Podcast Episode 1: Business Smackdown: Are you doing what you’re called to do? – Episode 1
It’s time for a smack-down, as only Kat can bring it!
This week we’re going to talk about building a 6-figure a month business on your terms. The money isn’t the point. This is all about a strategy to create whatever you want in your business. Maybe you’re not yet at the point that you think 6-figures is even possible. Maybe it’s just going to the next level that will feel like excess and luxury. If you’re going to make a goal and commit to living it out, you can have it. It’s just a number.
It’s no different whether it’s $1,000 a month or seven figures. Starting in 2007, I went online. I was successful, starting with a few hundred, then a few thousand, then several thousand, but my expenses were always just behind what I made. The idea of minimalism is one of the biggest ideas I’ve had in my business.
As entrepreneurs, we want it all…and we want it now. Deep inside, there’s a little voice asking, “Do I really need to do it all?” What are you sacrificing now for your business? You tell yourself it’s only for a short amount of time, but it never is. It becomes a way of life. I remember just deciding that this is all I can handle and “success” isn’t worth it. I didn’t walk away because I wasn’t making money. I just wasn’t living my life on my terms. I know now that I don’t have to be successful at the cost of my soul. Commit to your ultimate goal now.
When you commit and commit fully, it has to be on your terms. Everything must be there from day one. You can’t put it off until you get “there,” wherever there is. Question whether you have to do it the way that others say you must. You need to spend a high proportion of your time on what you’re best at. You shouldn’t be spending 20% of your time creating and 80% on “success”. The only way you’ll succeed is by doing more of what you’re supposed to be doing. You should be doing, creating, leading, and teaching. It’s not about “building funnels” or “networking”. It’s a massive leap of faith to move past the stuff that doesn’t matter to the stuff that only you can do. You need to take control and the reigns from that hungry monster of email, marketing, etc.
If I can make 6-figures by only spending an hour a day on this other stuff, so can you. What would you do if you were already making the money you dream of? What tasks would you outsource or even delete altogether? I would spend my life speaking or writing or leading even if there was no money in it. It’s up to you to make it happen. You need to have in place high-value ways to share what you do in the world. For every minute you spend not doing what you’re meant to do, that’s a minute you’re not using to create the life you want.
Commit to authenticity. Commit to your true goals. Commit to alignment. You know those times when you’re doing what you’re supposed to do. Have something to offer people that will help them transform into who they’re meant to be. Create a product now, not later. All you need is one offer that will help people solve a deep and burning problem. Create something that’s in alignment with who you are. Ask yourself if what you’re doing is in alignment and if you’re not sure, it’s not. Spend 70, 80, 90% of your time on what’s your best work.
You might already have access to some of the best sales and marketing information, but if you’re not in alignment with who you really are, it’s useless. This is much more valuable information. If this is resonating with you, you need to get in touch with me about my business mastermind intensive. It’s only got three spots open at the moment, so hurry before they’re all gone. It will include lead generation, marketing, etc. We’ll also be working through tearing down what isn’t necessary to get you to where you need to be.
Only get in touch with me if you want to commit to my coaching so that we can revolutionize your life. By being myself, everything changed. My life became amazing. Maybe it’s not that my husband and I are living an amazing life. Maybe we’re living the life everyone should be living. Maybe our lives should be normal. Thank you for staying with me until the end. Remember that life is now. Press Play.
Outline of this episode
- This week we’re going to talk about building a 6-figure a month business on your terms.
- Maybe you’re not yet at the point that you think 6-figures is even possible. Maybe it’s just going to the next level that will feel like excess and luxury.
- The only way you’ll succeed is by doing more of what you’re supposed to be doing.
- What tasks would you outsource or even delete altogether if money wasn’t in the way?
- Commit to authenticity. Commit to your true goals. Commit to alignment.
- Create a product now, not later that will help people solve a deep and burning problem.
- Spend 70, 80, 90% of your time on what’s your best work.