Success/Success Mindset


Isn’t it time to stop being so damn reactive to the pull of every.other.thing. except your soul?!

If you understood that you are already where you need to be, and that not a single thing you’re striving for can be attained from outside of you, then perhaps you would also understand what is needed for the drop.

The drop?

You know – the drop into power, and knowledge, and ultimate receiving, and ABSOLUTE soul certainty.

The drop from the natural into the supernatural, the drop AWAY from where fear, resistance, and doubt, could possibly ever have a voice, and where you know that you know that you KNOW –

Who you are.
What you need to do.
What is AVAILABLE to you. (everything)
And what is required to pull it down. (nothing).

If you think about it, so much of what we do, as soul-led badass mofos who KNOW we have a message to share, but, more than that, KNOW we have powers beyond the physical, is CHASE THE FUCKING DROP.

You may not realise that that’s what you’re doing, but trust me –

On a soul level you know.

You’ve experienced the absolute bliss and certainty of flow before, haven’t you?

When your back was against a wall and something just clicked in.
When you forgot about time and space and got carried away.
When you were so EXCITED or PASSIONATE, maybe even ANGRY about something, and all of a sudden you stopped giving a fuck –

About the details.
About the how.
About ANY of it.

And you drop drop dropped ALL the way in and you spun spun spun ALL the way out and you BECAME –

Everything and nothing all at once.

Breathlessness mixed with absolute groundedness.

A TRANSCENDING of the things which, up until this moment, had seemed real, or like something to worry about.

‘The superflow lane’, accessed.

What you MUST understand is that being IN like this is what gives you EVERYTHING you need to move forward and create the fullness of your dream business and life.

What, you actually think that there is something for you to figure out in the natural world that’s going to help you SERIOUSLY make the money you want, have the body you want, KNOW the steps to take to explode your message to the world?

You actually think that when you look back you’re going to say “I did this because I planned really fucking well, and then followed that plan to the dot point?”


You already know that your planning, and list-making, and worry about what the ‘right’ thing to do is not what’s going to get you there.

You already KNOW that what WILL get you there is following what’s inside of you!

The question is –

When do you think you might give yourself permission to FOLLOW what you find within, to back yourself unapologetically and create from that place, AND –

When do you think you might develop the God damn discipline to start transcending your urges long enough to GET.DROPPED.IN?

Every damn day you get up and you think, somewhere in the back of your mind, that today has to be a day where you REALLY get shit done / figure shit out / find who you are / remember the blueprint of your soul.

And then every damn day you go to bed at night aware that while you have DONE a lot, and are certainly fucking tired or spent for it –

You’ve become nothing at all.

Oh sure, maybe you had a fleeting moment of soul certainty, of knowing, of remembering, of letting everything in the natural fall away, of connecting to YOU, and feeling the immeasurable power that comes with that.

A fucking MOMENT.

But then what? You were busy / had something to do / places to go / there was no TIME to just sit with this stuff, and ultimately?

You didn’t trust.

Ultimately you DON’T trust, do you? Which is why your life continues to be created from (let’s call it as it is!) fucking FEAR.

Do do doing and never QUITE being.

Because if you trusted.

And if you knew how life actually WORKS.

And if you knew what was truly AVAILABLE to you, and that what you receive from above and beyond 100x, no, 1000x’s (10,0000! 100,000!), what you can figure out just in your busy thinking mind, if you knew that you LITERALLY COULD RECEIVE AND ALSO INTEGRATE THE CODES TO UNLIMITED WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE AND CREATION IN ALL AREAS IN A HEARTBEAT –

Would you REALLY be so damn reactive to the pull of every.other.thing. except your soul?!

And this is what it comes down to, REALLY –

You’re undisciplined.
Your phone buzzes, and you react.
Somebody calls you, and you look up.
The world says jump, and you ask how high.

Your list of shoulds and your awareness of how much the world wants from you transcends your ability to drop into your soul, and create | become | know EVERYTHING you’ve been long for.

When all that is needed is for you to decide that from here on out the call of the world gets to be ignored and your CHOICE to drop into soul transcends all of THAT.

So next time you’re doin’ the thing of being you –

You’re moving, or writing, or creating, or musing –

And you feel the world pulling at you.

“Oh, let me just check in real quick”

“Oh, let me just get that real fast”

“Oh, let me come BACK to this after I just do all of THAT over there – “

Just stop.

And ask yourself –

“Am I willing to have the discipline to resist the urge? Can I choose to TRANSCEND the urge to once more dance away from soul right before I fell into it?”

And if you can?

You’ll see that the whole entire time, while you were chasing trying to get the world you dream of to come to you, it was right there within you, and all you had to do?

Was let every other damn thing fall away so that you could fall in.