
Free Mindset Of Fat Loss Teleseminar Next Week! And – We Need To Talk Chocolate.

Sign up now to attend the FREE ‘Mindset Of Fat Loss’ teleseminar with Kat!

The next free Woman Incredible teleseminar is Wednesday August 1st at 8.30pm Melbourne time, and it’s all about the Mindset Of Fat Loss.

  • Find out how to get your head in the right place so that eating right consistently becomes easy
  • Overcome cravings
  • Understand why you binge or emotionally eat, and how to stop doing it as well as rid yourself of the urge
  • Ask Kat your questions and have them answered live!

Enter your details above to attend this free teleseminar!

I’m Creating My Own Chocolate Brand! And You Can Help!

A good friend and I are designing our own chocolate brand. It’s completely organic, completely premium, and completely delicious.

You are going to love it, or my name’s not Kat and I don’t love chocolate!

Our chocolate has been 6 months in the making so far (not literally, the planning :)) and we already have some retail outlets excited about its release. Watch out competition!

We would like to offer you a voucher for 40% off your first order and in return for that all we need you to do is fill out a short survey.

Click here to complete the survey!

The survey is to help us understand your feelings and emotions around chocolate, as well as anything you particularly love about it. We’re going to use the information to help us choose our design, website branding, packaging and logo.

So fill out the survey now, and you can say you were part of the design of Australia’s most premium new organic chocolate! Plus get 40% off your first order when we launch.

Click here to complete the survey!

Thank you!