Success/Success Mindset


Why cant people see that the shit they’re focusing on, making important, making their LIFE about doesn’t fucking matter?

It’s all such BULLSHIT.

The pursuit of money, of happiness, of fame, of what? Being able to say we did something, worked hard, passed another day, checked off some tasks, moved some shit around in our business or life so that we could feel important, or accomplished, or on TRACK.

Or whatever it is we want to feel, whatever the ‘must do’ emotion or goal du jour happens to be.

And really – what IS the fucking point?

I don’t mean to sound all doom and gloom or as though I’ve gone into some kind of depressive funk, but seriously – what is the POINT of it all?

What I really mean to say is what is the point if you don’t first have your LIFE right?

And that’s the thing, isn’t it –

We spend so much time, so much energy, so much fought for EFFORT to try and do the right thing, to seek meaning, to make it count. To make our LIVES count. And yet, the whole time, beneath all of the flurry and all of the getting to done, we already know –

And usually what it is, is the thing we’ve been resisting all along.

The thing that, if we just got THAT shit sorted, would make everything else fade away. Matter less. Or not at all.

The thing that, if we just DARED to focus on it, to look it in the eye, would BE the meaning we so desperately seek to force via all of the other things.

All of the bullshit.

All of the desperate WILLING.

We’re not put on this earth to get stuff done.

We’re not put here to ACHIEVE.

We’re not put here to PROVE anything. To ourselves or to anybody else.

But we are put here for a reason.

We ALL have that calling deep within.

We all KNOW, intuitively, when we’re moving more into the calling.

And when we’re moving further away.

And we all know, or would know, in an instant, what we’d actually give ANY sort of a fuck about if suddenly we faced losing it all, losing ourselves, losing our lives.

The thing is –

You’re losing your life already.

Everyday, another piece gone.

Everyday, one step closer to that final bell.

And everyday, one chance less likely that you’ll actually let your light shine, the way it was meant to.

I mean really –

When all is said and done, does it matter? The stuff you’re worrying about right now, the stuff you’re working at right now, the stuff you’re giving your LIFE for right now?

I hope yes.

But I guess no.

Most of the time, if we’re really honest, it’s a no.

It matters in the MOMENT, sure. Or at least we make it so. We have to make it so, or why would we do it?! But underneath, and deep within?


It’s all – just – bullshit.

It’s all just a FACADE.

It’s all just seeking to TRY so DESPERATELY to be important, to stand for something, to create SOME kind of legacy.

You want to know how to be important?


And so are your dreams.

I’m talking about your destiny dreams. The stuff you know is what it’s REALLY about for you.


Don’t you just want to be free?

Don’t you just want to be happy?

Don’t you just want to KNOW –

That you faced INTO your calling.

That you DID what you had to do.

That your life was LIVED.

Don’t you?

So why do you continue to play it so damn SAFE, so SMALL, so RECKLESSLY?

[pq] You don’t HAVE all the time in the world. [/pq]

You don’t GET to just ‘automatically’ live a life that matters.


You have to do what it TAKES.

You have to freaking STAND UP and to HELL with what the world thinks of you.

You have to decide, what’s worth dying for.

Because the truth is that whatever you’re doing now, whoever you’re being now, whatever you’re making your STORY to be about now?

That’s what you’re dying for.

That’s what you chose.

That’s what your LEGACY is being created at.

I hope to God it’s one that’s actually worth giving your life for.

Cause honey?

You already did.