Success/Success Mindset


When you look into the eyes of who you used to be, you can see the truth, and know that everything you dream of is possible but also your God-given BIRTHRIGHT.

But here is where you WILL be stopped, if you allow yourself to be:

It’s never going to work if you can’t realise you’re worthy of success, that the mere reality of you being human, alive, HERE, makes you enough.

You’re good enough.

You’re smart enough.

You have what it takes.

And you can truly create anything you in integrity desire, but there IS a catch and it’s one you must take with absolute seriousness.

Would you like to know the catch, the thing you must strive past, overcome, BATTLE, or even PROVE yourself for, in order to make it?

It’s the only REAL reason that you’re not where you want to be and even your very best efforts seem to come to nothing.

It’s the REAL reason which, deep within your heart, your soul, your cells, your BREATHE you already know, but yet which you try to replace, or justify, with the so-called (let’s just call it what it is, BULLSHIT) reasons, waved around to the world as ‘proof’ of why not you, or why not now.

So when you say you’re too busy …

Or that you did everything and gave it your all and it didn’t WORK …

Or that there’s something you’re not sure of …

Or whatever else comes to mind for you as far as what is STOPPING you …

The truth is completely fucking different.

Isn’t it?

You know it. I know it. You know I know it and I DEFINITELY know that even though you might battle with the IDEA that you know it you DO FUCKING KNOW IT.

And the truth is this, the missing LINK is this, the REALITY is THIS:

It’s because you don’t believe.

Sorry, let me be more clear:

It’s because you don’t CHOOSE to believe.

In yourself.

In being ALLOWED.

In being INHERENTLY FUCKING WORTHY OF SUCCESS, but more still than that?

In being worthy of EXISTENCE, born for a purpose, here for a reason, and yes ALLOWED to live your life the way you’ve always known it must BE about.

The thing is, it honestly doesn’t matter what you try and DO, if you can’t find it within you to believe.

You can do everything.

All day.

Every day.

It won’t work or you’ll constantly have shit go wrong, or the world will seem to conspire against you even to the point where you can absolutely sit there and point to all of the PROOF that you really ARE trying so clearly GOD IS OUT TO GET YOU.

ALL of that will continue to be your reality for as long as you CHOOSE for it to be, by which I mean for as long as you CONTINUE TO CHOOSE (yes! choose! understand this!) not to just fucking BELIEVE.

Belief is a CHOICE.

FAITH is a choice.

SUCCESS is a fucking choice, but it has to come from first deciding to be bigger than your bullshit, deciding that in spite of fear and uncertainty and ALL of the reasons WHY NOT YOU OR WHY NOT NOW –

You’re just going to go do it anyway.

Go create it anyway.

Go GET it anyway.

I don’t know if you realise this but you are actually allowed to DECIDE how worthy you are, and what you get to receive in return for that. It’s not a fucking pre-ordained thing! God doesn’t put a mark on the head of certain special people when they’re born and say YOU are allowed to be rich, YOU are not.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON has a purpose, a destiny, a calling. EVERY SINGLE PERSON has what it takes to have it all, on their terms, and live a life that makes their heart sing.

And EVERY SINGLE PERSON, without exception and without fail was born not only with all of this AVAILABLE to them, but also with the greatest gift of all and that gift is the GIFT OF FUCKING CHOICE.

You can have it all

You can live COMPLETELY into your calling –


You just have to choose yourself first.

So would you like –


To continue –

To tell yourself you can’t?

When you were born knowing you couldn’t not?

Look into the eyes of your soul, and of all that you knew was true before you learned to see yourself as not enough, not capable, not worthy of the incredible.
