Success/Success Mindset

Why You Need to be ALIGNED If You Want to Be Rich! (And: how to FIND it!)


Soooo … yesterday we talked about the 3 things you HAVE to have if you are dead set SERIOUS about quitting the constant hustlin’ and actually making the big bucks being you.

To recap –

1. You GOT to have alignment
2. Know your MAGIC
3. Develop a KICKASS plan you actually CAN and WILL follow!

So. Alignment. GOD I love that word. First things first, let me just say this –

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to create true wealth with EASE – financial wealth or otherwise! – without being in alignment. You simply won’t reach your highest heights by being anything less than the you who you’re supposed to be … and nor will you be able to live a life you truly love if you’re not fully being you! So this is deadly serious stuff, because every day you continue OUT of alignment you not only rob yourself of EARNING potential but you also rob yourself of the pure and unadulterated joy that comes from living with complete passion, purpose, and flow.

And here’s the thing that does make this KIND of a tough conversation to have –

Alignment? It’s not something you can bottle and buy. It’s not something you can easily SEE. Alignment is a FEELING. It’s a KNOWING. It is, quite simply, being your highest self and being certain of that fact.

All of which makes it kind of a bitch to teach.

The GOOD news is that it’s not something you have to earn or tick off the days in order to get closer to.

[pq] You are allowed to step into alignment TODAY, and you can. [/pq]

The even BETTER news is that it is EASY to do … so long as you’re willing to ignore the voices in your head telling you that you can’t! Wanna know the reason most entrepreneurs never start the business they really want to start?

It’s because they don’t start! They don’t even give themselves a chance. So if we can agree on one thing today PLEASE agree that you have ZERO chance of succeeding fully on your terms if you don’t even have a crack at it! In fact, I’d take it further and say you have zero chance of finding your ULTIMATE success being you if you’re not prepared to first fail a bunch of times on the road to figuring it out!

The very simplest way to find alignment, is not as you might think – by searching for it. The truth is you already HAVE alignment but right now it might be kind of (or very) clouded by everything that is NOT in alignment.

You already know what you do best …

You already know your TRUE message …

You know what it feels like to be in flow …

And you know when you’re FULLY being you …

So the only thing we really need to ‘figure out’ right now is why on earth you don’t allow yourself to LIVE from that place.

The answer, generally, is fear.

You’ve taught yourself to believe that there are things you have to do now, ways things must be done, dues that have to be paid.

Want to find true alignment, today?


If alignment is already WITHIN you, if you already know at your core what is right and what you TRULY need, then the way to find it is to strip away everything that’s NOT in alignment.

This process can be as simple or as complex as you choose it to be. But as a starting point, try this. Answer the following questions either in your head or (ideally) in your journal –

If I had a hundred million dollars in the bank, what would I be doing each day?

What do I just want people to understand NOW, because if they could only get THIS then life would be so much easier for them?!

What do I most love to read about?

Talk about?

What do I feel is kind of the answer to everything?

What do I often think in private about life, and what it takes to achieve true transformation, but yet hesitate to say in public?

What do I REALLY want to spend my time on, and how?

What would I be doing if I knew I couldn’t fail?

Of course all of these are simply questions to help you strip away the layers and tune back into your true self. At the end of the day, achieving alignment isn’t something you can checklist your way into. Alignment is a feeling, a knowing, a certainty.

With that in mind, here’s another way to get to the core of you – answer the following –

When I am aligned I feel –
When I am aligned I am –
When I am aligned I know –
When I am aligned everything seems –
When I am aligned I wake up –
When I am aligned I choose –
When I am aligned I have –
When I am aligned I can –
When I am aligned I love –
When I am aligned I want –

You can repeat any of these questions as many times as you like, or add your own.

The thing that’s crazy about this whole conversation is we really shouldn’t need to LEARN how to be ourselves. And that’s kind of the main point I’d love you to embrace here. I’m giving you questions and thinking points mainly as a ‘pattern interrupt’, a way of helping you to step away from the go go go of pushing to be something you’re not really ever going to be so that you can check back in with who you already are.

But you already KNOW all of this. You don’t need my questions or ideas. You just need to give yourself permission to LISTEN, and to act on what you know, deep within you, is your true self.

If you can give yourself that permission now, and let go of the rules you’ve created for yourself that say that business or life has to look ANYTHING different to how you’d ideally LOVE it to look, you’ll have alignment.

The wonderful thing here is that when you finally DO allow yourself to live from a place of alignment, from passion and purpose and flow, everything comes easier. You quickly realise what your TRUE message is, you find your true genius zone or ‘magic’, it’s easy to come up with ideas for products and offerings within your business (and people actually want to buy them because they’re REAL!) and it’s easier to motivate yourself to then FOLLOW that plan!

Really, making money and living a life on your terms is not a difficult thing at all. It’s just that most people convince themselves that the only way to get there is through hardship and sacrifice when all it really takes is a commitment to being you and letting the world hear your message.

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