Success/Success Mindset


One of the greatest tools the Devil has in his arsenal, a tool he shares happily with fear, is the tool of identity confusion, and overwhelm about how to BE right.

How to BE right?

Which move to make, what is ‘right vs wrong’, what is the appropriate way to act, in order to go to that next level, accomplish your goal, receive or not have taken from you the things you want.

Worrying about dynamics
About what energy state or power play you ‘should’ be in
Getting caught up in a mindset that there is even a way you CAN be ‘too much of this’, or ‘not enough of that’, and so push away the people, the money, the things.

In 100% of instances, when you are in identity confusion or worry you are being ensnared by TRICKERY OF THE DEVIL. Bare brassed lying, is what it is!

The Devil, fear, wants to stop you from being at all grounded in who you truly are, grounded in soul certainty and truth, because in that place, dropped in to all that you always were, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to not FIND the truth.

You may go a roundabout way –

And choose into ALL sorts of interesting lessons and growth opportunities as you do – !

But in the end, if you are dropped in, grounded, CONNECTED, you will find your way to God, to the truest expression of your soul, and to the unbridled embodiment of your highest self.

This can’t not happen! Such is the natural outcome when we move forward in alignment and in allowance of what IS, who WE are, and what is there to be shown to us.

The Devil, he already knows he’s playing a losing hand! Fear knows it’s time is already running out, and that it lost before it even began the game! So it will do everything in its power to TAKE YOU DOWN WITH IT.

The great news, which most people however forget, or never understand, is that IT NEVER HAD ANY POWER ANYWAY.

(and it knows it)

except for that which YOU GIVE IT

(and it knows that, too!)

So how does the Devil ‘get’ you, how does fear sink its talons in, and take hold, to sway you from path, from purpose, from destiny, from truth, from God, from ALIGNED soul expression and fruition of higher self?

Well, one of the primary ways is CONFUSION OF SELF.

“I’m not doing it right – ”

“I’m stupid / embarrassing / not attractive / not interesting to others”

“Me just being me is a problem, a mistake”

“I have to fix myself”

“I have to heal myself!” (aha!)

“I have to improve myself”

“I have to learn how the people who are already there do it, and be like them, embody the things that have been shown to me by others!”

The thing is, when you look back from the place of embodying your next level self, you WILL have healed … grown … adjusted forwarded, or deeper … embodied parts of you which you DID notice in others!

So, it’s a bit confusing.

Shouldn’t you actively be SEEKING to attend to the ways in which you can ‘step in’, and ‘become’?

Here’s how to make it not confusing. Here’s the filter. Here’s how to ALWAYS KNOW.

>>> When you feel worried, anxious, contracted, sad or mad or bad, CONFUSED, overwhelmed, and as though there is either inherently or currently something wrong with your identity, your ‘being-ness’, that is LIES OF THE DEVIL.

100% of the time.

It’s very simple:

The Devil, fear, makes us worried about who we are.

This does not happen in God, in truth, in aligned soul certainty.


It can’t.

Sure, in God, in truth, in dropping deeper IN to our being-ness, of course there are things we GET to learn through, and grow through! That’s a given!

But how it FEELS, even if uncomfortable, challenging, scary, is GOOD AND RIGHT AND TRUE.

There’s a knowingness.

A certainty.


An inner peace, and assuredness to know you are on path, and doing the work you ought to be doing.

You feel PROUD of yourself.

Not “I’m pretending to be proud of myself for DOING, but really what I feel is sad and SHRUNKEN because I am in a story of ‘I need to ___________ in order to get _________!”

Let me tell you something –

You NEVER need to _________ in order to get ________ !” Never never never! Never in the sense of ‘oh well, I guess I better … ho hum, let me go now MAKE myself, and accept that this is how it is! We know that all things are possible in God, now, for US, and that we are ALREADY WORTHY.

We are ALREADY who we are meant to be!

The question is –

Are we being it?

So, while you may well seek to draw closer to God, to soul, to truth, and that is a great thing as it will NATURALLY expand you into certainty and your ultimate sovereign being-ness –

And you will look back and see all the ways in which you certainly DID become more of who you needed to be in order to receive –

You do not ever NEED to adjust, filter, edit, amend, change, or be careful with yourself in order to get something!


Next time you feel yourself doubting your ‘you-ness’, and wondering if you are BEING right, just remember:

1) God already made you perfect
2) The Devil is on a mission to confuse and muddle the fuck out of your identity, so that you forget or never know who you are in God, in soul, in truth
3) Worry and anxiety is not of God. Never. 0% of the time.
4) Fear can get fucked, all the way up the ass, and good


  1. […] I listened to him whisper what I knew were lies […]

  2. […] I thought … I probably will have to kill The Identity Switch. Let’s be clear: I will burn anything God tells me to and not look back. I’ve […]

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