There comes a time in your journey of online hustle when you have to press pause not play,
take a deeeeepppp long breath in,
and once again exhale out ALL the made up nonsense which you somehow agreed to again which tells you that the way you do you?
Not ok.
What’s crazy | infuriating | outstandingly fascinating even and also just plain ole facts is that that time?
Happens on repeat.
A cyclic return to the truth you always knew and yet allowed anew to be clouded with falsity, fear, and endless ideas of should.
Call it the human way, call it a biblical truth, call it a beautiful opportunity to GET to surrender anew, just don’t call it something YOU can avoid unless you want to wake up a year from now glum in the face of STILL not having actually ripped the freakin’ bandaid and bared what is in you to the world.
The stripping off is for real for real, and also?
It is a necessary GOOD.
I love how scripture tells us point blank that if we want to stay the path of righteousness and, as one part of that, live and walk our aligned destiny path here on earth, we need to pick up our cross DAILY and follow Christ.
That we need to put Him ON us like a cloak or garment.
This means we are choosing DAILY to humble and surrender ourselves, and to lay down all that is not right, shouldn’t be there, and is clouding and even fully diverting us from the life we were BORN for.
This is big stuff!
But it’s simply how life works.
Surrender and humility are gateways to walking steadfast, in right power and authority, and also to being able to see!
It’s human nature to allow false constructs and ideas, and wayward pathways or temptations, to take us away from ACTUAL truth.
The greatest temptation of all, relevant to you as the messenger, the fire-starter, the one who was born to lead and oppose religious LIES, and walk forward as the supernatural creator God made you to be, inspiring and empowering others to unapologetically do the same?
I believe it’s the temptation of SHOULD.
“If I was really a proper entrepreneur, I would > insert lies you or somebody else or the online industry itself has told you <”
All of which, if you actually tried to keep up with it, would result in this fire WITHIN you being so covered over with quicksandy lies that it would eventually,
fade out.
And once again we’d have a messenger born to UNLEASH a thing,
dutifully dancing like a good lil gal on the innernets, and jumping through hoops just so.
The ones who were born to tear down walls, throw over tables, stare false power in the eye and REFUSE to walk in anything other than truth, the light within them shining so brightly it couldn’t NOT awaken others –
instead building pretty little pages on pretty little websites with pretty little photos and pretty little pathways to pretty much nothing of ANY actual soul-shaking truth, but hey –
at least it fits the formula.
We are ALL susceptible to this!
I have literally been coaching people to unapologetically be all that they came here to be, to remember who they always were and then become it, since I was 22 years old!
I’ve coached and mentored the best in the world on this topic!
No matter who they are or how powerful and successful they are, I can ALWAYS see straight to the core of ’em, and pull on the thread which once again unlocks THEIR true fire and flow and truth.
And yet –
At 45 years old next week and 23 years of living breathing this I myself STILL fall prey to the same stuff.
Once again realising that OH –
I’ve been telling myself stories of who I need to be.
I’ve been buying in to the lies and the shoulds.
I’ve been following the proper-preneurs without even realising!
Or simply,
I’ve been doing the things without tapping IN to the thing which stoke the fire that IS the thing I’m here to unleash.
For me that truth to tap into is God, by Jesus, His Holy Spirit guiding and showing me, as I dance dance dance each a day a new dance with Him.
He is my foundation, my truth, the active ingredient I will never again even consider a moment of wanting to live not led by.
But I still need to say yes.
I still need to accept the assignment.
I still need to be willing to once again walk into the fray.
For me, and maybe you, because this is true for most of the people I am here for, that also means being willing to once again write and speak and pour out the ‘doesn’t make sense’ and often straight up INFURIATES people stuff which leaves me feeling self-conscious,
or even silly.
Here I am again, or STILL, just going against every grain that ever apparently insisted, and it SPEAKS.SUCH.TRUTH.
I don’t know what your reasons are for slowly sinking back into your seat and out of the fire, the flow, the incredible frenzy and fray of you being you and standing for what you came here to stand for.
But I do know this –
You can choose to be done.
Right now is the day you can choose to be done.
So exhale.
Take a DEEP breath in, and then let it out once more.
And then?
Just be it.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Supernatural Creator Academy Module 1 is about to begin!
Are you coming?
I’ve created this all new live 10 week course with me to take you step by step and ALL the way into the fray of being you to the place where you unapologetically unleash the ALL the way extra message you came here to shake the world with, and do so in such a way where it on REPEAT results in more money, more impact, and most importantly of all, more of what is IN you,
rightly coming out.
Look, in the end it really is this simple:
You were born to pour forth a thing.
It does NOT fit the mold.
I have walked the walk of being one of the crazy creators for decades now, and made tens of millions doing so in a way which breaks every last hoop-jumpin’ rule out there and which the propers repeatedly have told me they can not even REMOTELY understand how it works but (the cool ones) “just keep doing what you’re doing Kat”, and I am here to tell YOU:
The way you wish it could be is the way it is MEANT to be!
The problem is not you.
The problem is not you.
The problem is not YOU!
This doesn’t mean you don’t need to get off your sweet peach and start taking action in a way which excites and lights up YOU firstly, but it does mean that all the action in the world is not going to help you if you keep trying to fit a formula not MADE for you.
You do realise this here whole online marketing game is just made up, yeah?
And that whoever invented all the proper-makin’ rules was possibly in the first place a genius creator themselves and that was THEIR flow?
That doesn’t make it YOUR flow!
And the passed down 111-ty times version of it half the world is teaching is not even THEIR flow.
It’s the blind leading the blind at this point.
Sure you’re not the problem as far as why all THAT is not working for you.
But it sure is your problem if you keep trying to make it work.
No thank you!
And get your butt over to the place where we dance dance dance in the wonder and flow of what WE came here to do, in a way which is for supernatural creators like US.
Supernatural Creator Academy gorgeous – !
Final days to join. Module 1 begins tomorrow!
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