You’re going to get there anyway, right?
You and I, we BOTH know this about you. If I were to sit down and have a conversation with you, I bet I’d be as certain about it as you are. I would FEEL your power, your magic, your future, your truth. The strength and energy and fuck yes-ery of what you’re meant to do in the world.
I’d be as all in on it as you are!
And I’d tell you –
OBVIOUSLY you’re going to get there.
OBVIOUSLY you were born for it!
OBVIOUSLY what you feel inside of you is real, you’re right, it’s there, now claim it, and oh, oh – WAIT –
That’s right, I SEE you girl.
I see you doing the thing. Kicking ass. Taking names. BUILDING. Hustlin’ from flow and soul. Sharing a message of passion and truth. GETTING it!
And I see very clearly that you will CONTINUE to build,
magic make,
MONEY make,
and more!
You’re gonna spin the world on its heels and then dance on top of it in 6-inch Louboutins because THAT IS JUST WHO YOU ARE, and probably? All before the rest of the world woke up and had breakfast.
So actually, you don’t need ME to help you know how to get there, because you’re the damn person who was ALWAYS GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY.
The reality is that my clients don’t hire me to help them become the person who is going to crush their entire LIFE from soul, they hire me because they ARE already that person … AND because they know that coming into my space will result in them getting there faster, with more flow, Amen, The End.
Which brings me (finally!) to my point:
Something I’ve already had several conversations about TODAY, which is how I often know that something is a thing I get to talk about – !
Often, the ONLY difference between someone who is already playing at a super high level, and, well, you who is NOT there yet, is that she or he is simply better at deciding faster, and acting on it!
Every single one of the most high level badass mofos I’ve personally mentored (and there’ve been a lot of ’em, and continue to be!), when they started with me, there used to be some sort of hemming and hawing and can I / should I / I know I have to / but aughghhjhh it’s so UNCOMFORTABLE and SCARY or I’m just not READY yet sort of conversation.
Could have been around staff or support … around a relationship … around how they ideally wanted to set up their biz shiz … heck, could been around how they wanted to do their hair!
But always, initially, there was PAINSTAKING hesitation.
‘What if’.
Worry about fallout, or perception.
Teetering on the edge of the damn thing and not being ready to jump off … yet!
Eventually? OBVIOUSLY. Being the badass mofos they are, they did it.
Fast forward.
I’ve been in this game (online business) for 1.5 decades now. And offline business before that. I’ve been fortunate enough that I have some connections in business which go back a full 20 years, or even more! And many that are getting on upwards of 3, 4, 5 years. I know lots of people who I have known for a significant enough period of time to have watched them evolve into entirely new humans. And I guess they’ve watched me continue to do the same, too!
It really is one of my greatest blessings and joys, to be on the journey with so many amazing purpose-driven leaders, messengers, called ones who answer the call!
And here is what I see, when I look at the evolution of these kind of peeps … and also when I consider my own:
Bit by bit
Slowly but surely
One step at a time with ever greater certainty
I’ve watched too many online leaders to count shift to where the very MOMENT they know what the thing they have to do is, they DO it.
They run with IMMEDIACY into the life they feel calling them,
no matter how scary or confronting,
which also means they walk AWAY with immediacy from anything that is not a match for that,
no matter how uncomfortable.
They always already WERE the ‘one who was always gonna make it, and already is’. They just stepped into full expansive receiving around that and next leveled TF outta their income, impact, and everything, by gradually letting go of the bit of them that weighs shit up and hems and haws.
Just like I myself did, they eventually learned the lesson that ‘when I say yes to soul, life says yes to me’, and ‘when I say yes to soul FASTER, life says yes to me faster, and with greater expansiveness!’.
That whatever they knew they would ULTIMATELY end up doing is what they should just (wo)man up and do right now!
And so,
they did.
One of the KEY differences between my clients and friends who make a fuckload of money and help INSANELY huge numbers of people, and those who are ‘one day gonna’, is that those who already are decide faster, act faster, shed faster, and therefore WIN faster, but also with ever greater / compound effect.
As part of this, somewhere along the way, they adopted a SOUL CERTAIN BELIEF and knowing that whatever is aligned or right or desired for THEM is only a good thing for EVERYTHING, and that in fact the world right now is outraged that they’re not saying yes to everything that’s inside of them!
And imagine –
Just imagine –
If, from this moment forward, you started to operate from the mindset that the world right now is outraged that you’re not saying yes to everything that’s inside of you.
So, in short –
Quit taking so long to do the thing of giving in to all of you girl.
It is selfish as fuck.