Discipline & Flow, Entrepreneurship


I came across a post on Facebook yesterday that stopped me DEAD in my tracks with the ridiculousness of the first few comment responses to it. Ridiculous from a OMFG I can’t believe people don’t see their INSANELY LIMITING BELIEFS point of view.

The post was to do with the fact that for someone who only makes $500 a month online (for example), making $5000 would seem like a BIG stretch and feel out of reach, whereas for someone who makes $100,000 a month online, making $5000 would seem pretty much all in a day’s work; totally easy and doable.

GREAT food for thought post, right?! I found myself right away nodding my head at how true it is that if you want to make more MONEY you just need to change your sense of what’s normal and doable, and then you automatically WILL! For me 100k a month feels about right and as it should be … 5k is not even in the ballpark of what I’d consider REMOTELY possible for me to ONLY make such a small amount each month even if I wanted to!!

Of course it hasn’t always been that way and I’ll get to that in a moment …

But taking my own situation and flipping it the other way: I was listening to Gary Vaynerchuk online last night and he was talking about how easy he finds it to build 50 million dollar businesses. To him that’s WAY EASIER and more ‘everyday’ and normal to do than getting into great shape has been over the past year and a half or so! Great story, huh? I love the way this sort of stuff gets you thinking about how it really IS just about what you ‘see’ as easy … the idea of building a 50 million dollar biz blows my fucking mind. I literally have no concept of where to start with that and I RECOGNISE THIS AS THE LIMITATION IT IS not as an IMPOSSIBILITY; not even an impossibility for right NOW.

If I wanted to get to 50 mil … or even 10 mil … or even just 200k or 300k a month … and I made up my mind to DEAD SERIOUS do that starting now, all I’d have to do is start changing my idea of NORMAL and ‘who I am’ around it. To me this is obvious and the fact that I’m not doing it just means I haven’t chosen to (aka allowing fear or uncertainty to rule me – more on THAT in a moment as well!), not that I don’t know HOW or that it’s not within REACH.

So anyway. This post.

I saw it straight away as a reminder to GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD IN THE GAME and change your beliefs. So I couldn’t BELIEVE it when the first bunch of comments were all clearly taking the ‘point’ of the post to be that you shouldn’t even be WORRYING about getting to 100k you should be FOCUSING on just getting to 5k, because obviously 100k is not. within. reach.

Is it just me or is that INSANELY limiting thinking?

Now if your GOAL is 5k and that’s your true vision, great. But this was about if you want to make 100k but yet you’re only just starting out you should set your mind on getting to 5k.

To me this is equivalent to saying I want to drive to Vegas but I’ll type in Salt Lake City into the sat nav. It makes no fucking sense! Why not just focus from the get go on where you really want to GO, no matter how far off that goal is?

Maybe the argument here is that 5k is on the WAY to 100k, and you should take your journey one step at a time.

I flat out disagree with this way of thinking.

You might THINK it’s on the way but the strategies and mindset required to get to 5k is completely fucking different to that which you’ll need to get to 100k. You will NOT be on the same path. 100k is not about 20 x 5k. It’s a different MINDSET; why not just start training for the right one – the one you actually WANT – from the start?

You don’t train for a marathon in the same you train to learn how to run for 20 minutes!!

Oh, but you have to start somewhere; is that it??



I want to share another exercise with you which I think will help. If you missed yesterday’s post make sure you check it out (How to Turn on Your Money Switch and Be Shit. Hot. Rich) as I shared a REALLY cool practical exercise on creating massive success with money based on replicating success in other areas of your life.

Today I want to share from the depths of my journals. This is the ACTUAL WORK I did on my own mindset and self-awareness when I first set my own goal to get to 100k a month! And: it worked. Hence me using the same sort of process now to uplevel to my next phase of wealth 🙂

I won’t explain the exercise because it speaks for itself. But I suggest that if you’re serious about changing your financial situation you get to fucking work on this stuff, because if you don’t figure out why you’re NOT where you want to be and you don’t connect to why you’d actually want to really GET there, then guess what?

You won’t fucking get there.


{understanding current limitation and true reason until one jumps out at me as YES THIS IS THE REAL REASON}

I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t know how
I’m not making 100k a month because I like the adrenalin of having to hustle and see if I can make it
I’m not making 100k a month because I feel like I don’t really deserve it
I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t really know the point
I’m not making 100k a month because I’m not sure I want to
I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t know how to do it in alignment
I’m not making 100k a month because I’m scared I won’t be able to maintain it
I’m not making 100k a month because it would take too much to get there and it would exhaust me
I’m not making 100k a month because I feel like I wouldn’t have anything to show for it anyway
I’m not making 100k a month because it’s too scary
I’m not making 100k a month because it’s too small!
I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t know how
I’m not making 100k a month because I’m not that motivated too
I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t know if it’s possible to sustain it
I’m not making 100k a month because I’d probably just blow it
I’m not making 100k a month because what do I even need it for; I always make do fine!
I’m not making 100k a month because I’m sick of pushing
I’m not making 100k a month because I value my FREEDOM more than the money!!
Hmmm … okay …
I’m not making 100k a month because I feel like it would trap me in
I’m not making 100k a month because it would detract from my freedom, my true work, my writing
I’m not making 100k a month because I don’t want to have to keep jumping through hoops to do it
I’m not making 100k a month because I would have to be too organised and ‘adult’ to maintain it
(What does that mean??!)
I’m not making 100k a month because I’d have to be more professional
I’m not making 100k a month because I’d have to grow up / buy a house / learn properly about money
Hmmm …
I’m not making 100k a month because I’m worried I’d turn into a normal boring fucking adult with a host of normal boring life responsibilities to maintain and attend to, and I’d lose my free spirit freedom and spontaneity!!



Making a lot of money requires you to do stuff you don’t really want to do … it is a trap … it takes away from who you really are and want to be!!


{Desires outcome / belief}

HOW is it then that I start consistently making 100k a month or more and take good care of my money and wealth whilst maintaining my crazy free spirit, ability to create spontaneously and also be able to keep being who I AM as a sporty / fitness / beach / DIY / do my own thing chick??

{Resetting belief – brainstorming; splashing around ideas until one jumps out at me as YES THIS IS IT}

I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I put creativity ahead of profit – emotionally and mentally first but also practically first, as the first thing I do each day.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I get up early enough (530am) to have plenty of space for my creativity and still ‘do my biz’ later in the day.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I set up automated income streams that grow and grow and are also BASED on me just showing up and being me (‪#‎thetribeofrevolutionaryfuckingleaders‬)
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I am disciplined with my daily ‪#‎hustle‬ activities and business growth, which come AFTER creativity / writing is fully complete, and which I set clear boundaries around from a values and time point of view.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I know why I want it.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I’m connected to my message, my tribe, my creativity daily and I also SELL from that place.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I have fucking fun with it!!***
This …
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I do random crazy cool creative shit.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I have automated CONSISTENTLY growing income streams (‪#‎tribe‬ / funnel / automated flash sales?? hmmm; need to brainstorm this more) and because as far as the HUSTLE goes I do random crazy cool creative shit as my main “thing” AND because I diligently complete an HOUR a day of business growth / leverage activities, whilst also AUTOMATING THE FUCK out of it as I go, wherever possible, in order to not have to ever repeat tasks that could be replicated.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I’m committed to that outcome. Hmmm – yes, but this alone still brings up other stuff about feeling TRAPPED or not being able to be me.
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I provide incredible awesome value and a sense of belonging to a truly KICKASS community! Yes!***
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I sell stuff that I think is KICKASS awesome and cool!
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I love the fuck out of my community and believe in them. Yes! This is good stuff!
I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I AUTOMATE THE AWESOME AS I GO. Yessssssssssssss. Okay. NOTE: once I’ve completed something I’m not into having to WORK on it anymore, so need to automate as I GO; hate to ‘have to’ do it afterwards … feel under the thumb with that.


I make 100k+ a month in a way that feels awesome and by still FULLY being me because I:
– have fucking fun with it
– provide awesome value and a sense of belonging to a truly KICKASS community
– diligently and with discipline do my daily biz HOUR to grow and leverage my income and reach
– love the fuck out of my community and believe in them
– make ALL THE SPACE for cool creativity and fun and crazinesss FIRST (before biz hour or ANY OTHER STRUCTURED TASKS … this means really I need to have NO appointments in first half of day)
– I sell stuff that I think is KICKASS awesome and cool
– I let myself go with random crazy cool creative shit as my main THING
– The systemisation and automation and ‘biz-niz-y’ side of my biz is very small in terms of how much TIME I put in compared to unleashing my true creative work just how and as I please and also it comes AFTER I’ve done my true work and had a damn fine time merrily creating whatever the hell I feel like!


Anything else???
PERMISSION. I give myself PERMISSION to make 100k+ a month by having a damn good free spirit crazy creator time doing what I please and knowing that that is the TRUE value and awesome I have to share with the world … and allowing my biz to also GROW AND BE A “REAL” BIZ simultaneous to this, without it having to detract from ME and my work.

CHOICE of basing the whole damn thing on my own particular crazy bitch mayhem approach to life and in fact THAT IS WHAT I REALLY GET PAID FOR, for being me and inspiring others to be who THEY are, in business and in life.**



Fun – has to be cool, awesome, fun, for the purpose of CREATING

{feelings / characteristics of this biz and ME!}
empowered … inspired … energised … flying high … adrenalin … taking the world by storm … not fucking backing down on what you stand for or believe in or WANT … following your path from the heart as a creator … providing MASSIVE FUCKING VALUE but the value is what you WANT to provide and of course it’s to the right PEOPLE who see the value in what you OFFER and fucking love you for it!

{additional brainstorming}
Automated income streams (tribe and then DO IT AS WE GO with other stuff … LET GO CONTROL FREAK and let your team do this)
Discipline and automation of daily business activities in a single hour per day (um hello … just fucking do it and follow through!)
Replication / systemisation of tasks (discipline; daily delegation and biz hour)
What currently makes me feel ‘under the thumb’ or trapped and how can I massively minimise that or outsource it or REPLACE or delete it? (Answer: just make it fucking fit in that one hour or it doesn’t get done, AND be disciplined with not doing that hour until full creativity has been unleashed! Delegate or delete RUTHLESSLY)

Over to you now:

How serious are you about reaching your ULTIMATE money goals? Do you HAVE a money goal? Are you working towards your ACTUAL FUCKING GOAL or are you telling yourself you need to take your journey one freaking town at a time?? You CAN do it that way if you want, but who the hell knows what’s going to happen with all that stop starting and if you’ll EVER actually get to your end destination?

Might as well just focus on where you actually want to go now, huh?! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments.