Podcast Episode 23: The Plan: Your Entire Online Business Mapped Out, and Ready to Rock
This was a call I used to introduce The Tribe, but also one I used to hit you with the TRUTH about what it takes to simplify and rock your online biz now.
I’ll be honest, I don’t think I ever spoke so fast or churned through so much important in your face shiz!
Officially, what this call was about?
The Plan: Your Entire Online Business Mapped Out, and Ready to Rock.
- Purpose, passion, what you are called to do.
- Business model options.
- Where to start low end.
- Where to start high end.
- Marketing, branding, and getting people to buy.
And we did all that, but also – wow – this:
I also shared exactly what I would do, in less than 5 minutes, if I were starting from square ONE again, and I spoke about the two things I see as the BIGGEST and most prevalent reasons for kickass women NOT yet achieving their dreams.