Discipline & Flow

How To Make More Money Than You Could Possibily Ever Spend

If you’re stuck on the money-flow side of things, and you can’t seem to ever quite get to where you need to be, and somehow even when your income grows you STILL feel lack, this will be the most important post you’ve read all year, and maybe ever.

I used to think that all I had to do in order to become free financially and have it ALL, was figure out how to make more money, but let me just spoil the ending for you right here, and tell you what it took me a good 3-4 years to figure out, maybe even a good 3-plus decades if you wanna be technical about it! See, I increased my income by over 10x, I went from making a few k a month, to 30-35k a month, to then over 300k a month, and what I learned above all else?

More money just EXPANDS the existing underlying issues you have, and if you have an issue of feeling in LACK and ‘never quite having enough’, then you could make 300 MILLION a month and you’d still struggle to pay your bills!

So while making more money is nice …

And I can definitely help you with that …!

The thing that will REALLY get you to a place of having it ALL, financially, but also in other areas, is changing the way you see the world, the way you allow yourself to receive, your relationship to abundance and basically just your whole mother-freaking identity!

So let’s TALK about that, because if you think that right now your problem is how MUCH money you make, and that once you get to 7-figures (or whatever other holy grail you’ve set for yourself) you’ll have MORE than enough and everything will be just fine, understand THIS:

The problem is NEVER how much money you make, and nor is it how high your expenses are. You don’t have a BUDGETING issue, you have a mindset issue, and long story short?

The problem is you.

Don’t get upset, because that also means the SOLUTION is you, and you have the ability to change your money reality from TODAY!

Wanna know something cool?

What I’m about to explain for you will not only allow you to ALWAYS have more than enough, but it will also, in a very practical sense, allow you to make more money on paper. Let’s just make sure that when those $$ start flowing in ever-greater amounts that YOU are also the sort of person who can manage them, emotionally, and BE in wealth not lack!

So here it is, and to be PERFECTLY honest with you this is precisely how I achieve ALL my goals.

Fitness, fame, attracting my ideal clients, having abs, great sex, knowing what to create and sell, how to create and sell it, you name it. This shit works on EVERYTHING and ANYTIME I find myself in a place of not having what I want or feeling unsure about how to get to that next level, I do this:


Name it.
Claim it.
And call it IN.

I find it fascinating how few people truly understand and utilise the power of words to create reality. I know that even for me I only barely understand and utilise it, I am quite quite certain that not a single one of us access even 10% of our true potential! But I do know this:

What I NAME.
CALL THE FUCK IN, without apology and with FULL certainty and a refusal to NOT create and receive it?

I motherfucking create and receive.

And one thing I also find fascinating (or not!) is that whenever I read the words of, or watch video footage of, the worlds TRULY most successful people, it always always ALWAYS comes back to the fact that they made a decision, took ASSERTIVE ownership of it, had what appeared to be arrogant levels of self-worth around it, and basically just stated it over and over again until it became true!

3 of my favourite examples of EPIC certainty and determination / “I will and it is done” around this are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Muhammad Ali, Donald Trump.

WATCH footage of these men and how they talked about what WOULD happen. They are each known for predicting things that couldn’t possibly have been known in advance. They are each known for being arrogant and egotistical. They are each known for achieving EXACTLY WHAT THEY LONG-BEFORE STATED THEY WOULD.

I can tell you that I too have predicted many many things in advance, and watched them come true no matter how far-flung they first appeared to be, but here is what else:

So have YOU.

But maybe just maybe you’re not using this power which we ALL have, to create what you actually most dream of and desire, and instead you’re just default-repeating, naming, taking ownership of, claiming and therefore RECEIVING, fear, lack, scarcity!

So if you want to know how to make more money than you could ever spend …

How to BE a truly wealthy person …

How to never again have to worry about how to pay your bills OR your dreams, because why the fuck would you worry about receiving MONEY, you wouldn’t worry about receiving AIR, and you know it’s the same sort of thing …!

Then by all MEANS keep showing up, creating, hustling, selling, doing the PRACTICAL work that a person who has a lot of money, that that next level version of you would have to do, but first and foremost and for EVER more, understand this:

What you SAY becomes reality.

Your words have POWER.

It is NOT enough to just write out your goals now and then or even daily.

You need to state it with FULL authority, you need to name it in NO uncertain terms, you need to have ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN (what most people would call arrogant), zero doubt levels of knowing it WILL happen, you need to CALL IT THE FUCK IN UNTIL YOU SEE IT.

Stop fucking around telling yourself the reason you don’t have MORE than enough is because there’s a missing link or strategy.

The missing link is YOU not asking for it, and allowing yourself to receive it!
