Success Smackdown LIVE Podcast

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Get all the audio direct from my The Katrina Ruth Show live-streams where I discuss a range of subjects to do with empire building, business and success mindset, relationships and so much more with guests, with my tribe and with YOU! Expect the straight up truth of how I became a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, a no BS attitude and lots of shenanigans!

To listen to The Katrina Ruth Show on Google Home, simply say “Hey Google, listen to The Katrina Ruth Show Podcast”

You can do the same on Amazon Alexa, Echo and Show.

Hope you enjoy listening. Feel free to share or comment and let me know what you think!

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Life is Now. Press Play!

Kat x


Here are some of MY favourite episodes:

Recoding and getting people to buy from you

I just can’t seem to be normal even for a minute

Forgive me for I have sinned … lessons on FAITH

You know how fucking powerful and magical you are?

Decide to get certain

It will never work to be anything other than ALL that you are

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