one who feels this way.

All entrepreneurs feel this way from time to time. I can tell you for a fact that even those women who are making over 7 figures in their businesses still feel this way from time to time.

Can I tell you something else?

Don’t expect to ever fully get past this point.

The downside to being a dream-chaser is that you are destined to question, forever. Your future is one of incredible success, freedom, and flow, but it’s also one of continual search. The never-ending search for something better, something more, something just a tiny bit different to what you have.

It’s how you got to where you are now.

It’s how you will get to the next step.

It’s how you can be sure that you never will be one of those who don’t care and don’t try; how you couldn’t be even if you wanted to.

And mostly, you will be energised by this; by the knowledge that you are different, that you look for more and expect more and ultimately find more. Mostly this is what will keep you going, and ensure that each day that passes is one that draws you closer to living your best life.

But sometimes, yes, it will be more tiring than anything else. It will feel pointless, hopeless, and like a complete waste of time and energy.

These are the days, beautiful, when it is even more important than usual to stop and question. These days are given to you like a signal, a reminder to look within; to listen to what you really want and need.

These are NOT the days to push through and ‘be productive’, or at least not until the feeling passes.

These are the days to go for a slow walk, and let your thoughts wander.

To reflect on what you want and need for your life to be ideal.

To look over your goals and see if they still feel in alignment, write them out again if they do and re-write them entirely if they don’t.

To open your journal and simply ask yourself –

What do I need?

What’s going on?

What is this telling me?

And what is next?

Always, always – what is next?

And as you do look within, you will gather energy you thought you’d lost. You will redefine your purpose and passion, and feel certain about what you do need to do next to get back into flow.

Problems that seemed overwhelming, even unsolvable, will suddenly have an obvious solution.

But most of all, the cloud will lift.

And with absolute clarity you will see, once again, why you do this. Why you chase your dreams. Why you insist on creating a business and life that is everything you ever could dream of, and more. Why you WILL persevere and you WILL continue creating this life on your terms. Why you couldn’t do anything but, or be anything but this person.

Why that, above all else, is the very best reason of all to keep following your dreams even when it feels pointless, exhausting, and filled with uncertainty.

And why despite feeling that way you will keep moving forward, you will not look back, you will not consider another way of living, but you will instead wake up every day and know –


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