If you’re not obsessed like a relentless Terminator MOTHERFUCKER about your offers, your message, your brand, your business, your LIFE, then the only way you’re ever going to make money is by jumping through pretty little sales and marketing PROCESSES.
Ain’t nothing wrong with a good PROCESS now and then, don’t get me wrong. I have a ‘system’ I use as far as how I roll out my launches, put my funnels and marketing campaigns together, what the particular activities are I do to launch and sell.
Fo sho!
But do you wanna know what it is that REALLY sells all my shit? What it is that means I actually don’t ever HAVE to even sell anything to you, because you ALREADY BOUGHT ME?
Obsession baby.
Single-minded focus.
RELENTLESS determination.
Passion so strong to get my message out there, shake you by the scruff of the neck and COMMAND you to press play, so damn strong that no it’s NOT that I don’t ‘give a fuck’, as a lot of people think, it’s that I give SO much of a red hot fuck about you living your purpose that I’m willing to go through any sort of fire in order to speak my truth.
CONSISTENCY which comes about BECAUSE of obsession, BECAUSE of relentless determination, BECAUSE of passion so strong, BECAUSE I won’ an ANSWER and I REFUSE to back down or die and I WILL achieve everything I decide to so therefore I show the fuck UP and I never stop.
Take a look around, in your own life. What are you ACTUALLY obsessed like a motherfucker about? What do you make sure you NEVER fucking miss? What would you move HEAVEN AND EARTH to make happen?
If the answer does not include messaging, preaching, selling, showing UP, then you’ve got a serious problem. Either you don’t BELIEVE in YOU and your message …
Or maybe it’s just that you enjoy the money struggle and you don’t really WANT to get rich …
Or maybe you’re just SELFISH and you don’t want to impact people with the message you SAY they need to hear …
Or MAYBE it’s that you’re STUPID and you actually believe that if you build a funnel, launch a thing, make a program, and DEFINITELY get a pretty website and post somewhat-ranty-somewhat-in
Well, guess what? NONE of this shit will result in you getting paid but worse still it won’t result in you living your PURPOSE.
Do you honestly believe that just putting in some TIME, and ticking shit off a list, learning the ‘rules’ of online marketing is going to get you there?!
Don’t make me LAUGH!
But also –
Don’t make me CRY, because SERIOUSLY. You were born for more than this. You are BETTER than this. You were born to fucking lead and rule and yet you sit BACK, with the MASSES, acting like somebody who DOESN’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEY WILL GET THERE and who CLEARLY is not COMMITTED.
What would it look like, right now, if you were actually FULLY committed?
If you knew it was a that you were going to get ALL the way to where you want to go, WHAT WOULD IT LOOK LIKE?
Right NOW, what would you be doing differently?
Saying differently?
SELLING differently?
If I look at your ‘process’, whatever the fuck THAT might be (and the crazy thing is most people who are not giving obsessive focus which is what REALLY gets the result are ALSO not using any real sort of process so REALLY all they’re doing is fucking around on Facebook) … what am I gonna see?
Will I see you AGGRESSIVELY doing what it takes?
Will I see you RELENTLESSLY speaking your truth?
Will I look at you and feel that FUCK ME feeling of knowing that this is somebody who came here to fucking WIN?
I gotta tell you –
When I think objectively about my own stuff and how FULL ON I am with my messaging, content, selling …
When I look at my friends who are ACTUALLY crushing it ….
When I look at the leaders and revolutionaries ahead of me who inspire me with their obsession, their passion, their HUSTLE …
I SEE obsession.
I see single-minded focus.
I see a KILLER.
I see somebody, plain and simple, who is going to win and it’s OBVIOUS TO EVERYBODY but most importantly of all THEY do not CARE whether anybody else would think that, because the concept of them NOT winning is as foreign as the idea that the earth IS in fact flat.
There is ZERO fucking doubt in my mind that I’ll get to wherever I want to go. ZERO. How can I know this? How am I going to GET there?
I’ll get there because I DECIDED to get there, same as everything I’ve achieved before this, same as everything ANY winner ever achieves!
FUCK your how!
It’s the same for every single person I know who is actually making it.
So when you turn around –
And you ask HOW.
And you wonder WHEN.
And you question whether it’s WORKING.
Or you’re inconfuckingsistent.
I see somebody who hasn’t DECIDED to fucking win.
And therefore, very likely, never will. Because they CAN’T? No! Because they simply CHOOSE not to act like somebody who will and IS actually needs to act. Which is to say, they choose not to BE somebody whose destiny is assured.
Let’s cut to the chase:
If you want to know future, take an average of your past 90 days, and multiply it plus add age.
If you don’t like what you see?
Stop being such a God damn pussy.
And decide to fucking win.