Success/Success Mindset


I found myself going into this thing this morning, relevant to something I really REALLY want in my life, something very specific, precise, an exact sort of thing rather than general, where I was running over and over in my mind ‘but HOW?’

I know I want the thing, I’m clear on that, it absolutely feels like what is meant to be and gets to be, and even though the doubting side of me keeps trying to make her opinions known, telling me it probably won’t happen and I’m just making it up, there is another part which runs deeper, and has certainty.

Certainty that this is available.
It is of COURSE possible.
And there is absolutely no valid reason why every single bit of it couldn’t come to life.



Have you ever felt that way? You want something so bad and you TRULY feel the vibe of what it would be like for it to be ‘done’, but every time you try and picture it BECOMING done, your mind starts shrieking – or woefully crying big ploppy tears – either of which is about as messy and / or irritating as what it sounds – and you find yourself spiralling down down down into the place inside of you which feels like it will NEVER happen, it couldn’t, not for you!

No? Just me?

This morning my mind was going off like a series of firecrackers with all of the very valid ‘reasons’ why this thing I want was extraordinarily unlikely, at best, and fraught with obstacles at every turn. Really real reasons why it couldn’t happen! Being the action-taking badass that I am, I immediately started to come up with solutions, ways to circumnavigate said obstacles, a plan that could make things MAYBE possible, maybe.

After all – surely the best thing to get started with to bring this shit to life is to start figuring out how on earth it could get to happen, right? If I can see the how –

I can start to believe in and even feel it more –

Which will definitely get me a helluva lot closer than if I can not, and do not!




Here’s the thing, about getting what we want, bringing our deepest desires, fantasies, visions, soul certain knowledge of what is meant to be ours, to life –

Has there ever been a time when you got what you really really wanted, longed for and dreamed of, and the way that it came about was exactly as you PLANNED for it to? I don’t mean the actual fruition of it. I mean the steps, the pathway, the how of getting there.

Perhaps there has, and perhaps for you it’s a good plan to keep chasing what you want by worrying away at how you can make it happen, and then masterminding the fuck outta that how.

I know for me, if I drill it down to the actual core of what worked, every single thing that has become REAL world done (as opposed to when you say it’s done, but, uh – it’s not ), came from the simple fact that I decided I was unavailable for it not to.

In EVERY instance, the way it then played out, came to life, became done, was unlike anything I could have predicted.

And in the instances where I did try and mastermind the how, doing so seemed to slow down the whole getting there part dramatically. I got mired in the how, distracted by it, and unwittingly focused on the moving parts of the thing which I thought mattered, rather than focusing purely on the actual desired outcome. If you think about it, that last bit in particular, it’s therefore not at all surprising that I got to done slower. I was focusing on the actual done bit less!

On the other hand, with the dreams and desires I simply decided on, but FULLY, and then handed over the how of, instead choosing to focus my energies simply on continuing to ever more specifically and determinedly claim and focus on the damn thing, the thing came to life faster, and in a way that felt more smooth, more flow, often quite fun, too!

Many times I’ve had even really BIG ‘impossible’ dreams come to life this latter way, and it’s often been as though they snuck up on, outta left field, like woah! Where did THAT come from? How did that just happen – like that! Like the click of your fingers, the blink of an eye, crazy!

But actually –

Not so crazy at all.

After all, the way reality WORKS is that what you see inside of you is what you WILL see come true in a real physical world sense.

It makes sense that the more you simply focusing on seeing more, seeing deeper, seeing with greater detail, seeing with ever-increasing certainty, the more you will then see it get done. It’s common that when it does occur it feels like it happened very suddenly –

Rivers of money just appeared
That situation with that person COMPLETELY turned on a dime
Your body changed like magic
Your soulmate peeps just stepped forward like silent ninjas out of the woodwork
Life itself all at once began to contrive FOR you, in all sorts of ways

because you’ve been daily creating an energetic movement in the direction of that happening, via your focus.

Literally until the day or even the moment before it snaps into reality, you may still feel like you could be so far away (although sometimes you will sense it’s about to happen. Not always though!), when in actual fact you’re moving that very last piece of the puzzle into place with your intent. And then – boom! There it is.

When you, instead of being diligently focused on the actual end goal and see see seeing it inside of you, are here there and everywhere worrying about which STEPS you need to see or act on, you can see how that would slow down the whole energetic shifting thing, yeah?

It’s not surprising therefore that doing it that way makes the result-getting slower. I’ve noticed it also LESSENS the overall outcome, and I believe that comes down to a simple rule of ‘he or she who trusts greater, gets greater, he or she who trusts greater and also FASTER, gets greater still’. Yes, I made this rule up! Based on observation. Life rewards you for faith, it’s just how it is. Great faith = greater rewards.

So, with all that being said, you can imagine the mini but absolute little asskicking I gave myself this morning as I started to hum and drum away at the ‘how’ of this thing I really want.

I caught myself beginning to go into it.
I put up the stop sign inside my head.

That it doesn’t matter. That trying to make it matter will only slow down, and potentially sabotage, the situation. And that all I need to do is lock in my damn sights –

CHOOSE to believe –

Choose to KEEP on believing anyway, on those occasions when belief feels shaky and it truly just seems too hard and scary to keep the faith. Remind myself that that attitude ain’t gonna be getting me my dream life.

And then keep on doing ME. Living and breathing and moving and playing business and life based only on what I am directed to do, from God and higher self and soul, IN THAT MOMENT.

Life is a glorious dance in which you absolutely get to twirl into the arms of exactly what you see as being yours. But, even though it may at times feel you wish it were so, you don’t get there by pre-mapping out that dance.

That’s what typicals do, and they have the mediocre / basic bitch success to prove it.

They can only ever go as far in life as what a well planned step-by-step templated system shows them.

Not bad, if your goal is just to slightly beat the pack.

But if your goal is to be all of you –

And live and create a life that leaves you breathless with wonder and joy and awe and ALL of the fuck yes-ery –

Then baby you’re gonna have to BE IN THE DANCE.

The brand new dance with God and life and soul and self that can only be made up day by day as you GO.

You lock your sights in on where you’re headed –


Trusting and knowing that even though it may seem at times you’re about to twirl right off the damn edge of the thing, in actual fact you are always on path and only could be because you LOCKED IN THE OUTCOME.

The dream everything you long for is waiting for you.

But you’re not gonna get it by focusing on all the damn ways you could or should get it.

You’ll get it when you focus on it,

delete all else,

and let trust and inner guidance show you your way.

You’ve always known this.

Might be time to live it.

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