
Top 2012 Apps for Health and Fitness

Today’s post is from Melanie Gray; Melanie is a writer for BBGeeks, a popular site that provides BlackBerry news, commentary, reviews and beginner BlackBerry tips for BB newbies.

Top 2012 Apps for Health and Fitness

Putting food and weight management conveniently at your fingertips

In 2012 there are few excuses left as to why one can’t manage their health and weight. Especially when you consider the millions of health and fitness apps available for Android, iPhone, LG phones, and every other type of mobile device ever engineered. Today’s health and fitness apps, many of which are available for free, will track your calories burned through exercise; measure your heart rate, BMI and blood pressure; recommend recipes and how much water you should drink; and even track your diabetes and sodium intake.
With support from the following 7 health and fitness apps in 2012, there is little excuse to log on and take control of your health!

1. MyFitnessPal (Free)

My nutritionist and my personal trainer always told me that individuals who record their foods consumed will always achieve greater weight loss success than those who don’t. That’s why I suggest MyFitnessPal, an app that puts convenient calorie counting calorie counter at your finger tips—thanks to a huge the food database of over 1.1 million foods (including many fast foods and ethnic varieties).
2. Sodium 101 (Free)

Sodium intake is vital if you’re trying to shed poundage. And if you consume a lot of canned foods and processed sauces—not to mention sprinkle salt on everything—then you should be using Sodium 101 on your iPhone or iPad. Not only does this app tell you the sodium in the foods you love, it also tracks your consumption, which is a must for those with high blood pressure.
3. GluCoMo (Free)

This app should be doctor recommended to diabetes patients in my humble opinion because it tracks blood sugar levels when you’re eating on the go! Not only that, but GluCoMo has partnered with medical doctors—so your insulin dosage is sent to a network of doctors for professional advice and monitoring. How’s that for health support?

4. MapMyFitness (Free)

I use this app every day and can attest to its addictiveness and usefulness. This app maps out your workout route for going to the gym, running, biking and even walking your dog. And the best thing about it—it’s completely free for your iPhone!
5. Digifit ($1.99)

The Digifit app really is a must have on cardio-infused workouts. It tracks your runs, rides or walks as far as distance, time, speed, heart rate, pace and calories burned. And if that wasn’t already plenty, it also keeps track of your weight and blood pressure to make sure you’re working hard enough or sweating within your fat-burning zone.

6. Ab Workouts Pro ($0.99)

If you’re shy about your bulging belly and you’ve decided that 2012 is the year to rid you of your spare tire, then Ab Workouts Pro is the app for you! Created to help you melt the fat around your middle, Ab Workouts Pro features all of the abdominal exercises, core workouts, and flab busting motivation you require for your own virtual trainer who will keep you crunching over email or text whenever you need motivation.

7. Nike + iPod ($20)

You can’t expect to run without decent tunes now can you! That’s where the popular Nike + iPod comes in. Now available for iPhone 3G, iPod touch, and later models, consider this app the personal back-up band that follows you everywhere you run. However, the pure brilliance of Nike + iPod is that it tracks your workout progress (calories burned, distance, heart rate, time and speed) via your iPod touch or iPhone and wirelessly transmits this workout data to, recording workout data from wherever you are on the go.

Melanie Gray is a writer for BBGeeks, a popular site that provides BlackBerry news, commentary, reviews and beginner BlackBerry tips for BB newbies.

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