Stop Saying YES to NO!
Stop saying yes to the things that don’t serve you, don’t fuel you, don’t light you up within, don’t keep you on PURPOSE and creating your life by design.
You think you still have time, one day, to wake up and say yes to YOU?
No. There’s no time, there’s not a single reason you can come up with which makes the idea of WAITING to press play, valid.
Stop saying yes to every distraction, every aside, every tangent dragging you off the path of your LIFE.
A 1% adjustment to the side will have you arrive, one day, in a completely different destination from the one you SWORE you were headed to.
Stop saying yes to your FEAR, and telling yourself that the reason you’re not all IN right now (and can prove it, via your actions but also your RESULTS!) is because you don’t have fucking TIME, or you don’t know HOW, or because wahhh! What if somebody doesn’t LIKE YOU for it?
Let’s just be honest here!
Of so many things, but most of all of the idea that maybe if you tried it would turn out you’re not good enough after all.That you don’t have what it takes.
Never did.
And can’t.
So you don’t even begin, or you make some kind of tentative half-assed PRETEND step forward so you can delude yourself further, say that you gave it a shot.
You wanna know how to tell if you gave it a SHOT?
You GOT there, that’s how, because giving it a SHOT means you keep on going until you HIT.
Of course you’re welcome to make up your own interpretations, but really? REALLY? Are you REALLY fucking looking for ways to with ‘validity’ justify your lack of doing whatever it TAKES, to live the life you dream of, were called for, and damn well KNOW you were born for?
Don’t be that person, I beg of you.
Don’t BECOME that person, because I know it’s not who you are really.
Is it?
What we’re really talking about here is that you’re continually, really, if we actually look at the FACTS, the evidence, the PROOF, saying yes to NO.
You have ALL these big dreams, desires so great they overwhelm you often but yet which you still KNOW have been given to you for a reason.
God doesn’t put a desire in your HEART if it’s not something you’re CAPABLE of creating.
I firmly believe that, for me and also for you.
And here is the thing:
You can say what you like –
Have the VERY best reasons in the world –
Make a FANTASTIC case for why you haven’t yet, or why you can’t still.
But in the end?
We both know it’s just fear.
You KNOW that what you’re DOING is letting your bullshit be bigger than your dreams, and ultimately than your DESTINY.
And you’re going to die, and should you have the chance to reflect before that happens I can GUARANTEE you this:
You’re not going to look back and be GLAD YOU WAITED, or held back altogether.
You’re just not!
Even the NOW you would tell the earlier you to trust, to go all in, to take more risks and to say YES to the dreams and desires inside!
So what do you think the FUTURE you would say to the NOW you?
Stop saying YES to all the reasons NOT to take action.
Stop saying YES to fear.
Stop saying YES to ‘what if’, to doubt, to insecurity, to the idea that MAYBE IT WILL HURT.
Stop saying yes to no.