Stop Living in Fear – THIS is How to Make the Money You Want.
Be honest now – is the way you’re running your business (and therefore your life) exactly how it would be if you had no fear and KNEW you couldn’t fail? Or are you settling just a little … maybe a lot?
It’s impossible to fully avoid, isn’t it? Or at least it feels that way at times. I’m talking about you. Making choices for your business and life. Based on what you think you SHOULD do or NEED to do, rather than on what you’d really LOVE to do or (perhaps more tellingly) what you really freaking do NOT want to do.
I’m talking, quite simply, about fear.
About fear telling you that you should put together that not-quite-right program because hey! You need to do something NOW and hey! This is what people seem to want, so hey! You gotta make money, right?
About fear telling you that you can’t do THAT, not that WAY, because you’re not ready, not good enough, not BIG enough.
About fear telling you to take the client you don’t really want …
To do the hours you really resent …
To say no once more to the time spent with your kids or on your creative work …
To accept it when people try to negotiate with you on price …
To ‘give in’ on the times you’re available, the way you’re available …
To tell yourself that this is how it has to be for now … that you can’t say THAT … it would be too harsh! Or mean! Or you’d lose clients!
The crazy thing about all of this is that if you are a woman who believes in even the POSSIBILITY that you can create a business and a life on your terms, and who is in ANY way either practical or internal trying to DO that, then giving in to this fear-based thinking even a LITTLE is, quite simply, insane.
And it will destroy your chance of ever having that biz and life TRULY on your terms.
Don’t you see? You can’t claim you believe in your right to have a business and life on your terms and then simultaneously undermine that belief by SHOWING yourself (and the world) that you don’t REALLY believe it.
You can’t pick and choose! Either you FULLY believe you can have a business and life FULLY your way, and therefore you act ACCORDINGLY … or you don’t. Act accordingly. Which means you don’t. Believe it. At all.
And you can argue the point however you may please but you know that this? It’s the truth baby. And sometimes the truth hurts, but if it does? It is USUALLY for your own good.
So. Truth time, yeah?
DO you?
Do you believe that it is POSSIBLE for you to create a business and life COMPLETELY on your terms?
Yes? Good, okay then, next question –
Do you believe that it is not only possible but that it is your RIGHT to live a life completely on your terms; that you are ALLOWED to and that you DESERVE it?
Yes? Awesome! Last question –
Do you believe that it is not only possible, your right, something you are allowed and deserve but also that to NOT live your life completely on your terms would result in you NOT living the life you were born for, your purpose, your destiny, being the YOU who you were born to be both yourself and for others!
Heavy stuff, I know! And no fear – if you DON’T really believe that’s true, then all power to you. Go back to your life of one foot in one foot out, maybe I can maybe I can’t, I’ll pick and choose what I’m ‘allowed’ to do totally on my terms vs what I have to put up with because ‘that’s just how it is’.
Personally I’ll think you’re fucking stupid (and scared), but hey, that’s just me. You don’t have to like me for my opinions but it ain’t gonna stop me telling it how I see it. I guess you don’t have to listen either though, so either way? You’re safe.
In a you’re fucking up your CALLING sort of safe way.
But if you DO. If you DO believe.
That it is POSSIBLE for you to live life on your terms (fully and in ALL ways!)
That it is your RIGHT to live life on your terms (fully!)
That you are ALLOWED to live life on your terms (completely!)
That it is your DESTINY to live life on your terms …
And that to FAIL TO DO SO would mean you are NOT living the life you were born for and that you are therefore failing yourself AND others …
Then why the fuck aren’t you doing it?!
On the one hand, don’t feel bad – you’re not alone! We all do this thing where we undermine our biggest dreams on occasion, where we create rules about how things have to be, where we shut up and put up … I know I find myself doing it from time to time still despite how my dominant thought processes are about this stuff!
But on the other hand – maybe we SHOULD feel bad enough about it that we actually DO something about it! I mean c’mon – this is your LIFE. This is your ONE SHOT. You don’t GET a second chance, and you can’t take back the time that’s already passed by. So there’s no point worrying about that but there IS a point to THINKING about this. About now. About the daily choices you’re make, the you who you’re being, the message you’re sending out into the world about what you stand for, what you stand against, about who you are.
And who you are not.
So who are you?
What DO you stand for?
And are you standing for it?
Fear has NO place in the life of the TRULY successful, of those who are living completely on purpose and from a place of passion and flow.
Fear simply can’t co-exist with flow. With RIGHTNESS. With ALIGNMENT.
So which are you giving more power to? To alignment and doing what you KNOW is best for you and your business even though THAT might feel scary (good scary!)?
Or to fear which is telling you that no, you don’t get to DO that. You don’t get to SAY that. You don’t get to BE that. You don’t get to have it.
Not now. And maybe not ever.
And here’s the thing. The fear? It’s right. It is WINNING. If you are OBEYING it then it is right, and you WON’T get ‘there’, not now and not EVER.
Because life is now. And the choices you are making EXIST only in the now.
And one day never comes.
So look around beautiful! Look ALL around, because this, this life you’re living in, this is the life that YOU created.
And everything that pisses you off, makes you resentful or frustrated because it does not FEEL awesome – YOU CREATED IT.
And everything you don’t yet have that you swear you want, yes really, yes truthfully, yes you’re going to ‘make it happen’, well you DIDN’T MAKE IT HAPPEN. Did you?
So you probably NEVER will. Your now is your future. Your now is your future. You are creating your DESTINY with this now.
But is it the one you were born for, called for, KNOW you are SUPPOSED TO HAVE?
Just because you’re supposed to live a certain life doesn’t mean you will baby. You have to stand up and TAKE it.
So stand up.
Turn your BACK on fear.
[pq] For once in your goddamn PRECIOUS life decide to play ALL out, like you MEAN it! [/pq]
And tell fear to fuck the hell off.
Your life baby. And it’s happening now.