Discipline & Flow, Entrepreneurship


If you love the actual thrill of the chase, the idea of ‘closing’ somebody into your thing and what you actively WANT to be spending your time in is selling in a direct sense, then this is not for you.

Go do your thang.
Overcome those objections.
Sign some bitches UP!

Nothin’ wrong with that. I personally actually love to sell as well; I’ve been hustling and rustling since I was 3-4 years old selling my drawings and my grandparents oranges and lemons door to door. I even had a pretty good side gig going selling bunches of daffodils to my neighbours … on the street we lived on which was called Daffodil Road … which it was called because there was a field of daffodils at the end … which anybody could pick for free!! But they DIDN’T, ’cause they bought from ME. I had the entire hood under my lil hustler thumb. Hehe.

By the time I was 11 years old I was having occasional $1000 income weeks as an Avon lady, and for years prior to that I’d been signing all my friends up to my clubs. You had to pay $5 to join, but you had to PROVE that you’d EARNED it, by presenting a list of tasks you’d done. 10 cents per task was the max I allowed you to earn, unless it was something BIG like washing a car.

I’d take the money and use it for ‘kitty’ to buy products which we’d then use to make stuff (bake sale shit or weird art), which we’d then SELL, door to door. I also had some initiation requirements and a club song … long story short, it was basically the 30-year-ago version of my current membership program, The High Vibe Mastermind, albeit with a few changes!

There were tons of other things along the way of course as well, but what’s interesting, and I only right now as I write this see it this way, is that I was continually REPEAT selling to the same customers.

From the age of 3 or so upwards I sold anything and everything to the neighbours … ALL stuff they could have got for free, or else it just wasn’t actually needed (I’m sure they LOVED buying my drawings every.single.day. for 20 cents a pop!) … and from about 7 or 8 years on I sold to my friends as well. Not just the clubs; I had a black market gig on the schoolyard quite often; except it did keep getting shut down.

But yeah – business was steady and easy, because I knew who my buyers were and they BOUGHT; with new ones coming along steadily. This continued through my entire teens … well, it continued to this day! Once somebody started buying from me, they just kinda didn’t STOP.

Let’s look at why this was though? Because my product lines were so amazing, and I always had the latest or best stuff to fan out to the masses?? Well … I mean, I never sold anything I didn’t believe in, but what I believed in mostly, when I look back, was that of COURSE I would sell.

Anytime I wanted.
AnyTHING I wanted.
And so I did.

Which is another way of saying … clearly my charm was SO beguiling … OR (and/or!) what people were really sold on?

Was me.

I dunno how I ‘got’ them, whether it was kiddie cuteness with the neighbours or commanding authority and leadership with my friends, or REALLY just my OWN fucking certainty that I WOULD sell, but either way the sales process was done and dusted long before I EVER mentioned a PRODUCT.

So on the one hand … YES. I fucking LOVE selling. I’ve been selling since day one. On the other hand …

I’ve never sold a single THING in my life. I never had to, ’cause what I’ve always sold?

Me baby.
My beguiling fucking personality and the essence of ME. And then whatever it is I OFFER? Done.
And done.
And done.


I haven’t actually changed this system SINCE that 30-year-plus-ago time, either.


Just now my BF Kelly, who is a badass online entrepreneur as well, mentioned to me how EASY it’s been to make sales since she started consistently posting more content and videos online.

“People just tell me they’ve been watching my videos, and then they just buy!”

“Kelly!”, I exclaimed. “That’s my WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM! You just described my whole system! I haven’t done ‘sales’ in YEARS, because people just TELL me they want to buy … they don’t even look at the detail of the offer. They just buy because they already know they love me.”

We were both laughing as she knows this already, and I know she knows, but still – when somebody gets how fucking EASY it is to sell and never have to actually TRY … it’s kind of amazing to watch.

Nothin’ wrong with selling in the straight up ‘buy this thing and here’s why’ sense.

Nothin’ wrong with overcoming objections, following your script (yawwwwwwwnnnnnn, but still!), and CLOSING, either.

I just feel like … meh. Why would I do that? Why would I WANT to do that, when instead I can just show up –

Door to door –

Or social media post to post, as the case may be –

Hang out –

Shoot the breeze –

Talk about shit that interests me or that comes THROUGH me –

Have FUN –

Let people SEE me, feel me, get to know me, and yeah, for sure, I hope also be inspired and educated and empowered by me, because let’s face it I JUST LIVE MY LIFE IN A WAY WHICH IS INSPIRING … yep!! …

And then make them an offer they can’t refuse!!

The offer, being, of course, the only one that really matters if you in ANY way consider yourself a messenger, a leader, somebody who others should look to AS a source of inspiration, support, entertainment, etc. And that offer is this:

They get to be closer to you, and soak up what it is you’ve GOT for them.

Yes, this could very well be written off as egotistical, but you know what? Fuck that.

If you’re like me, then the way you have lived your LIFE has made you INHERENTLY worthy of getting paid to just stand around and talk shit, because when you ‘talk shit’, you’re imparting stuff which has been honed over YEARS of active growth, learning, falling down, getting back up again.

The greatest thing I have to sell the world –

Is the stuff inside of me and flowing through me which can NEVER be seen.

So sure – I’ll make an offer, do a deal, create a training, you name it. But make no mistake, my buyers aren’t buying what I’m selling.

They already BOUGHT, me.

Now here is where this applies to you:

You can spend your days actively SELLING, and if you’re a salesman or woman than WELL YOU SHOULD.

But if you’re an artist, and frankly you don’t GIVE A damn about signing somebody who isn’t ALREADY sold … and meanwhile ALL YOU WANNA DO IS WAKE UP AND BE YOU AND DO YOUR ART … then you’re going to have a tiny bit of a HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM setting your business and LIFE up to be based on SELLING.


Problem #1: you’ll be selling not channeling and doing art. MASSIVE FUCKING PROBLEM, for US, yeah? Yeah.

Problem #2: you’ll have sold shit to people you don’t adore –

Who don’t fully GET you (how could they when you never showed ’em!) –

Who therefore don’t allow you to JUST BE YOU –

Who are gonna expect you to DELIVER shit that you sold (weird!) –

And since you sold something OTHER THAN YOU?

You’re going to live out your days doing shit you don’t really wanna do –

In a way that doesn’t FULLY suit you –

With people who are avidly NOT your soulmates –

And not remotely on your terms.

Meanwhile –

Once upon a time –

You wanted to be an artist.
Be a messenger.
Be a leader.

I mean REALLY?

It was always just supposed to be about being fucking you.

But sure –

Go spend your life selling –

Fuck the art!

