Where Do Your Loyalties Lie?
Here is what it comes down to gorgeous.
You have 24 hours in the day.
Whatever you do with them, the day will pass at just the same speed.
However you approach it, your life will pass at just the same speed as it was always going to.
So what are you going to do?
And the toughest question of all – if you’re completely honest, and no matter how much it might hurt, where did you think you would be by now?
Reality: most people will talk about it, dream about, plan for it, promise it to the world and especially themselves and then they will never ever do it.
Not because they can’t.
Not because they don’t know where to start, or how to go on.
Not because they’re scared, or unsure, or overwhelmed.
Not because it seems an impossible dream.
But really, and only, because they don’t.
Because, quite simple, and despite what they swear to be true, their loyalties lie not with their dreams but with everything else.
With being busy.
With Getting Things Done.
With doing what’s expected of them.
With keeping other people happy.
With ridiculous standards about how their home or inbox or social schedule has to be.
They will fight and they’ll fight and they’ll fight to find success and happiness on the world’s terms, telling themselves that they too want this, need it, and that then they can follow that dream.
And they will one day, if they’re lucky and the end doesn’t come with no warning, have a chance to look back on a life that by most people’s standards is very well lived.
A home, perhaps several.
Children, perhaps several.
A marriage, perhaps several 🙂
The bi-yearly overseas trip; the annual summer holiday.
The hours and hours, well really years and years, spent staying up to date with the News, with their friends, with social media.
The cleaning and tidying.
The projects that were on deadline, that they’d promised they would do, that they can’t even remember now.
The right schools or education.
The keeping up.
The doing what they should.
The living the dream, without ever truly stopping to wonder –
“Yes, but is it MY dream?”
And most people, if they do look back, will look back with elements of joy and certainly gratitude but there will also, if that’s all there is, be massive massive regret.
Do you truly believe you’re going to one day be glad you climbed the ladder, telling yourself you love your job, when really you were born to create and what it actually came down to was fear of lack of money, fear of not having your work validated?
When really what it came down to was quite simply, that you didn’t. You didn’t even really try.
Do you truly believe you’ll be glad you bought yourself a mortgage and ‘security’ when you could have thrown caution to the wind and actually created more security by taking ownership of your own income by starting that dream business and damn well doing what you had to do until you figured it out and MADE it work, and at the same time been able to work, live and play from anywhere in the world?
Do you truly believe, when all is said and done, that it will have been enough for you to succeed on society’s terms? Perhaps the answer is yes, and if so that’s fine. This is probably, however, not really the book for you and it’s unlikely you’d be reading this sentence because you’d have given up by now.
But if you know, if you simply can’t ignore no matter how much you occasionally wish you could, the need to have more, be more, do more, than I can promise you this –
Even though it will be scary, terrifying, and at times you’ll have no idea where your money is coming from or what’s happening next you will never ever EVER regret having given your all to living your dreams.
You will NEVER regret putting those dreams ahead of the house, the ‘stable’ job, the ‘right’ schools or accoutrements.
You will NEVER ever ever regret that you took a chance. Made the leap. And that you finally, finally, stopped fucking around, figured out what you really want from life and then went out there like a bat out of hell and made it HAPPEN!
Whatever you do gorgeous,