Stop It
Stop telling yourself it’s not working.
Stop believing your own bullshit.
Stop letting your head hang when you don’t make that sale, when nobody clicks like, when it doesn’t work out like your hopes and fantasies told you it might.
Stop getting so EMOTIONAL about it.
So you had a crack, you reached out, you put YOU out there, and you DIDN’T get the result?
So what?
Another day, another dollar. Or another attempt at one, at least 🙂
Stop it.
Stop letting FEAR or WHAT IF or WAHHHH impact your actions.
Stop basing your self-worth but even more importantly your decision to keep rolling up your sleeves and ACTIVELY putting the work in on whether or not it worked TODAY.
Guess what?
It’s NEVER about whether it worked today. IT never works in a DAY.
It’s about whether you DID the work today.
It’s about whether you do the work ALL the days.
So stop TELLING yourself it should be working now.
Stop getting DESPONDENT when your bank balance isn’t where you want it to be, when it feels like nobody knows who you are yet or even cares.
NOBODY said it was going to just HAPPEN.
You KNEW that.
You KNOW this.
So stop it.
Just … stop it, okay?
Because you, you can CHOOSE to be better than that. You can CHOOSE to be the person who keeps going.
Day –
After day –
After ever loving day.
You can CHOOSE to be committed, absolutely committed, for the long haul.
You do what others WON’T so you can live like they CAN’T.
Stop it.
Stop telling yourself she over there has it all figured out already.
TRUST me, she doesn’t!
Stop telling yourself you’re the only one who feels like this.
You’re NOT.
Stop imagining that there’s something wrong with you, that you can’t figure it out and that you’re not yet there.
THAT’S JUST HOW IT IS, and besides – you’re never there. You’ll never have it all figured out. You’ll never KNOW EVERYTHING!
Stop it.
Stop letting your DESTINY – your actions EQUAL your destiny you know – be dictated by your emotions and whether you have it within yourself to just. keep. going.
Stop riding highs and lows governed by short-term in the moment wins or losses.
None of that MATTERS.
It’s NOT whether you won or lost TODAY.
It’s whether you play the fucking game EVERY day.
So STOP it, okay?
Just stop it.
You’ve GOT this.
You can HAVE this.
But you’re going to have to keep DOING this in order to make that real.
The grind.
The hustle.
The pressing on.
The staying up after everyone else is sleeping and the getting up while they’re still in bed.
The saying no to social shit and personal life shit and living like a normal fucking person shit.
(Not that you EVER wanted that anyway!)
And most of all the MINDSET, the inner decision and following DETERMINATION to do. the. fucking. work.
Whether you feel like it –
Or whether you don’t.
Day in –
And day fucking out.
Your RESULTS come from WITHIN.
So STOP it when you say that BULLSHIT to yourself that then slows you down, halts you, sets you off path or causes you to run around chasing bright shiny NONSENSE.
STOP it when you tell yourself you did it wrong, you’ve got it wrong, you ARE wrong.
When the truth is you just didn’t keep GOING enough yet.
And stop it when part of you at hearing that wants to scream and shout because WHY does it have to be this hard, take this long, FEEL like this?
So unless you want to STOP it ALTOGETHER, stop LIVING like this, stop BEING this person, stop pursuing this LIFE?
Then stop it.
Stop it now.
Stop it next time.
Stop it always.
And instead?
Very inspirational! empowering! thank you