“There are instructions I have to give you,” says the Lord,
“To walk by faith not sight,” says the Lord
“Pick up your pen and write”, says the Lord
For there is much,
we have to do.
“Where we are going THOSE things can’t come with you.
No longer will the walls you built around yourself contain you.
And the pretty little prison of your own making,
in which you danced, and pranced, and decreed a thing which was not of me,
is no more.
I am returning you to how I made you.
I am returning you to the original design.
I am arranging you to original nature.
The one I gave you,
before time.
With my caress I will guide you,
with my staff I will lead you,
with my rod I will comfort you,
with my way,
I will make you.
Where we are going,
You have been obedient, and for that I will reward you.
Your obedience PERMITS you,
a new thing.
And allows you entrance,
to the for YOU thing,
it was meant to be.
it’s time to leave now.
Put down your final doubts.
Though fear or worry might grip at you,
it no longer has a hold.
Where we are going,
My child,
I am training you to see without eyes.
To walk by faith and not by sight, or your own ideas,
of what should be.
It is important you understand you need to leave with NOTHING,
except what you have and who you are in me.
You need to also know that repeatedly,
you will need to once more put down what you have picked up,
repeatedly emptying your hands,
so that you are able to walk with me.
For I don’t take you into a place of circumstances of your making.
I have not asked you to create a vision of your own delight.
I am not here to support you on your quest to be something which will feed an emptiness inside of you made to be filled by me.
I am not your COUNTER-part,
who you turn to for agreement with YOU.
I am the one who made you,
and who makes you,
So put down the waylaid mindset.
Relinquish the you-built parts.
Give over the trophies you grip so tightly,
saying “look what I have done, or made, or am”, or even “look what God did” when it was never of me
and only
Yes I will turn all things to good.
And I do,
for those who are righteous and who love me.
But don’t you want the real version?
I cannot work in the midst of your partial surrender.
And I will not.
So come,
for I stand here waiting
in a place which has no bounds
asking you simply to leave
the one which does.
Where we are going,
those things cannot come
and it’s time,
you have to choose”.
Don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
In the stillness,
He instructs me.
Leads me.
Guides me.
Comforts me.
And MAKES me,
in His way.
I do not find this easy …
and my flesh it certainly does not please.
But I find it,
of what I need.
I sit here and I wait,
wanting to simply churn out a thing, write a thing, create a thing, sell again, and once again be a thing,
which I made.
It would be so easy …
Making money, being creative, being successful in the worlds eyes,
is easy.
Letting go of all that you could have continued to pursue in your own strength, meeting standard after standard and yet still never quite there, yet always convinced the MORE is worth still chasing?
Less so.
And yet.
And yet.
And yet.
In the quiet.
In the still.
In the silence.
In the now.
There is God.
And He offers,
Beyond imagination,
as far as the eye can see.
this is what He has had me now unleash,
for you
and for me.
As Far as the Eye Can See
30 Days Live Together
Psalm 23:3-4
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
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