Your Shit Ain’t Selling Because –
Your shit isn’t selling because you’re not having fun with it.
You KNOW that the only way to get shit to sell is to DO the shit that FEELS like THE shit, and yet here you are – feeling like ACTUAL shit because what you’re putting out there into the world? It ain’t got shit to do with what’s lighting you up right now, and frankly, it bores you to tears.
You’re an expert at gettin’ yourself all hyped up, into the zone, and you know ALL the right things to say and do, and so you’ve JUST about convinced yourself that actually you a re having a good time, thank you very much, and actually this IS what you’d be doing if you were only doing what’s fun and flow, and yes this IS your soul’s truest work right now, so there!
Do you know what I think?
Me thinketh the lady doth protesteth too much.
Here’s a little rule of business, and life:
The more you find yourself needing to INSIST to all and sundry, or just in your own head, that yes, yes, you DO love this current offer, it IS what you really want to do and couldn’t NOT, the more it becomes clear that THIS IS NOT FLOW.
Flow = certainty, period, The End.
When you’re in it, here’s nothing to explain.
No need to try and prove yourself.
Details don’t MATTER, details don’t even exist! You’ve left the space and place where the practical world is at ALL fucking relevant, and so what would you possibly need or be able to explain.
There is no ‘this should work, I really believe in, I want it to work and I know that it’s GOOD work!’.
There is only WHEEEEEEEE beatch, Imma just gonna be up here riding dat flow chain.
LIKE a motherfreakin’ boss.
When you’re in THAT place, you’re Cleopatra being carried along on her chariot and the energy and power of the entire COSMOS is behind you. You just gotta hold on and go along for the ride!
You’re NOT thinking about how to run the damn ride.
You are NOT looking around to see that everybody else is doing their bits right.
You couldn’t give a flying fuck about whether the wheels got bolted on properly.
You’re just ONE WITH THE JOURNEY, and you KNOW –
This is where I’m supposed to be.
Is that how it feels right now, with what you’re putting out there into the world? ‘Cause if not? Then yeah …
You’re shit ain’t gonna sell.
And you will push push PUSH to manually make the fucker climb the damn hill, and you can do it and with RELENTLESS sweat and toil, and it will STILL –
Not work.
Sound familiar?
So, why don’t you sell what would light you the fuck UP then? Why don’t you tap into the thing which God Himself is waiting for you to do? Why don’t you open up an all access pass to being supported by life itself?!
– Because I don’t really know what that would be
– Because what I FEEL kinda drawn to doing wouldn’t work
– Because I’m damn sick and tired of this same old same old bullshit but I feel trapped by it, trapped by what I’m doing, what I feel I’m known for, what people expect of me, what I expect of myself, the freaking identity I’ve created and I don’t know how to be anything OTHER than this, but yet I’m SO – over this
– Because I don’t know how to do it in a different way! But yet these same same ways are driving me up the wall!
– Because I haven’t even really REALISED how I’ve just accidentally slipped into this stagnant stinking stuck as fuck mess, it just crept up on me and I can’t even remember when I was last SO damn alive with just the giddiness and fun of it all!
Know what girl?
^^^ that?
I mean, sure, it’s all REAL … I GET it, fully … it happens to the best of us, and it DOES just kind of creep on ya! But the fact you’ve noticed it, if even just right here now in this moment?
FAST, too.
It’s all just a choice.
– YES you know what it would be, if you really think you don’t then just ask your soul to show you. Set an intention in the morning – ‘I have the download of what will be fun and flow and FUCK yes, TODAY, and it lights me up and feels sassy and awesome and yay! Thank you, Amen’. Then get on with your day and trust it will show up, ’cause it WILL.
– YES what you are drawn to will work. That is how the WHOLE DAMN THING WORKS. Duh. Remind yourself.
– NO, you are never trapped by what you think you’ve boxed yourself in to. Never. You get as many reinventions as you need, and know what else? You can do that shit in a second; boom. Flick the switch and be whoever you are being called to be right NOW, and when you step fully into that, no apology and just ‘here I am bitchesssss’, the world WILL realign accordingly. Always.
– YEP, you know as many different ways as there are stars in the sky to sell your shit and get it out there into the world. There are INFINITE new ways for you to do things, and the only rule is – follow that flow! But not based on pre-conceived ideas of what is possible or ‘done’, instead base it on what is coming THROUGH me? What feels good right now? What am I being guided to do, even if it makes no sense? What do I want to experiment with that feels a little daunting or crazy but just of INTEREST!
Listen –
The reason people buy from you is because they’re drawn to, yeah?
So how can it possibly make sense that what you sell be anything other than what YOU are drawn to, before you then let others at it?
Drop the damn rote-preneuring.
Connect back to soul.
And go do what you’re (now) being called to do.
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