
Check Out This Great New Blog!

You’d think it’s not often that I’d tell you to click away from MY blog and send you over to someone else’s. But in the spirit of sharing the love and because I really just think you’re going to love this, I wanted to tell you about an awesome new resource. You’re definitely going to want to bookmark this one!

a fitness phenomenon is born: melbourne’s assassin pt blog!

In the words of its creators, Lana Chapman and Larissa Watt, Assassin PT is going to be a site to “train you, help you and laugh with you. Join with other Assassin’s and feel part of our training community, we will introduce you to our apprentices, our champions of the industry, our idols, our favourite recipes and our favourite things to laugh at (note from Kat: great idea!”)

“Our blog will provide you with a group of friends, good activities (exercise), great food, people to look up to and the responsibility of people looking up to you – sounds like a good recipe for a perfect family or a tight knit group of friends to you right? That’s the recipe to a successful healthy lifestyle!”

why i love assassin pt – and think you will too

I know Lana and Larissa personally from seeing them run their business in the city the past few years. I’ve rarely seen two trainers who seem so single-minded in their determination to build a business that truly transforms lives day after day.

As testimony to this is the fact that they are running a Client Appreciation Night (launch party!) next week and giving all of their clients and attendees free goody bags, champagne and food, and even giving away crazy amounts of personal training packages! Talk about giving back to the community 🙂 – oh, and there are a few places left if you want to grab a friend and join the party. It’s free! See the post end for details.

I sat down with the girls last week and found out exactly what their blog is going to offer you –

  • Why have you decided to start up a blog?

To give people insight into achieving those fitness and lifestyle goals they’ve been thinking about for so long.

Blogging is also an integral part of growing your business online and one of the best ways to get knowledge out about us and what we’re all about!

  • What can readers expect when they sign up for your blog?

Our tact on how to be lean, mean fitness machines! They will get a taste of our love for fitness and health and all our little tricks to keeping a fit and healthy lifestyle.

  • What are you most passionate about and/or what do you feel your specialty is when it comes to spreading the good word of health and fitness?

We are passionate about making a difference in people’s lives!

We try every way possible to make health and fitness click for our clients. Some of our clients absolutely despise training! – but want the results, so we bend over backwards to make it as enjoyable as possible for them by giving them loads of variety and endeavor to find the things that they actually do enjoy and have fun while getting fit!

  • What’s your number one tip for transforming your body?

Keep it simple and Never Give Up!

If you think about the attributes of the people you look up to, what is the main consistent?

We believe it is mental strength, positivity, forgiveness, adaptability, perseverance and consistency.

Apply these to taking on a fit, healthy lifestyle and you can see that mental strength and positivity are needed to give you direction and  keep you on track, forgiveness and adaptability to forgive yourself for those times you do fall off track, but adapt to get back on. Perseverance and consistency take you over the line!

  • Why do you think so many people never achieve the body they dream about?

People allow life to get in the way. Whether it be busy work, parties, friends or family eating habits, there is always something happening in everyone’s lives’ that can easily de-rail a person’s endeavor for a fit, healthy lifestyle.

There is never a ‘good time’ to begin a fitness regime or start clean eating if it’s not a work function it’ll be Easter or Christmas holidays – the Time is NOW, there will never be an opportune time to start otherwise!

You have to be prepared to overcome the obstacles life puts in the way, don’t allow them to be excuses.

The main thing to remember is that we aren’t perfect either, but we are great at adapting and getting back on track and THAT is the key to achieving everything you want in life, whatever that may be.

If you’d like to meet the girls and grab some great goody bags, head over to Facebook to reserve your space. Numbers are limited! The party is August 27th, 7pm at Della Nonna Ristorante in Melbourne’s QV.

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