

Let’s get one thing clear before we even BEGIN this conversation, yes?

You can’t make money from your art.

You do NOT ask your art to pay you, perform for you, dance like a puppet on a string and give you fame and fortune.

It doesn’t work that way, not unless what you WANT to do is to deliver to the world some sort of shadow version of what’s really in your soul.

You’ve tried this before, so I shouldn’t need to point it out, but perhaps you’ve never realised what was going on, when you worked so hard to get PAID for your purpose work. I know it took me a while to figure it out, so the least I can do is cut you a break if you still don’t know this, and share with you what I learned which ultimately set me free to –

a) first and foremost, BE the true artist, unleash exactly what is in me
b) make da millions and have a damn good time doing it

And what it WAS was finally realising that the whole entire time I’d been trying to find a way to make money from my art, get paid for my purpose work, get paid for unleashing my soul.

When actually? Technically? If you really break it down?

That’s not possible.

Okay, okay, so I’m probably splitting hairs, and for sure I’m being confusing as FUCK, because most definitely I have used and STILL use terms like ‘get paid for being you’, ‘get paid for your soul work’, and so on. ‘Get paid for your art’ even!!

I know.


Here is what I mean though. And I guess a lot of the time I word things in the most simple way possible; that’s just how the message comes through that day. But today we gettin’ all fancy and shit, and I’m gonna tell you the ADVANCED motherfucking version of what it really means to be a true artist who also makes a fuckload of money.

And that is this:

You HAVE to separate the art from the money, in order to make the latter and be true to the former.

The reason is two-fold.

1) The very SECOND you command or demand or even hope that your art makes you money you TAINT it. There is an undercurrent of ‘I hope this is okay’ … or ‘if I just change this one thing …’, or flat out ‘what is the best way to say / communicate this in order to get sales’, or ‘what if people don’t understand it’.

You may insist that you’re not changing anything, not one bit! But, flat out, if your INTENTION for unleashing the art is to get you paid, you ARE.

This is undeniable for the simple reason that the ONLY true intention and reason for letting what’s in you out can be … (wait for it …!) … LETTING WHAT’S IN YOU OUT!

That’s it. Period. The End! There is NO other valid reason for art. If you attach one; you just modified the art. It’s coming from a different place. And even 0.01% off alignment is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT off alignment! This means – it is now NOT art.

The purpose of unleashing your art is unleashing your art.

The purpose of purpose is purpose.

The purpose of writing is to write.

The purpose of communicating / connecting with badass mofos (clients / friends / otherwise) is connecting and communicating.

And so on. And so forth.

When you try to GET something from doing what you are damn well MEANT to do, you CHANGE THE WHOLE GAME.

And? You actually push AWAY the outcome (fame / following / fortune / etc), because that is just not the place it’s meant to COME from, you know?


That’s #1.

2) Where money (and all other things) come from is not by DOING something.

Results come from BEING, not DOING, and also from deciding and choosing.

There is NEVER anything you need to DO to get an outcome.

What you need is to BE the person who would already have that outcome, and then decide to choose and allow IN the outcome.


I AM a crazy chaotic all-over-the-place rambly as fuck writer, who unleashes the musings of her soul onto the internet each day BECAUSE SHE CAN’T NOT.

And I CHOSE to get rich, make millions, impact millions, even change the world a little bit.

I chose it because I saw it inside of me, and I know that what I see inside of me is always real, always available, always available for ME, and always available now.

So, I decided that ‘that’s just how it was going to be now. Thank you very much’. And I trusted that because I knew it WAS mine to fulfil, that it could and would happen, and that the only thing I needed to DO?


#bemorekat … try it … it’s a thing … don’t forget to sub your own name in though, lol. You can’t be me. Position filled!

So, what does ‘be fucking me’ mean? Well … DUH. It means write whatever the fuck comes OUT each day, that’s what!

And various other things.

But each and every one of ’em for its OWN sake.

The MONEY comes because I decided to stop blocking it, and allow the infinite to arrive into the now.

My JOB is simply to continue to follow the direction and guidance (comfortable or no) of my soul. Moment by moment and day by day. And to continue to choose and decide and ask for and also of course detach from the things I see inside of me that should be mine, that are divined for me and destined but which yes, I must still choose and ALLOW.

SURRENDER is key to all of this … and faith.

But no, it’s not ‘do the certain things and they make you money’, even though it IS ‘do the certain things and you make money’.

Is this confusing? Or does it make sense? It’s a small but critical distinction, and what it’s about and why it matters is that for art to be art and for it to do ITS work in the world it HAS to come from the right place.

Not from a place of ‘you must pay me!’.

So, how do you then translate your madness and mayhem and art from the DEPTHS of your heart into

Well, that bit is simple!

You expect the money.
You ASK for it. You get REALLY FUCKING GOOD, consistent, frequent, and BOLD about asking for it. I bet you aren’t doing THAT! Hardly anyone is 
You detach on repeat. You remind yourself that of COURSE you’d do the art regardless, the purpose of purpose is purpose and the purpose of art is art!
You NEVER filter, NEVER hold back, NEVER do NOT press publish or play. You let the art be the art, fully, and DAILY, and for its own sake.
And you continue to EXPECT the outcomes you see inside of you. Ask, decide, choose, detach, surrender, and then; the final thing?


Everything you know you would and SHOULD be if you were already ‘there’.

The whole entire reason you never get to there –

Is you keep asking how to get to there

When if you were there

You’d be here

Unleashing your crazy
Unleashing your madness
Unleashing your mayhem
Doing what you DO because you gotta do what you do

And getting paid the way you always knew you should be ’cause you decided to gtf out of your own way and just expect it

For doing?


Meanwhile being –


That’s all.

Go to the end goal now.
Be the person now.
Do the thing now.
And realise, you can have it ALL, now.

And if you believe that?

I’ll see you over here in the infinite. With the other believers, who decided to just let life be ease and flow and YES>

It’s always been available.