Success/Success Mindset


It’s time to drop the world drop the world drop the world again and fade AWAY.

It’s time to go within and go away and transcend this time this place this space drop deep deep DEEP into superflow, into source energy, into the other world, where there is no need to chase and nothing to strive for because you already, simply


With deepest energy and power and knowledge and truth, but most of all – and I know that this is what you LONG for – 
Deepest and utmost certainty.

Ask yourself, but hurry, there’s no time to lose, the doors are sliding shut, the other realms about to be cut off from you again, and you have to CHOOSE – !

Are you coming? Do you dare? Will you let go? Are you willing to slip away with me?

Or are you staying, showing yourself once again, to be one of THEM, the scared ones, the unsure ones, the I shouldn’t ones, the I don’t know HOW ones, the ones who have DOOMED themselves


to stay in the 3rd

always seeking
but never found

Are you coming? Hurry! And as you do, ask yourself – 

Why have you been hiding form this place? I hear your answer already, it comes to me without you needing to open your mouth, I HEAR how you say you know not you know not you know not, but YET –

We both know you do

Unworthiness, perhaps. Or fear of being separated, isolated, becoming so powerful that you can no longer connect with anybody or any THING, or maybe

It’s just a habit

It doesn’t matter. It’s ALWAYS available. Now. But yet, at the same time, be conscious, be alert, be aware, there are moments in time to say YES to your soul, to SCREAM it, and to fall INTO the other place before the doors once again slam shut.

There are moments when the innermost and highest of all you is beckoning, is calling, is beseeching, is praying, almost BEGGING you to answer the call

To come
To leave
To float
To fly
To let go

These are the moments, perhaps, in which you’ve been accustomed to turning AWAY from your soul.

I’m too busy …
Not now …
I just need to do this first …
Today is not a great day for that!

Do you see? Do you see how you BUSY yourself and DISTRACT yourself FROM your Self, with so much CHASING? So much PUSHING? So much DOING?

And yet you wonder
– why it is you don’t yet have what you want, why it always seems to be at arms length, why you can never QUITE get there, your body feels heavy and drained, it doesn’t quite WORK the way you want it to, business is an endless pulling teeth like affair, relationships feel exhausting, everything just feels like so MUCH.

Of course –

Because you’re stuck stuck stuck in the physical, stuck back in an old and ALWAYS false story that the results you crave are accomplished IN that place, when actually it’s always been and only CAN be in the SUPERFLOW place where results are found

Shifts are made

Where you become the flow and the flow is in you and from you and through you, and you wonder –

Huh … how did I EVER think I needed to DO so much when in this place I already WAS and AM …


What you’re CRAVING is certainty, NO – 
What you’re craving is simply connection to your own soul.
To the world within worlds.
To the beat of your heart.
To the TRUTH.

And when you try
SO damn hard
To push
And to pull
And to do it right and get it right and FORCE an outcome in the physical
Forgetting that the physical can only ever be a representation of the energetic, the internal, the NOT matter

Your higher self just sits there
Rolling her eyes
Tapping her toe
Smiling perhaps
And waiting,
For you to remember
What you always knew
Who you always were
And what to do

The ONLY thing EVER to DO is to go within

When you feel lost, go within
When you feel disconnected, go within
When it feels HARD and so drawn OUT and you’re SO sick of waiting and you just want to be there NOW, go within

Where it already exists
Where it’s already done
And where the blueprint for EVERYTHING
Is written

When everybody annoys you and you just can’t catch a break and it’s feeling so ENDLESS and you’re chase chase chasing a FEELING

Go within
To the place you’ve always known
Where nothing matters
And everything makes sense
And you know exactly what to do
The surface world around you dropping away
And the real world, the one inside of you, once again revealed

You don’t need to get more organised, more efficient, fit more in, DO more in order to GET more.

You need to stop running from what’s inside.

That’s all …