Do you ever just feel as though there’s something missing?

I do. I feel it a lot.

I feel as though no matter how hard I push or pull or cajole or try to figure things the fuck OUT there’s something I still can’t QUITE put my finger on.

Like maybe I don’t really know what I want after all…

Or maybe it’s that I’m just not really APPLYING myself…

Or maybe I need to be more organised; yes that’s it! I need to have a schedule that GUARANTEES everything important gets done so I can not only be the creative genius crazy bitch I am but also do all the … y’know … grown up running a biz shiz.

Gosh I hate the grown up stuff sometimes, don’t you?

The truth is I just want to write and speak and get my stuff out there however the hell it comes out!

And a lot of the time…that’s what I do. But a lot of the time I then wonder – is that enough? Is it worth anything? Is it WORKING?
And so then I sit down and I make lists and plans and I work shit OUT! I ask myself ‘how can I be more efficient’, or ‘how can I grow my list and reach more people’, or ‘how can I hustle this month?’.

And I ask myself over and over and over again –

What do you really want?

What do you really REALLY want?

And why on earth are you still not THERE?!

Can I tell you a secret?

Even after all these years, and even though I do have SO damn much to be grateful for (and God knows I bang on about my life and how I pretty much LOVE it every freaking day) I’m still not THERE.

In The Zero Competition Formula I will cover:-

– Unleashing Brand You
– Stop Looking for a Plan
– Stop Worrying About What They Want
– Are You a Teacher or a Creator and Leader?
– How to Not Give a Fuck
– Start Your Revolution!
– They’ll Never Get It, and That’s Okay
– Resistance Got You Stuck? Time to Destroy that Bitch and DO THE FUCKING WORK
– Getting Back to Flow
– If It’s Not a Fuck Yes Biz and Life, Then Why Are You Bothering?

We’re not going to be happy, not now and not ever, with the concept that there are no more doors.

We’re ALWAYS going to be seeking.

We’re ALWAYS going to be hunting.

And we will never. be. done.

And if we don’t see a freaking door we’ll God damn make a freaking door ourselves. That’s just what we DO.

It’s who we are.

What we we’re wired for.

And how we will always be.

So when you find yourself wondering why you’re still looking and for what?

The answer is actually very simple.

Just look within. Find the next door that feels right. Go through it. And then seek the next.

The fun has just begun gorgeous, and the game is barely underway.

But life? That’s happening right now. So don’t worry about what’s to come, or what the next door will look like, or how you’ll notice it.

Just remember this, and act on it in THIS moment –

Life is Now. Press Play.