Life, Purpose, Spirit led, Success Stories, Unapologetically You


The issue with the whole ‘you are the niche’ thing is that if you’re gonna take that angle?

You actually have to live into it.

Or you will face-plant dramatically, and fail either to nail the brand YOU approach OR the templatey-templatey vanilla lil paint-by-numbers approach.

I started to teach you are the niche about 12 years ago, pretty much because I had got fed up with ME buying into ideas that I had to settle down … pick a lane … choose my ‘one thing’ … or properly leverage and scale a single big-earning program.

12 years ago I had already produced about a couple mil online.

This was 6+ years into my online journey at the time.

I made nothing at ALL for the first 2 and a half years so quit your yapping if you think that you should already be a millionaire by now after 2 and a half months.

To be fair though, and also to remind you that you absolutely can crush WAY faster than I or anyone else ever did … mebbe … most of the reason that I made nothing for the first 2.5 was because I wasn’t selling anything.

Prob just a small detail.

Bear in mind that it was 2006 when I jumped online and I never even heard of internet marketing. I was just making a website for my physical biz … which became a blog … which became me remembering how much I love writing … which resulted in me naturally wanted to connect and communicate with women I thought I could help … which bit by bit after that initial slow start resulted in a multi 6-fig biz with all $99 + under products … which became a multi 8-fig thing over the next 12-14 years following that

And here we are

As for the you are the niche thing … I got RANTY. When in about 2012/2013 I started to buy in to ideas from the then-gurus who had by that time appear on the scene that I had to just scale my ‘one thing’.

In a mastermind I was in, I was actually used to other members as an example of somebody all over the place / messy / not a proper entrepreneur. Not doing things right.

And I felt SO bad about myself in so many ways when I was in that mastermind, even though the women leading it were friends (of some kind!) at the time, and mentors to me.

I felt like I SUCKED.

I couldn’t settle down like them.

And I also actively wanted to talk to my clients and community and be in my DMs all the time.

Whereas the advice was to make yourself untouchable. And laughter was had at the idea of people thinking they ‘should’ be able to reach you.

Hey, I was a bit of an a-hole in parts of my own journey too so okay.

But also …

eventually I cracked.

I stopped apologising for always creating something new.

I stopped promising that the next thing would be THE thing.

I started to unapologetically back that the way it was coming through me WAS the way.

Bit by bit, somewhere between 2014 and 2018, in the period where my monthly income was going multi 6-figures and WAY beyond, I went COMPLETELY all in on the continual flow of content both free and paid which was me being ME.

Me breathing!

And not a single bit of it polished, proper, ‘what people think it should be’.

YES it was messy.
Madness, even!
And VERY all over the place.

But yes it WORKED.


It was PERMISSION for everyone for whom it was for.

And it was so much freaking easier for me than trying to settle down and scale one thing.

Around 2014 is when I realised something though.

Which changed my life.

And still has.

I realised actually I don’t suck at following through at all.

I follow through like NOBODY’S business.

It’s just that my ONE thing, which I consistently get better and better and better at …

is being me.

And I realised,

The niche is ME.

I think I was in an Airbnb apartment in Barcelona in 2014, on our 18 month world travels at the time, when I recorded one of my first videos on you being the niche.

But gorg –

you CANNOT nod your head and let out a huge exhale of relief at all of THIS is you’re then gonna go and keep trying to think your way into proper content and make sure it’s just so

if you’re going to painstakingly craft ever teeny bit of what you should say and how to say it so that people buy

the whole POINT of you being the niche is you JUST be you

not you with a dose of ‘am I doing it right?’

For some people their flow is in the perfecting of internet marketing laws and standards


(love and respect you though, because your flow is something I have NO idea about. But I love to see it!)

Who I am talking to?

The creator who was born to pour forth a thing on repeat.

And who needs to finally wake up and do that.


Gorg – !


Make it part of who you are.


Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.

Katrina Ruth



Supernatural Creator Academy is beginning!

I am unlocking the pre-work TODAY.

This is,



where you say yes to all of you.


It’s time to stop trying to walk both sides of a line you’re not even meant to be LOOKING at,

and unleash the whirling twirling mess mayhem and wonder of you being you unapologetically and ALL the way extra you, as you make more money FASTER by unleashing the message and the work you’re here to shake the world with.

pic: somewhere in the earlier you are the niche flow years, on a boat in Thailand.

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