Discipline & Flow, Success/Success Mindset

How to Make ALL the Money!


I can’t write today. I have literally NOTHING to say, no intuitive hits or downloads, no rants or soapboxes, nothing being impressed upon my soul with urgency, nothing at all! I’ve brainstormed, I dunno? 15 different post ideas, and they are all HORRIBLE. I even started writing 2 of them and nearly had to smack myself upside the head with the awfulness I was producing. So right now I am sitting – stuck! – in Phuket airport having a hardcore Thai foot massage and I am actively NOT going to write anything okay?


I know I’m not the only one who battles being blocked from time to time. Why can’t I just feel creative and inspired and have AWESOME ideas all the time?! I’m a creator, a leader, born to change the world, this stuff should come automatically for me; surely by now! Not impressed brain, NOT impressed.

I could go on about this all day such is the disdain I have for my own mind and it’s failure to produce today, but let’s talk about you or it’s gonna get real repetitive and real boring here, really fast.

So – you know when you do have those days like I’m having right now, or when it perhaps even turns into weeks or more, or God forbid when you look back and it’s been MONTHS even, where you’ve been STRUGGLING to come up with anything to say? Every idea you have, ever concept whether for a blog post or a video or a freebie let alone for actually coming up with something to SELL just seems boring or stupid or EMBARRASSING even. Like – who the hell would want that shit?!

Nobody. That’s who.

So you don’t write or speak or create it, obviously. You’re not an idiot! Except – maybe you are. Because the more you try and THINK about what would work or what to write or how to even open your mouth and SPEAK for God’s sakes the more you seem to have forgotten even the very basics of natural communication. So you do what any self-respecting entrepreneur would do when blocked like this and you Brainstorm Ideas.

For titles –

For freebies –

For programs –

For Things That People Will Want to Read and Watch and Then Throw Money at You Because Of!

But – they don’t. Partly because what you come up with, through this forced “now I will brainstorm ideas” process is SO fucking lame, and partly because, well, you don’t launch or otherwise release most of it?



I guess I don’t have to tell you that not communicating your message or how you can help people makes it KINDA hard for them to, well, know what it is you have to say, who you really are and what you stand for, and, oh I dunno HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM???!

Except apparently I do. So here goes:

If you don’t tell people daily what you have to say –

Who you really are and what you stand for –

And how you can HELP them –

They just won’t know!

Which is to say, they just won’t see you, follow you or BUY from you.

I know. BASTARDS. They really should be more understanding about the fact that you’re just a little blocked right now, just a little unsure of what it is you have to say, that you’re a tad scared about whether anyone wants to listen and that you just need some time, okay?

Why won’t they pay you while you take the time you need, it’s not FAIIIIRRR!

People are the WORST.

But anyway, since they DO insist on wanting you to share shit with ’em and even go to the trouble of explaining how it could help them or indeed TRANSFORM them, let’s do a quick little crash course right now on how this works. God knows I need the reminder or I’ll spend the next few hours hanging out in this airport eating all the nuts and all the chocolate since I clearly have nothing to write about!

1. Show Up and Show the World

Who are you, whaddya beileve in, whaddya care about, whaddya STAND for? If you’re going to have a connection with your online community (meaning: the like you, follow you, love you, even maybe send you weird stalky gifts but definitely also BUY from you) then you’re going to have to actually CONNECT. This is not a now and then activity. This is daily.

So every day you in some way show up and show the world who you are, what you give a damn about, why, and what you want to say. Like I’m doing right now. It’s messy and clumsy as fuck but I’m showing up.

Lesson: show up daily. Show up AS YOU, the good, the bad, the God damn awful or even embarrassing. Just be who you are but whatever you do BE there, each day.

2. Make it All About Them

Nobody cares that you’re stuck, uninspired, can’t write, have nothing to say. Why would they give a damn about YOU, they’ve got their own shit to deal with! But maybe YOUR shit can help them deal with THEIR shit. So share your stories and the real stuff that goes down (or up!) in your life but always RELATE IT BACK TO THEM. I mean maybe you’d just love to spend 10 minutes reading a post titled “I Can’t Write Today” that was then all about ME, ’cause you want to feel a bit of schadenfreude at the fact that I too get stuck, but I think what will REALLY make you read this post is the title I gave it and then the fact that I quickly related it back to the reality that YOU get stuck, that it’s not okay to just walk around stuck, and that there is a way out of it!

Lesson: nobody cares about you. They care about them. If YOU care about them, and demonstrate it, you’re golden.

3. Tell Them How You Can Help

Don’t be backward in coming forward! You got gifts to share with the world, ways you can HELP people and make a difference? Tell them! Tell them you feel them, you get them, you are THERE with them in your pain and YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS. Because you’ve been there before! And you got through it! And you learned important shit along the way! And you’re better and stronger and bolder for it, and also by the way you GOT THESE AWESOME RESULTS or even helped others to as well!

Like how I get stuck OFTEN in my writing and content creation but yet I have trained myself on how to do the work anyway, how to act in SPITE of fear and resistance, how to dance with sabotage and NOT let it beat me, how to show up and show the world everyday, and how that’s enabled me to create a million dollar business, live location free, help tons of clients quit their jobs and make money online and Achieve Big Things and so maybe I can help you too!

Lesson: hawk your awesome baby!

4. By the Way … It’s Okay to Not Be Perfect

Just on a side note, okay? Which I KINDA already pointed out with the whole theme of this post. But honestly, I know I wrote it a bit ‘tongue in cheek’ like, but the truth is right now EVERY word I am pushing out feels like I’m vomiting. I feel completely awkward and out of sync right now. I don’t know why. But I know that NOT writing, that NOT showing up, that letting resistance win would result in me feeling worse. And pissed off. And it would also result in a day where I didn’t show up, didn’t do the work, didn’t share how I can help, didn’t share how I’m human, didn’t ask if you WANT my help, didn’t do ME as I am TODAY.

Just one day, you say? IT’S NEVER JUST ONE DAY!

Lesson: for real – do the fucking work regardless of how you feel about it. Do your BEST each day. Some days you’re floatin’ like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, other days you’re like a walrus trying to run a Tough Mudder trail. Today, I’m the walrus. Tomorrow – who knows?! But either way, there’ll I’ll be. Which is to say, here. With you.

5. Ask Them to Buy (this is where you MAKE ALL THE MONEY!)

That’s really it, the crux of it, of this whole ‘wanna make money online being you’ gig. I know it’s kind of RANDOM, but if you want them to buy?

You’re going to have to tell them.

You’re going to have to tell them WHY as well by the way.

Then you’re going to have to ask them.

And you’re going to have to do it in such a way that it invites IMMEDIATE action.

And you’re probably going to have to then just KEEP doing it, ’cause some people need to be told – and asked – a lot before it gets through to them! So everyday, you ask people to buy. After you do all the above stuff.

Lesson: people won’t give you money JUST ’cause you’re cool and fun. You’re going to have to give them a reason to give you money and you’re going to have to tell them why they SHOULD. Hint: why they should is NOT because you WANT the money. It’s pretty much the exact opposite of that, mmkay?

6. Done

If you drop in a heap of walrus-y mud after doing all of the above, because you STILL haven’t managed to find your floating flow and zing, then it’s okay. You did the basics. You can run your ENTIRE business on the above, and you’re doing what counts. Obviously you’re also going to have to at some point DELIVER the stuff you sold, right? Just checking! But in terms of the growth of reach, of income, the spread of your message and the furthered positioning of how awesome you ARE, the above is IT baby.

In a nutshell.

All inclusive.

You can do more if you want. But if you did this you did GOOD. What most people do when they have a day where they feel like shit is pretty much the EXACT opposite of all of the above. They fuck around on Facebook or email or doing pretend tasks that seem like they must be important but of course never ARE. They spend hours of their day if not all of it basically just trying to be busy or effective or waiting to get into the swing of it. And they probably eat shit while doing so, ’cause that’s what you do when you feel flat, right?!

Here’s what I think: it’s never okay to treat yourself like your time doesn’t matter. Like your goals don’t matter. Like creating your fucking DREAMS and life on your terms don’t matter. You wanna spend a day of doing nothing then consciously DO NOTHING, in a good way, and be better of for it.

But don’t BS yourself with this I don’t feel like it / don’t wanna nonsense and then waste your time, energy and drive on rubbish stuff that just ZAPS you of any ability to actually FIND flow and try and pull the ‘it was just one day’ card.

You only have to look at where you are now to know if all of those ‘just one days’ of not taking TRUE action are having an impact in what you’re actually creating, and if they are? Then what you’re creating with that lazy attitude of poor discipline is your LIFE.

So this is why today I’m here. Not writing and now writing. Still feeling grumpy about it until even a minute or so back, although admittedly feeling somewhat smug with myself by that point for doing the work ANYWAY. Accepting that even though taking action usually DOES create flow, maybe today it wasn’t going to be the case. Elated to discover that just in the last moment or two I broke through and now I’ve GOT it, I’ve got my flow back, I’m speaking straight from the heart and the awkwardness is gone.

Sure, I could have sat back, had a foot massage, read my Facebook feed (inspiring!!), indulged a little in some snacks, told myself it doesn’t matter, it’s just one day.

That’s not the attitude that got me here though.

And it’s not the way I choose to live to get to where I want to go FROM here.

Ultimately what it is about of course IS choice. You want more of what you’ve got right now? Keep doing what you’re doing, keep being who you are. Listen to your own BS excuses and then live by them. Soon enough, you’ll die by them too.

Or – do something different.

Step the fuck up.

WAKE up.

And live life like you give a damn about it, and about you.
