Success is the SIMPLEST freaking thing in the world, if you’d only get the fuck out of your own way and just let it HAPPEN.
Think about it:
Either way, the days are gonna pass, you’re GOING to get older, you’re going to spend time and energy and emotion and money creating a life.
You can either create a life that freaking ROCKS where it’s ‘too good to be true’ (something that unsuccessful people not willing to consistently do the work that WORKS will think), or you can create a life that is essentially a continuation of whatever you have now.
Want to know your future? It’s EASY, just average out the past 90 days in your –
– and imagine more of it just with you older, greyer and a little less perky round the edges.
Reality: all of the stuff you say you want is SO within reach (and you know it!) but it’s not going to happen by you continuing to listen to the same tired excuses that got you here. The crazy thing is you also know THAT, but yet you continue to bullshit yourself!
You sleep past your alarm and excuse it because you really ARE so tired, you’ve been pushing hard, staying up late, you haven’t been as well as you’d like, and you need to RECOVER, really! Which is no doubt TRUE, but also: is it GOING to get you to where you want to go?
You let the day run away with you, with all of this STUFF in the back of your mind that you need to do, want to do, no really, you’d love to be more organised and churn THROUGH shit but you just don’t have the TIME, you’ve so much on your plate, you’re trying and it’s really just not PRACTICAL!
Well sure, nobody’s gonna argue that you’re not busy but in the end what matters is DID YOU DO THE WORK, because if you didn’t then you don’t GET the result. You don’t get to say sorry for not turning up to the finals and still get an A, it doesn’t MATTER how real the reason is.
You can sing your “TRUE” excuses to the high heavens but this bitch doesn’t want to know about ’em. Don’t GIVE me excuses, show me solutions, or else stop freaking pretending you want shit to change!
You continue to stuff your face with shit, because you just weren’t organised today, or you needed a treat, or it’s stress relief, or you actually just FORGOT, no really, just like you really did intend to get up and MOVE that once-was-fine ass at some point but the day just ran away with you, truly it did!
Which I’m not DISPUTING but regardless – is it getting you to where you want to go?
You stay in the ever-trapped cycle of a relationship that’s not quite working, veering back and forth between telling yourself to suck it up and get on with it, or trying to imagine that things might just change, improve, magically, because … because … because you WANT them to or because that would be damn CONVENIENT and you wouldn’t have to do the work of moving on or leveling up?
Well … good fucking luck with that approach! And how’s it working out for you so far, really?
You’re inconsistent with your sales activities, inconsistent with lead generation activity, inconsistent with being visible and HONEST and actually communicating and calling in your true tribe, and yet you somehow expect that money should FLOW just because it CAN?!
Let me tell you … the fastest way to receive money (or anything) is to set a clear fucking intention for what you want, and be SPECIFIC and then DO THE WORK, starting with asking for it!
If you’re asking the Universe / God / the Unicorn you pray to for money but you’re not also asking PEOPLE for money (hint: your true tribe, who you also have a RELATIONSHIP of some kind with before you ask for money!) then you’re just not going to get it to the same level.
Sure … money might just ‘appear’ out of nowhere. This CAN happen. But I can tell you for a fact: more money appears when I ask for it than when I don’t.
In business. In personal branding. In making money doing what you love and are called to do and JUST BY BEING YOU. In creating a business that is an EXTENSION of you.
You’re going to have to show up.
It’s going to have to be daily in some form.
You need to CALL IN your true tribe; they’re NOT going to all just find you without you putting your shingle out daily in some capacity.
You need to let them actually see and get to know the REAL you; all of it.
This is why, if branding YOU and actually leading a revolution of people who KNOW and LOVE you is your thing, and creating an EMPIRE from that is your plan:
You gotta communicate every day in some form whether or not you feel like it
Whether or not you’re inspired (as I was NOT when I started writing this) has zero to do with it
Whether or not you’re READY is irrelevant
Whether or not your reason for NOT doing so is that you slept in, you were busy, the day escaped from you, you had too much to do, the stars were aligned, and your unicorn refused to get out of bed this morning has FUCK ALL TO DO WITH IT because in the end?
If you don’t do the work.
With clear fucking intent.
And UNATTACHED to the outcome.
You don’t get the result.
Success isn’t fucking rocket science, okay?
Stop OVERTHINKING every move you make.
1. Decide what you want, be as clear as you can
2. Set an intention that it WILL happen, and release the how
3. Stop worrying about “making” it happen, and get to work doing the daily work without having an emotional meltdown about it; just DO it
4. Make it simpler still by having clear daily practices that you are committed to doing, for all the areas of your life that matter to you
5. Automate the fuck out of that shit, meaning it HAPPENS EVERY FUCKING DAY regardless of ALL other shit that might be going down
6. Do what it takes to make it happen.
If you for ANY reason, no matter how GOOD of a reason, can’t do this?
Give the fuck up; you’re wasting your time.
If that’s too harsh or brutal for you? Look the fuck AROUND, there is a reason most people don’t have what they want. The people who are shit hot rich, shit hot in shape, shit hot in flow and have it ALL, did the work.
You can’t ‘sort of’ be one of those people.
Become her now.
Or get back in the box.
It’s time to stop listening to excuses, and instead start LIVING for solutions, and with clear fucking certainty that you WILL create what you set out to.
Remember … you already did create EXACTLY what you worked for. If it’s not enough, it just means you’re not doing enough.
Get over it.
Get your racing shoes on.
And get to work as though you KNEW you could achieve whatever you decide to.