My Christmas Wishes For You! And Semi-Private Personal Training The Next 2 Weeks In South Melbourne!
What do you want for Christmas this year? I honestly can’t think of any ‘things’ that I want, and it just seems to be tougher than ever to choose gifts for my nearest and dearest.
I don’t think this is because we all have too much stuff (although that might be part of it), but more so because as time goes by we seem to realise what’s truly important to us. And more often than not it’s NOT about stuff, is it?
So when I thought about what I could give you for Christmas a thank-you for being a Woman Incredible reader and perhaps part of my Facebook community as well, I have to admit I was a bit stumped. After all, I’m already working on The Woman Incredible Transformational Eating Plan to be released VERY soon and in fact a few other quite exciting little projects as well.
Last year at Christmas I ran a massive sale on my book, but this year I thought it might be nice to stay more on the spiritual side of things*.
my 10 wishes for you this christmas
- I wish you a day of completely guilt-free eating and merry-making. Not ‘just because it’s Christmas’, but because there surely has to be at least one day a year where you get to eat what you choose without analysing it.
- I wish you a big full-body hug from someone you love. And I hope that you give one to somebody YOU love as well.
- I wish you fits of laughter as you share old stories with your family, chase somebody’s hysterical sugar-hyped child around the house pretending to ‘get them’, or maybe watch an old movie that you’ve always loved but never make time to stop for anymore.
- I wish you a Christmas stocking full of cheap and cheerful goodies! I know we don’t usually get stocking as adults, but seriously – weren’t they always the MOST fun part of Christmas?! Make your own if you have to 🙂
- I wish you at least a day (and hopefully more) of not doing anything remotely work related. Not even thinking about it!
- I wish you at least 10 minutes, just for you, where nobody else is around and you lie flat on your back and think about whatever the heck you like. Staring at the clouds is great for this, if the weather is good.
- Speaking of which – of course I wish us ALL a fabulously sunny day. Sorry if you’re not in Aus, I guess yours won’t be sorry!
- Truthfully? I wish you whatever it is that YOU long for this Christmas. Do share what that might be in the comments.
- I wish you, at some point through the day, to have a feeling of complete and utter happiness. The realisation that this is what it’s all about. Fun, family, friends, food, laughter – some sort of combo of the above.
- And finally, I wish you some sort of reminder of what Christmas is really all about, and why we celebrate it.