
Is Your Sugar Addiction Really About Sugar?

"sugar addiction"A lot of the time, it doesn’t really matter what the actual food is does it?

Oh sure, you might go through phases.

The red licorice phase.

The supermarket-brand choc-jam donut phase.

The family-size blocks of chocolate, the addiction to which there are of course sub-phases; everything from plain to black forest to caramel to snack flavour. And of course every other flavour in between, on one occasion or another.

Year after year of sugar addiction, of telling yourself that this is the last time, certainly gives you plenty of time to really test out your options.

But mostly, and even within the phases, you’re not picky enough to turn down anything that you know will satisfy your need for something sweet, are you? Not, at least, when the need to binge; to eat really hits you.

And when that need truly comes?

You need something sweet NOW. Something decadent. Something soft or hard or liquid or solid or expensive or cheap or homemade or bought, it doesn’t matter.

Nothing matters, except the sweet sweet release.

is your sugar addiction really about sugar?

And it is a release, isn’t it? This addiction, this need, this never-quite-satisfied monster within you.

It’s a release that means that finally, and once again, if even for a short while, you can escape the stress, the overwhelm, the confusion, the uncertainty. But most of all, most of all –

It’s escaping yourself.


A big part of my healing from bulimia and then binge eating was using a journal. I still use a journal, nearly every day. It’s a mental detox or purge and it is incredibly healing.

So today, or any day you feel that urge, pull out your journal and write.

Think about your relationship with food and binge eating.

What do you think you’re really addicted to? It’s not a particular food, is it? Even if you do have a favourite.

And it’s not even really about the sugar, the trans fats or sweet comfort starch, or gooey mess. Of course there is a physical addiction, a connection to sugar and all things sweet, but really, really what this is about is creating certain feelings within yourself.

For me it was always about a need to escape, a need to feel like everything else can fade away and like I can take control even if my method of taking control – binge eating – was actually all about losing control of what I really wanted; who I really wanted to be.

But let’s talk about you.

Get out your journal. And write. Write about your addiction, this thing that controls you, this monster that doesn’t want to let you escape.

Let it all out. Write as though your life depends upon it.

And somewhere in your writing, at the start or at the end or both, us this mantra –

“I am in control of my now. I create my reality. I can be free”

attend my september 30 workshop, ‘the fat loss solution’, and finally break free

This workshop has been designed precisely to free you from food addiction, food bondage, and emotional eating.

For the first time I am releasing the structure of the day here on the blog. This is part of the welcome email that attendees received after registering.

Structure For The Fat Loss Solution Workshop -Attend And Break Free!

"sugar addiction"The kind of inner work we will be doing on the day means that my planned schedule may end up going somewhat off track. I am committed to giving you the best possible experience and creating the deepest possible inner shifts, and so if that means we need to spend longer than planned on some sections then so be it!

Here is an overview of the planned structure for the day:

10am: Introductions and welcome

10.30am: My story and how I overcame a decade of binge eating and bulimia

11am: 10 minute break

11.10am: Dream Body + Life Plan.
Assessing exactly where you are at now both inside and out, and looking at what you want your body, life, and relationship with food and your body to be. This is where we really find your ‘why’; your deep and often well-hidden motivation for creating lasting change and living your dream life within your dream body.

In this section we will also cover the truth about binge eating, emotional eating + self-sabotage or self-punishment. This is where you will really get to understand yourself, why this has been part of who you are and where it stems from. This is an incredibly motivating part of the day as you realise – perhaps for the first time ever – that you can and will let go of this thing that has bound and consumed you.

12pm: 10 minute break

12.10pm Your Breakthrough.
Bringing up old memories and beliefs; the things that – often without you realising – have contributed to you developing a fear-based and self-sabotage based relationship with food and your body. This is the most powerful section of the day. It’s where you uncover the true reasons for your patterns and the way you think about yourself. When you have your breakthrough moment you will seriously feel like you’ve had a bucket of cold water thrown over you. It’s like the biggest lightbulb moment ever, and it is deeply transformative to realise that your patterns are often nothing more than a response to long-ago imprinted beliefs. For most people, the breakthrough moment brings up something so obvious that you can’t believe it never hit you before. It is always my favourite part of the coaching work I do with clients, as I see people realise that it’s not their fault and that they can change.

1pm: Lunch (catered, Paleo)

1.45pm: Overcoming Old Beliefs, Creating A New You.
We will learn the world-renowned system that instantly works on changing old beliefs and imprinting new ones. This is where you get to choose who you want to be from here on out, where you get to finally let that fat girl inside of you go for good. We will reprogram your thoughts for success, love, abundance and happiness. You’ll learn how to use this technique on your own, every day and even in public without anyone knowing, so that anytime fear or self-sabotage rears its head you can instantly deal with it.

2.45pm: 10 minute break

2.55pm: Your Message To The Universe. Plus A Whole Lot Of Loving.
How to step back into your life and deal with your life without letting yourself be once-again bound by food and fear. You will learn how to easily become motivated by the outcomes you want to create in your life, and how to set even the biggest and scariest goals about your body without every again having to worry about following through or not sabotaging. We will cover self-love strategies that WORK, and set a specific-to-you plan for how you will live and be from this day forward.

3.40pm: Open discussion and question time, thank you and closing.

The theme of the day is open and deep honesty. This does not mean you have to share anything that you don’t want to! Mainly I am talking about open and deep honesty with yourself, although you may find that it helps to get it out and share. It can be an incredibly releasing thing to do, particularly in an environment solely filled with women who face the same battles that you do and completely understand the shame, frustration and worry that goes hand-in-hand with this often hidden part of you.

So all I ask is that you stay open to the idea of letting your stuff come out. Trust me, if you do, you won’t be alone, and you WILL be deeply supported, accepted, and loved.

Either way, each part of the day will be accompanied by some inner work such as a short journalling exercise.

What Happens After The Workshop

As a surprise bonus for those attending, I am recording the day and you will receive these recordings for free as an attendee!

You will find that inner shifts continue to happen for some time after the workshop, and you are more than welcome to get in touch with me throughout this process.

We will talk about that, and about ongoing support, on the day.

Read more about The Fat Loss Solution and register here. Just a few spots left!

And if you’re still not sure, that is fine of course but let me ask you –

How long has this been going on?

For how many years now have you been saying it’s the last time?

Whether or not you break free from attending my workshop,you are worth living an incredible life; a life you love.So whatever you do, you simply MUST find a way to get there.

And maybe it feels like this is not the right time for you, or that it’s too scary or you’re just not sure, but you know what?

It will never be the right time if you’re not careful. There will always be an excuse.

Maybe it’s time to finally acknowledge that, and step towards freedom.