Stop Fucking Worrying About What They Want

Stop Fucking Worrying About What They Want

You’re one of the most successful and go-getting people you know, you’re used to being a winner, a leader, the best, having people look to you in admiration or envy at what you do, what you’ve created, the stuff you at times seem to magic up out of nothing, the way you get to live this (let’s face it) pretty fucking epic life, a dream life really, most would call it, a life that you’ve put in blood and sweat and tears for, that you’ve worked your fucking ass off for and that of COURSE you are grateful for and yet …

And yet …

And yet.

The truth is? And you’re kind of scared, well embarrassed even to THINK this let alone say it –

It’s actually not enough.

It’s not REALLY what you want, not fully.

And although you can see the glamour, the glitz and you definitely acknowledge all that you’ve DONE the HONEST truth is?

If you really could just wave a magic wand and do business – and life – COMPLETELY on your terms where it felt just too fucking good to be true and you couldn’t BELIEVE it and not only that but YOU were just rocking who YOU are, every part of you both inside and out?

It kinda –

Sorta –

Just a little (and sometimes a lot) –

Wouldn’t look like this.

And you feel guilty, or bad, or just frustrated at even CONSIDERING not being truly content because at this point in your life you KNOW you’ve got it going on, you KNOW so many people would love to live as you do, have achieved what you’ve done, BE where you ARE but yet despite all of that you just can’t HELP it –


And I guess what it comes down to is you want to feel free.

Free to do what you really want, what your heart’s calling you to do, the stuff you’ve been ignoring or keeping up on the shelf for one day.

And part of that desire for freedom reflects the fact that right now as much as you ARE a success, a leader, someone who has aspired and then GOT there you still feel at times like you’re TRAPPED.

Trapped by the life you’ve created.

Trapped by the work you’re required to keep doing in order to sustain that life.

Trapped by the expectations of those around you.

About who you are.

How you should show up (let’s call it what it is – PERFORM).

How much of yourself you need to give.

And in what way.

And at times, and you DO know this is INSANE, you just wish you could throw it all away.

Walk away.

And begin again.

Because whilst you ARE happy and you ARE grateful and no fucking WAY would you ever wish you’d not done, created, built all of this the thing is you just can’t escape the longing.

The niggling.

The eating away within you that tells you –

There’s so much more for you still, if only you were willing to take it.

You can TRULY have it all, if only you’d lay yourself on the line.

YOUR version of freedom CAN exist for you if you truly COMMITTED to it!

And it doesn’t have to be this way.

And just because you live this incredible life where most would say you’d ‘made it’ doesn’t make it wrong for you to want more.

It’s not wrong to want it all, on your terms, and it’s not fucking wrong to keep CHASING that and insist on making it real!

But here’s what it’s going to have to come down to.

If you’re serious about going ALL the way big and having the ‘one day’ business and life you dream of.

You’re going to have to stop fucking worrying about what they want of you.

About who they expect to be.

About who you’ve MADE yourself into being!

And about what the ‘right’ thing to do is, in order to keep showing up and being this ‘not so bad but not fucking AWESOME’ version of yourself!

Long story short if you want to BE somebody different and live a different life where you get to make money, a difference, and a LIFE completely on your terms and by being who you’re TRULY called to be, then the solution is very very simple:

You’re going to have to be that new version of yourself.

Which is to say you’re going to have to LET GO of being THIS version of yourself.

You can’t have it both ways baby.

WEIRD, I know, but there it is!

And here’s the other thing:

This shit don’t get easier the longer you wait. So if you’re waiting right now for a sign or a blessing from above or until you can ‘afford’ to or in any other way feel READY then you can take who you are NOW to the grave with you because THAT IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN.

So right now you need to DECIDE:

Do I want to be someone new, to I want to be who I REALLY want to be even though yes it may be messy or chaotic or it might not even at first attempt WORK, and if so you GO AND DO THAT SHIT NOW AND FIGURE IT OUT.

OR am I such a fucking scaredy-cat that even despite all my so-called SUCCESS and the fact that I’m SUCH a winner and go-getter I’m going to go with not feeling ready right now –

Or worrying it wouldn’t work –

Or worrying about what people would think –

And if it’s the latter then for the love of God just GIVE IT UP. Just give up the idea of living differently, of truly having your version of it all, and just put your energy into doing what you’re doing now, into being the person who you ARE RIGHT NOW CHOOSING TO BE, because when all is said and done if you’re dreaming of a different life and of doing business in a different way and of being a different person inside or out but you’re not in fact ACTING on it –

Then it’s all just a fantasy.

And I guess maybe it’s nice to play one day or picture ‘life when’ but honestly?

It’s kind of lame.

That you.

With all your success.

All your CHUTZPAH.

All your so-called fucking A-Type make shit happen madness.

Can’t even lay yourself on the line to live the life you truly want.

And here’s the thing about success –

You can’t take THAT shit – not ANY of it – with you when you leave this world. All the stuff you’re holding on to so tightly right now? The stuff where you say but that’s who I am! That’s what I’m known for! That’s what’s expected of me! All the stuff you think that if you LOST would MEAN something, that if you RISKED and then the risk didn’t pay off you’d regret losing?


I mean fucking REALLY?

Is your life going to be about holding on to the stuff that others may call success and living the dream and that SURE you don’t mind at all and you ARE of course proud of but that ultimately IS NOT THE REAL DREAM FOR YOU?

Is that what you want your life to be about?!

What we’re talking about really, is playing it safe.

Is playing small.

And ultimately what we’re talking about here is living in FEAR where you tell yourself that YOU CAN’T HAVE THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT and it’s not even worth TRYING because maybe if you DID you’d end up not only not having THAT but also not having what you’ve got NOW.

And so I guess what THAT comes down to is that when you look back you need to be able to SAY IT WAS WORTH IT.

So look around baby, look ALL the way around right now and take a good hard and OPEN perusal of what you’ve got.

Of your business.
And what you’re known for.
Of your money.
And what you give for it.
Of the things you label as safety and security and what you exchange for them.
Of your body, your fitness, your health, and what you invest into it, what you make time for.
Of the life you’re living.
The people you’re living it with.
The experiences you’re creating.
The opportunities you’re choosing to take, and the trade off of the opportunities, experiences and memories you’re therefore choosing NOT to take, and TELL me –

Is it worth it?

And ask YOURSELF –

If another 10 years passed and this was what it’s about WOULD IT BE WORTH IT?

And maybe the answer is yes.

Yes, I will pass up on my one day dreams because deep down I believe surely life couldn’t be THAT good and deep down I believe it IS just a fantasy dream and ultimately deep down I’m too SCARED and so I’d rather hold on to all this … stuff … and I’d rather maintain my IMAGE … and I’d rather not rock the BOAT … and I JUST WANT TO PLAY IT SAFE.

But maybe deep down the idea of never giving it a REAL FUCKING CRACK terrifies the crap out of you.

And maybe NOT even so deep down the idea of another 10 years or even ONE year passing like THIS?

Is just not fucking good enough.

And maybe RIGHT UP HERE ON THE SURFACE you’re getting angry.

At your own God damn WUSSINESS at being this so-called ‘successful’ person, this leader, this winner, the person others admire for truly creating a  life worth living who would trade it all in in a MOMENT to get to actual, real, freedom and joy.

And if that’s you? Even a little? Well then for fuck’s sake!


Lay yourself on the fucking LINE.

Be God damn HONEST with YOURSELF first and foremost about what you really want your life to be about!

Act like you had one fucking life.

Act like THIS WAS IT.

Stop worrying the fuck about what people think.

And get serious about living a life by design.

You CAN have it all, you can have it ON YOUR TERMS but if you want it all it doesn’t MATTER what you’ve done so far and what the world thinks or expects of you, you STILL have to jump off that cliff.

COMMIT to your dreams.

And go make them happen.

So as you think about whether today will be another day that your one day fantasy life eats away at the recesses of your mind while you go about the continued business of being who you are right now and giving the world what it wants of you, or whether today will be the DAY YOU FUCKING OWNED it,