Living Your Daily Dream, Loving Your Life – It Can Happen
The Dream Life Project is currently closed. Check back soon for the next release date!
If you’re sitting there reading this right now and deep down you know that it’s time to finally get your shiz together then this is a callout directly to you.
I want to ask you, and I really want you to think about this –
For how much longer are you prepared to keep telling yourself that things are going to change?
That somehow, magically, despite the scary recognition of how fast this year has already flown by, you’re going to pull a miracle out of your butt in the next week, month, 6 months, and start Making Things Happen.
Seriously, for how much longer can you keep living in a way that is not aligned to where you know you could be. You know it.
Here’s the thing.
I’m not trying to give you a hard time about not getting stuff done, not changing your life.
I know that stuff is hard! It’s taken me years to start living life on my terms, and one of the primary catalysts for it was the very messy breakdown of my first marriage. Not exactly the ideal path to finding my dream, although I’m grateful now that it happened.
Because some people – all too many people – never get there. Marriage breakdowns/life trauma or not.
For most people, maybe for you, life just keeps on keeping on, and it’s enough to keep on top of the everyday things you have to do just to function and stay sane. Semi-sane 🙂
it’s scary to chase your dreams. scary, tough, and oh-so worth it.
I know.
I know how incredibly tough it can be to break away from habits that have bound you for years, perhaps even decades.
I know how scary it can be to even consider stepping off that ledge toward a life you barely even dare to dream about.
And I know how futile it can seem when you really and truly are trying your best to reach your goals but for some reason keep getting knocked back down again.
I’ve been there more times than I care to recall and I’m sure I’ll be there again as part of the obligatory path to reaching new goals.
The key to success is not to never fail, but to keep getting up again. And again. And again.
how i keep getting up; how i keep creating more of my dreams
It’s a daily thing that I do. Something I’ve learned and still fail at often but fortunately push on with on enough other occasions.
Every day I stop and ask myself how I want to live, who I want to be. How I want my life to be, not in the future but NOW. And I look at what I need to do and what I need to let go of to get there.
But don’t for a second imagine that merely visualising, writing or thinking about creating my dream body, biz, life is what has made it reality.
The reality is I’ve fought and I’ve battled and I’ve spent years climbing the wrong ladder and I’ve had meltdowns along the way and times where every step forward is followed by 2 back.
But the one constant, the one thing that has always worked for me?
I have always always always invested in support. Whether it be the latest ebook on my iPad or the occasional $1000 per hour mentoring session. Truly; I’m not just throwing that number out there – that’s how much I invested into a recent and life-changing mentoring session.
I am a self-confessed self/business/life-help junkie.
And you know why? It works!
Not all of the time, sure. But enough. Because when you read that one sentence in that one book out of 10, or hear that one 2-minute portion of a presentation in a course or have that one lightbulb moment that you just know is going to completely change the trajectory of your life – it’s all worth it.
And those moments, gathered over the years from various coaches and authors and speakers, are what have put me on track to where I am now – in this position that 7 years ago, post marriage breakdown and overweight and unhappy – I never thought I would ever achieve.
where are you heading right now?
Whether it’s by accident or design, you are on track right now toward a certain destination.
You want to know what your future will be, where you’ll be 3 months or 6 months or a year from now?
Just look at the past 30-90 days. It’s an excellent predictor.
Seriously, look back at the past few months right now and then ask yourself –
“Am I headed to the place I want to go?”
Yes, this is terrifying to have to answer honestly. I’ve been there, many times, and in almost every area of my life that you can imagine.
But c’mon now –
We are grown up. All grown up and out there in the world, and at the end of the day the only person who will ever truly care about you living your dream is you. Nobody else is going to do it for you and it is not going to just happen.
It’s time for you to wake up and take charge.
the dream life project bootcamp: support and resources to create your dream life
I’ve put the Dream Life Project bootcamp together for women who are determined, willing to commit and to take that first step and who know that nothing in life happens by accident.
Women who know that the right support is invaluable, and who would like to be saved a lot of time and effort in being given all of the resources and tools they need to reach their dreams.
The good news is that you haven’t (quite) missed out on being part of this 5-week online bootcamp. The urgent news is that in just another day or so, you may have.
The Dream Life Project bootcamp kicks off next Monday, the 16th of July, and registrations close tomorrow; July 11.
Next Monday is when the materials first become available, you can begin anytime after that as your 5-week bootcamp registration also includes a full year’s membership to participate in and download and keep forever all Dream Life Project bootcamp materials.
You can stop, start, re-start, or follow closely with me as I teach the content. It’s about making it work for you.
the body, the biz, the life
Over the past few days I’ve shared with you the systems I’ll teach you in the bootcamp to create your dream body in just 5 weeks.
I’ve also shared an ‘what to expect’ on how we’ll be finding and starting to create or re-create your dream biz in just 5 weeks.
Today I want to share with you, for the first time, all of the exciting, uplifting and truly life-changing strategies and systems I’ll be taking you through when it comes to pulling it all together and ensuring that every day, you are living your daily dream.
‘Cause you know what?
It can happen.
“Kat is such a force of nature who inspires and helps everyone in her path.
She is always able to renew my faith in myself and in what I can achieve. Everyday I am closer to living my dream – the mindset, the body and the business just by following Kat’s advice.
Kat practices what she preaches and is a living example of how easy it is (with the right mindset and instructions) to change everything that we want to change and be everything we want to be. She is my mentor and I don’t know where I’d be without her!”
Jessica Gregory, Senior Super Admin and Woman Incredible reader
the dream life project part 3: living your dream!
- Week 1: Getting Organised And Out Of Overwhelm. The best part of living the dream? No more battling the never-ending lists and shoulds of a much-too full life. I’ll teach you how to slice through the madness and highlight what YOU need to be doing to make each day of your life work for you and to move forward on your goals without going insane.
- Week 2: Making Each Day A ’10’. Every single day is a day that counts, every single moment is one that can be part of your dream. The key is to learn how to be on track with living your dream each day. In week 1 we worked out what you really need to focus your time and energy on in order to love your life, and this week I’m going to help you make sure that those things actually happen.
- Week 3: First Things First. Living your dream life is about constant re-assessment and the willingness to let go of things that aren’t working for you. Learn how to make sure that first things get done first even when life does get crazy, so you never again have to look back and wonder where the day or week went without you getting anything important done.
- Week 4: Stay On The Right Track. Sometimes, life happens. Things come up. You get distracted, or lose focus or confidence. With the right support and some simple daily strategies you can keep your nose – and your life – pointing in the right direction. This week I share with you exactly how I get myself back on track when I find myself a little derailed. Derailment is normal, and it will happen – just don’t let it become your reality.
- Week 5: Your Automatic Joyful Life Plan. Learn how to make everything you learn in The Dream Life Project bootcamp work for you, for life. Learn exactly how to just ‘be’ that woman living her dream, and how to automatically make every day count.
some of the dream life resources you will receive along the way!
- Meditations
- How to release fears and blockages template
- Find your dreams strategy sheet and podcast
- Goals that work cheat sheet – a template you can use and resource to set inspiring goals that will actually work, including affirmations and how to frame your goals for success
- Subliminal affirmation podcast
- Get things done checklist to cut through overwhelm and help you identify the stuff that matters each week
And don’t forget you get a bunch of great bonuses when you join the Dream Life Project bootcamp, including:
- a FREE copy of my new book, The Dream Life Project, soon to be released on Amazon – a handbook giving you my stories and strategies on creating your dream body, biz and life.
- A FREE copy of the Woman Incredible Look Great Naked Eating Plan, normally $57! Recipes, meal plans, what to eat and how to put it all together – all to make eating right and getting the body you want effortless
- A FREE copy of my ebook ‘How To Be That Girl’, including my personal story of success in creating Woman Incredible and my dream life!
- A free year’s membership to The Dream Life Project bootcamp including all future ‘runs’ of it and all new materials that I create!
- Other cool stuff which you can see on the official page of the Dream Life Project Bootcamp
Minimum time investment p/week to ROCK the Dream Life thread of the Dream Life Project Bootcamp:
- 30 minutes max watching the weekly video and doing the suggested strategy sheet to accompany it
- 15 minutes to 1 hour per week implementing the suggestions to plan your day and week
Total minimum time per week for this part of the bootcamp: 45- 90 minutes per week to know that each day you live is a ’10’ and that you seriously cannot wait for the next one to arrive. Of course if you love extra motivation and support you may find yourself spending a little extra time in our private Dream Life Project Bootcamp Babes forum, or jumping onto one of my Q&A teleseminars!
make your dream life happen. start now.
“Kat made me revisit my goals and dreams.
We often cruise through life thinking that because like is ‘ok’ we should be grateful and not dare to dream for it to be ‘awesome’, that by doing so we are perhaps tempting fate to take away the ‘ok’ and leave us worse off. I know that’s the rut I’d gotten into until I started truly reflecting on Kat’s recent posts. Kat challenged this way of thinking and gave a different more enlightened perspective that we all deserve everything we dream off and to go out there and grab it.
Kat is heart wrenchingly honest with her words and advice and openly shares her knowledge and experiences, her passions and her strengths; however, she also is not afraid to share her weaknesses and past mistakes too. This to me displays humility and that she is human and in many ways no different to me or anyone else reading / listening to her.
What does set Kat apart is her willingness to put it out there, bare her soul and share those learnings so they can benefit and inspire others to live the life they dreamt off but also to feel they are worthy of those dreams.
Lotty Turnidge, Mum and blog owner at Eat, Sweat, Think – and new member of The Dream Life Project bootcamp!
so how about you?
How much longer are you prepared to put your dream life on hold?
And for how much longer are you willing to keep telling yourself that you’ll get there, get your shiz together and finally start doing all those things, being all those things, living all those things?
You have to take charge of your life. You have to make a choice right now, to do something.
It may not be joining my bootcamp! The bootcamp is one avenue (I have to say a pretty freaking awesome one) to getting to your dream body, biz and life.
Maybe this is not your avenue, but something has to be. Someday, you have to make the choice that from here on out you will be confidently and bravely moving forward on your dreams. Every last one of them, not just the ones you think you could or should achieve. That you’ll be staring in the face of uncertainty or fear and saying the heck with it.
Demanding your destiny.
I hope that for you that day will come soon, that it won’t be something you put off.
And if you’re up for it, then The Dream Life Project is sure as anything going to be a great way to make that day happen!
The foundation price for the inaugural bootcamp is insanely great. The value, support, resources and tools you’ll receive are worth literally hundreds of times what you’ll pay, which is just one payment of $99 (a yearly membership giving you free access to all future Dream Life Project content!) or 3 payments of $37.
wanna know more?
You can read all of the details of the Dream Life Project Bootcamp over here.
You can read about exactly what we will cover on the ‘body’ side of things each week over here.
And you can read all about the biz side of things and the week by week strategy over here.
Or you can just stop reading now and decide that you’re going to give this bootcamp a go. That you’ll give me and my systems a go – and I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your support but also how damn certain I am that what I will teach you will change your life – but ultimately that you’ll give yourself a go.
And I know you will give yourself a go, with or without the bootcamp 🙂