Tired with Life? Time to Stop Putting Your Dreams on Hold.
Tired. Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Out of alignment.
It’s not that you don’t believe you can create your dream life. You know that if you truly put your mind to it, allowed the time, invested the required effort, there is no reason why you cannot create an incredible incredible reality for yourself.
If others before you have completely changed their body, their relationship, their work, built their dream business, found their dream home, created a lifestyle they love –
Then certainly, so can you.
But –
You’re tired. And to be honest, it just feels like too much effort. Which is not especially logical, is it? Considering how much time stretches before you each day. Time which you fill, for sure, but how do you fill it beautiful?
With musts.
And have tos.
And all the shoulds, all the hundreds and thousands of shoulds, that, once you get on top of them, will fade away and allow you a little space to tune in to you. To move toward your big goals and dreams.
Somehow, and even though you do know the answer there’s also a part of you that wonders at how this keeps happening, you just can’t quite get there.
There’s always another should.
A handful of have-tos.
An ever-expanding list of musts.
And if by chance you run out of tasks there’s always the fear to hold you back.
What if you try and you fail?
What if you try and in fact you succeed but it’s not what it’s cracked up to be?
What if you chase the wrong dream?
How about this –
What if you never try, never give yourself the chance to fail enough to actually ever end up winning; living your dream?
What if you try and in fact you succeed and it IS what it’s cracked up to be?
What if you chase the right dream and you get there and it is so damn awesome that you can’t believe you get to wake up every morning and live this life?
What if you knew that you create your future, which means you create your now and you are this very moment choosing that now? Choosing your future. Choosing to live or not live, to chase or not chase your dreams. Choosing, really, to experience the best that life can be for yourself or choosing to play it safe.
Let go of the tiredness beautiful.
Let go of the overwhelm. The frustration. The feeling stuck. The musts and should-dos and have-tos.
Let go, even for a moment.
It’s time to dream.
It’s time to take action on your dreams.
It’s time to put yourself first.
It’s time to believe, and it’s (your) time to shine big like the stars. It’s now or never beautiful.