

Did you know that the WORK you do each day is actually supposed to be nothing more than a physical manifestation towards the thing you already created and COMPLETED in your mind?

If you’re doing work that hasn’t first been finished SUCCESSFULLY through your thinking, then you’re playing a fool’s game and you’re playing to LOSE.

Reality: the most important skill you can learn in your life is the skill of how to THINK right.

It’s astonishing to me that people go through their entire life, working their asses off to succeed and live the life they want, and yet in most cases are lucky to spend a few minutes a WEEK focusing on how to think right.

So many entrepreneurs I speak to are genuinely hustling hard, putting the time in and obviously willing to do what it takes but when I drill down on what they’re spending their time on their is minimal if any attention given to getting their head in the right place and their mindset prepped to WIN.

Isn’t it just fucking OBVIOUS that if you don’t take the time to set your intentions for the day and focus on where you want to go (precisely!) then you are VERY FUCKING UNLIKELY TO GET THERE?

To me it’s entrepreneur / successful person 101:

The bigger, scarier, more awesome and badass the goal, the longer you should spend in your head, heart, soul, preparing for it.

Or, as the late and great Mr Covey would say:


Okay, so I don’t think he said it exactly like that, but you get the idea. The question is, DO you in fact get it and are you in fact DOING it, living by it, BEING it?

I can tell you that if you don’t currently have a DAILY routine for success mindset then you are SERIOUSLY limiting your results in all areas of your life, and I’ll bet you’re pretty frazzled and disorientated most of the time as well. You probably feel like you’re going at a million miles an hour to try and keep up, but if I ask you what it is you’re trying to keep up WITH you can’t even exactly say, never mind back up why it freakin’ matters so much, and you DEFINITELY don’t have the results you want to prove that doing shit this way is working for you.

I know I talk all the time about doing the fucking WORK, but let’s get real here:

It better be result-based work.
OUTCOME freaking focused.
You better know why you’re doing it.
Why it matters.
What EXACTLY is going to happen as a result of this work.

And you sure as ALL get out better be able to affirm first FULLY that the outcome of said work? Is already a done fucking deal.

Because here’s the thing:

The WORK is just supposed to be a physical manifestation towards what you already created and COMPLETED in your mind.

If you’re working on shit that’s not already ACHIEVED internally then you have an extremely poor and basic join-the-dots approach to succces. Worse still, you’re not even joining the dots of a clear picture, you’re just joining fucking dots for the sake of it!

And let’s be honest:

How’s that working out for you so far?

Do you want to know why truly successful people find it so EASY to just keep hitting their goals, why it is they seem to rock it across multiple areas of their lives, why it is they’re able to be so freaking CONSISTENT and disciplined?

It’s very simple. They know that EVERYTHING flows from thought. They have a daily thinking PRACTICE. They will also put off or put aside EVERYTHING except for thinking if they feel unsure, overwhelmed, or need a problem to a solution. They set intentions daily. They CHOOSE how they’re going to feel. They choose their physical results in all areas. They map out a COMPLETE vision of what they want to create, in their minds eye and usually in a journal. They tune in and ask their intuition for the answers, or how to make a decision. They actively claim ownership over every outcome they desire, big or small. They get themselves geared up and ready for the day, ready to WIN, they HAVE already won before they start the day, because of the mindset and thinking work they begin it with!

They do all of this NOT just once a month, not just on a Sunday when they have some spare time, but

Come hell or high water.

No matter what.

ESPECIALLY if things are running behind.

The MORE they have to DO the less time they spend DOING and the more time they spend stepping into BEING.

I have had a daily journaling practice for coming up to 20 years now. I can tell you that EVERYTIME I’ve paused this practice life has got harder and more confusing, and I’ve found myself PUSHING to try and get ahead. Suffice to stay I no longer EVER pause my practice of thinking for success and creating my outcomes first in my mind.

The fact that I have a multiple 7-figure business which is quadrupling now in income and size every 4 months …
The fact that I’m in great shape ‘even’ at 37 and as a Mum …
The fact I get to travel and live like a VIFP …
The fact that I have the exact relationships I want, with soulmate friends and clients a given …
The fact that I am motivated, energised and ON every day …
Even the fact that I have the exact material possessions I desire, ALL of that is an outcome of the fact that if I want something?

I just fucking think on it, create it in my mind, and THEN do the work which has already CREATED it, in order to get to see it.

All of this is exactly why, later today, I’ll be launching my newest online program:

Journal Your Way to Rich, Successful, Free.

I’ll be showing you the exact daily practices you need to think for MASSIVE success, and exactly how to implement them into your life.

Make no mistake:

If you’re not thinking right, you’re not only NOT playing to win, you’re not even in the fucking game.

Stay tuned on FB later today for the announcement!